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Prophet Muhammad's Mosque's Main Features


Apr 28, 2011
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South east minaret (Mamluk)

South east minaret (Mamluk)

south west minaret (Ottoman)

Prophet's Mihrab -where he used to pray- (Mamluk)

Othman's Mihrab (Mamluk) this is where Caliph Othman used to pray, it is also where the current imam prays


Mihrab Al-Tahajud (Mamluk) this is where the messenger of Godused to pray tahajud

Prophet's Pulpit (Ottoman) marks the original pulpit's location

Noble Garden (a piece of paradise)

Bed Column (Ottoman) where the messenger of God used to rest

Aisha's Column (Ottoman) this is where the old mihrab towards Jerusalem was, it is also where Aisha used to sit and teach after the death of prophet Muhammad

Ahel Alseffah platform (Ottoman) this is where the poor sahaba would sit and Prophet Muhammad would keep them company, among them was Abu-Hurayra
I am shocked that these 4 caliphs tried to kill mohammads family.
I am shocked that these 4 caliphs tried to kill mohammads family.
No body tried to kill MUHAMMAD SAW family its a lie told by one sect none of them tried to kill PROPHET SAW family in fact PROPHET SAW family was provided with more money than others by all 4 caliphs this is the biggest lie told

Well of Ha location (Saudi) Prophet Mohammad used to drink from this well

Location of Abu Baker's House (Ottoman)

Noble Chamber Exterior (Mamluk)

Where to say Salam to the Prophet and his two companions

Fatima's Chamber with her Mihrab and bed (Mamluk)

Aisha's Chamber where the 3 Noble graves are located (Mamluk)

Behind this curtain they rest

Green Dome over the 3 graves (Ottoman)


Othman's Gate (Saudi) where his house was

@WebMaster @Aeronaut @Oscar @nuclearpak @RazPaK @Icarus @Yzd Khalifa @Arabian Legend @tarrar @mafiya @Stealth @HRK @PWFI @JUBA @BLACKEAGLE @FARSOLDIER @BDforever and others
No body tried to kill MUHAMMAD SAW family its a lie told by one sect none of them tried to kill PROPHET SAW family in fact PROPHET SAW family was provided with more money than others by all 4 caliphs this is the biggest lie told
no, they tried to kill them.. ask anyone.

None tried to kill the family while the fourth Khalifa was from His(S.A.W) own family in the first place.
then why they killed shia
no, they tried to kill them.. ask anyone.

then why they killed shia
No one was killed and Shia came after all 4 caliphs in fact this group appeared much later its all lie no member of RASOOL SAW was tried to be killed by 4 caliphs its lie told by shi.
No one was killed and Shia came after all 4 caliphs in fact this group appeared much later its all lie no member of RASOOL SAW was tried to be killed by 4 caliphs its lie told by shi.
Dude after Muhammad's death, leadership was passed directly to his cousin/son-in-law, Ali bin Abu Talib. This is the truth.....
Dude after Muhammad's death, leadership was passed directly to his cousin/son-in-law, Ali bin Abu Talib. This is the truth.....
It was not passed Mr who told you HAZRAT MUHAMMAD SAW didn't appointed any successor it was left on people and they chose Hazrat ABU BAKAR RA so stop coming up with lies
Dude after Muhammad's death, leadership was passed directly to his cousin/son-in-law, Ali bin Abu Talib. This is the truth.....
My dear friend Every history has conflicting arguments, narratives and facts, so is Islamic history, Best way to make a better judgment about any historic event is to read different yet authentic historians and their interpretation and then make you own mind. after that when you tell others about ur thinking don't forget to tell them that it is your conclusion based on this and that historians work.

On topic: in my opinion, the there was sublte power struggle between differnt family members of Prophet during the first three caliph era. It ws subtle well mannered and atmosphere was quite friendly and of mutual respect. Things became violent only after the Murder of Hazrat Usman (Rhtu). that is caliphate of Hazrat Ali was full of bloodshed between Muslims. Even Many people did not accepted Hazarat Ali as caliph which included Hazrat Ammer Mavia and Hazrat Aisha.
IT is worth noting that Hazrat Abu baker was Father in Law of Prophet, Hazrat Ummer and Usman Sons in Laws and Ali Son in Law and cousin as well. All are from the same trible /sect/family from which Prophet Belonged.

Basic contradiction and flaw in Islamic history lies in the fact that Muslims scholars(a part from Shias) has not been able to figure out who was right and who was wrong two wars which were fought in Hazrat Ali times, i e war of Camel and War of Safeen.
Its ironic that we all believe that Both sides in those wars were justified and right. and it is not because of their cause or arguments, it is so because we cant not call towering figures like Hazrat Ali, Hhazrat Aisha and Hazrat ammeer Mavia wrong. you can say we don't have guts to say that. But we don't say that just out of shear respects for all those honorable people.
Shias on other hand believe that Ali and his associates were on right and hazrat Aisha and hazrat Mavia were on wrong. but irony lies in fact that they have incorporated this thing into their religion as creed and adopted that all should Praise Ali and his descendants and Mauvia and Hazrat Aisha should be criticized.
When this political issue was made a part of religion then bad things started to happen.
When some Shias, Abbasiides etc did tabara(Denouncing Aisha and Mauvia along with their associates), other rose to defend those personalities. this later party also made it compulsory part of religion that the ones who disrespect the companions of prophets are Kafirs. this again was shear politics that has been incorporated as religion.
hence the bloodshed between Sunnis and Shias began which continues even today.

PS: I don't want any one to believe my version they should dig it for themselves.
Please use the complete salutation of Sallalla Ho Alaihay Wassallam after the name of our beloved Prophet
Hazrat Muhammad Sallala Ho Alaihay Wassallam
I am shocked that these 4 caliphs tried to kill mohammads family.

The whole 4 Caliphs is Mohammed PBUH family, Hazrat Abu Bakar R.A and Hazrat Umar R.A give their daughters in Prophet Mohammed PBUH Nikkah and Prophet Mohammed PBUH give three daughters to Hazrat Usman R.A (2 daughters, when first one die then he give again her other daughter to him) and Hazrat Ali R.A (one)
Payare Aaaqa, Kareem

Payare Habeeb, Payare Aaaqa!

Siddeeq e Akbar Farrooq e Azam Uthmaan e Ghani Sher e Khoda Maula Ali

Haq Chaar Yaar

Sadqe Aaapke Ya RasoolAllah

Ya HabeebAllah!

SalAllaho alaihi wa alihi wa sallam
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