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Prophet picture row in Bengal

Dude Ferrari, the point is that if this minister hadn't made an issue out of it, no one would bother trying to find out who is publishing pictures of the prophet.

I think it is an honest mistake...
and if the Muslim Politicians go bonkers which they will :enjoy:
then this book will be taken off in the interest of satisfying minorities..

I don't see why people make a big fuss....if its against their beliefs then they shouldn't read the book...simple.

Honestly it always boils down to us versus them thing..
Hindus can never get blasphemous books removed, rest others can.. :yahoo:

"honourable" minister here is just trying to ensure his votes in the next election.


Its like the RSS protesting the killing of cows. Its ridiculous ...this whole cow thing is being used by politicians to create public anger.

:agree: stirring up Public Passions..

I heard this story from one of my dad's friend who was a DC in some Maharashtra DIstt..

there the politicians used to throw a dead cow in a temple or a dead pig in the mosque and take bets on how many will die in the riots and how many days it will last.. :tsk: :tsk: these guys have no religion..
I think it is an honest mistake...
and if the Muslim Politicians go bonkers which they will :enjoy:
then this book will be taken off in the interest of satisfying minorities..

Honestly it always boils down to us versus them thing..
Hindus can never get blasphemous books removed, rest others can.. :yahoo:


:agree: stirring up Public Passions..

I heard this story from one of my dad's friend who was a DC in some Maharashtra DIstt..

there the politicians used to throw a dead cow in a temple or a dead pig in the mosque and take bets on how many will die in the riots and how many days it will last.. :tsk: :tsk: these guys have no religion..

What you say is absolutely correct my friend. We should stay away from such dirty politics. Having Mutual respect for one-another's faith is very important.
Dude Ferrari, the point is that if this minister hadn't made an issue out of it, no one would bother trying to find out who is publishing pictures of the prophet.

I don't see why people make a big fuss....if its against their beliefs then they shouldn't read the book...simple.

"honourable" minister here is just trying to ensure his votes in the next election.

Its like the RSS protesting the killing of cows. Its ridiculous ...this whole cow thing is being used by politicians to create public anger.

I am assuming this was not a case of a minister not having anything better to do, rather some of his constituents probably brought his attention to the matter.
I am assuming this was not a case of a minister not having anything better to do, rather some of his constituents probably brought his attention to the matter.

Obviously, but that is how the system works. The minister won't go around hunting for such things himself. He'll have a nice network of informers who will give him such info, and at the opportune moment, he'll bring up the issue to either win votes or divert public attention from some other issue.

I'm sure not more than 10 people in his constituency even heard of the book let alone read it until he began to squeal.
I am assuming this was not a case of a minister not having anything better to do, rather some of his constituents probably brought his attention to the matter.

I think not.. otherwise someone else might have picked it up..
this is prime fodder for the taking u see.. and with the Taslima thing mixed with the unrelated Nandigram and now with this unpublished book.. :partay: 2 the Commie land...

I always thought Bengal was the state the most rational, atheistic and intellectual state fer chrissake they actually allow Cow-Slaughter...
so this is a surprise :woot:
Obviously, but that is how the system works. The minister won't go around hunting for such things himself. He'll have a nice network of informers who will give him such info, and at the opportune moment, he'll bring up the issue to either win votes or divert public attention from some other issue.

I'm sure not more than 10 people in his constituency even heard of the book let alone read it until he began to squeal.

I bet one in a hundred guys rioting will know what is so blasphemous in that.. and that person will be egging on the rest.. :welcome: 2 Indian Politics..

If it were upto me these people should be :sniper: ...
I always thought Bengal was the state the most rational, atheistic and intellectual state fer chrissake they actually allow Cow-Slaughter...
so this is a surprise :woot:

Lol...atheistic doesn't always mean rational.

Poor rational bengalis got conned by the Marxists..and now they're stuck with them because commies never leave easily.

What if there are? anyways that is not the point..k

It is very insulting to all the Muslims in the world. I am from India, so are you. And here, we are very sensitive to religious insults.
Let me be clear again...

Who is insulting.. it is a mistake.. don't need to cry about it.. you are not a child I hope.. the publisher doesn't know about Islam.. he is apologising and wiling to destroy all the books.. let the govt say something..
stop ur fanaticism

I have no problem when my hindu neighbours worship any God, or they are atheist. I have no issues.

WHich part of India are you from??
Hindu atheist?? they are atheists not Hindus...

But if the community feels hurt by some incident, then it is certainly a big issue. Our religion is dearer than life. We Muslims have a very close emotional attachment to our religion. It is the reason to live.

Stop breathing you will die believe me..
anyways the question is not that.. the question is whether it was an honest mistake or intent to bring about rioting..
Courts will rule though the dude is allowed to post pics of Prophet yet they will lead to riots therefore it cannot be allowed :victory:

I hope you understand that offending sensitivities of anyone is not "good".

Have you read the book??
I don't think it is meant to be an insult to Islam.. and if they decided to put up pictures of the prophet which is prohibited in the Quran then how are they too know about it?
THe publisher is saying they will remove the fotos once the govt asks them too duh...
If these guys want to hurt the religious sensitivities they would have..
Ah ferrari io was about to say that as Stealth's own faith is different so he can say and make fun of hindu as well as anyone's gods but with due appology stealth may be for many hindus their gods may be something to make fun of but for us Muslim we do not make fun of our faith as we have strong faith.

I have strong faith but I make fun as well it is all in good humour.. My distant cousin is the 7th descendant of Guru Nanak he also makes fun good humouredly.. there is nothing wrong in that...

its not question of secular or non-secular its the way one takes his/her religion for respect..

respect faith humour are 3 different things.. k??

a hindu community site has send me pics of hinud gods who's dieties after Dosehra are bulldozed on Gunga site and the gods were lying in Garbage and heaps of *****.

they are probably those of Ravana...

it was realy sad even im a Muslim but i could not approve of such an irresponsible behaviour.

Approve of suicide bombings??

but anyway if thats the way their faith is no one has the right to question.

why not?? you have every right...
That is what is my issue with people.. instead of showing you are religious and praying 5 times and fighting on the net etc.. doesnot make you spiritual it makes you a fanatic and an ostensible Muslim..
That is why Quran says only God is the judge as to who is a true Muslim...

I am not a Hindu, Stealth is an atheist yet we both were against crap posted by a certain member on a religion which we don't follow, this is called respect for others beliefs


The question isn't about strong faith...its about tolerance and having a sense of humour.I don't see how the faith of muslims is under attack if some hindu publishes a picture of muhammed. Is the Hindu supposed to adhere to muslim laws?

Similarly when kids post stuff like Hindus drink cow piss etc.. :rofl: or that Sikhs can only get married when they have killed Muslims :rofl:

I've seen several Persian and Arabic paintings of Muhammad. I wonder why no muslims protested then.Its just an excuse to polarize the muslims and win votes to "defend the faith". Faith isn't defended by rioting in the streets, its defended by personally adhering to the rules. Not by forcing everyone around you to follow your rules.

By fighting Muslims are acknowleding their thumbscrew.. and this some miscreants will turn.. ;)..

I think instead of rioting if they have such strong faith then needn't be insecure or counter blasphemy of non-Muslims.. nobody is threatning ur faith or ur life..

There is nothing sad about it. The idols aren't considered sacred after the ritual is over. simple.

Idols are idols.. until they are not installed in teh temple with proper ceremony till then they are not sacred.. :angel:

Who is questioning their faith?
Did anyone force the muslims to look at the picture of muhammad?
Did anyone ask muslims to read that book?

as Muradk said that many Muslims actually have photos of the prophet..

This is a non-issue.. Muslims should file a PIL.. and if the courts which they most probably will rule in favour of the Muslims then remove the photos.. we don't have to act/nor need to act cocky like the Europeans...

If hindus want to look at photos of muhammed, I don't see why the muslims should have a problem with it as long as they aren't being forced to do the same.


many Sindhi and Punjabi Hindus have actually installed idols of Sikh Gurus in their homes which for a Sikh is blasphemous but do we do anything about it?? Nah.. There is no compulsion in religion.. I have such a strong faith in my religion that this does not concern me.. to each his own.. I don't feel a need to preach or to reform... what one does in one's personal life is their business..

but if this used to incite Muslims then it should not be indulged..

If a hindu wants to worship lord Krishna, the other Shiva worshiping hindu has no problems with it. I don't see why Muslims can't adopt this philosophy of "mind your own business".

Dude Ferrari, the point is that if this minister hadn't made an issue out of it, no one would bother trying to find out who is publishing pictures of the prophet.

I don't see why people make a big fuss....if its against their beliefs then they shouldn't read the book...simple.

"honourable" minister here is just trying to ensure his votes in the next election.

Its like the RSS protesting the killing of cows. Its ridiculous ...this whole cow thing is being used by politicians to create public anger.

Whereas I agree that ministers and politicians often dig up these issues to bolster their own support and therefore their brownie points,and the problem is a recurrent one. If I am not mistaken, Gen Zia had quietly banned Satanic verses from entering Pakistan, much before the whole controversy arose.
However, i would like to mention the fact that muslim sensitivities regarding portrayal of the Prophet in any way, shape and form are well known. If you look at the other side of the argument, then it is easy enough to not publish a picture or a cartoon, as you know in advance that it will give rise to trouble. Asimple example is, my friend who is a hindu , whom I respect a lot , comes to my house to eat. I dont insult him by making every dish with meat or dairy in it. Iwill have all the dishes as vegetarian, but if I am inviting a lot of people, along with this friend, we would make sure there are atleast 2-3 dishes that he can have. The point is that for such a sensitive issue, it seems prudent to respect each others religion and sensitivities. India has had muslimsand Hindus living side by side now for more than 1200 yrs, if we still have not learnt to respect each other,when will we?.
this is the exact reason why muslim countries should unite and strengthen themselves. that'll ensure no such stupid country like india (lol what a joke of a country) can get away with such actions. they should be torn apart and muslim rulers should rule india only this time to ensure this becomes an islamic land forever.
this is the exact reason why muslim countries should unite and strengthen themselves. that'll ensure no such stupid country like india (lol what a joke of a country) can get away with such actions. they should be torn apart and muslim rulers should rule india only this time to ensure this becomes an islamic land forever.

Sir control your self..
first read the thread then shoot of ur mouth..
this is the exact reason why muslim countries should unite and strengthen themselves. that'll ensure no such stupid country like india (lol what a joke of a country) can get away with such actions. they should be torn apart and muslim rulers should rule india only this time to ensure this becomes an islamic land forever.

Make comments of some substance. Don't incite flames by using such adjectives.
Originally Posted by bd_wonder View Post
this is the exact reason why muslim countries should unite and strengthen themselves. that'll ensure no such stupid country like india (lol what a joke of a country) can get away with such actions. they should be torn apart and muslim rulers should rule india only this time to ensure this becomes an islamic land forever.

lol .. what have you been smoking ?
I thought there is NO photo of the Prophet at all.

One wonders what the publisher displayed as the Prophet!

A great way to increase publication, but he requires to be sorted out for acting the goat!

What a Be Damned Wonder of a publisher!

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