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Proof of Indian Involvement in Waziristan found: Army

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The 'same issue' is the issue of support for 'terrorists' - whether Baluch militants or Taliban, they are both terrorists.

As I pointed out before, the US will not publicly acknowledge Indian complicity in crimes in Pakistan for the similar reasons why it continues to shield Israeli crimes - it perceives its national interests will be damaged by doing so.

In India's case, we have potentially many hundreds of billions of dollars in military and nuclear technology US sales that would be jeopardized, along with the economic and strategic relationship that would damaged - hence little chance of the US publicly critiquing India, and why HC's denial means nothing.

I agree here that US will not acknowlege Indian involvement for the same reasons that in 90's it did not acknowledge the pakistani involvement in J&K. 9/11 was a mood changer in this context.

And oh WOW, good to hear that armed balochis and talibans are "terrorists". Some how, people doing the same acts across the border are called "freedom fighters" :azn:

I always wonder, why?
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Now what we are waiting for, we should teach them in Afghanistan "what we are" and also eliminate all of their supporters without andy kind accending or decending.
Now what we are waiting for, we should teach them in Afghanistan "what we are" and also eliminate all of their supporters without andy kind accending or decending.
Please go ahead and do it...Then india will teach you something else...then Pakistan should also teach more on that...Lets teach other till we end up using our nukes on both sides and teach the whole world that idiots like us deserve this....
The 'same issue' is the issue of support for 'terrorists' - whether Baluch militants or Taliban, they are both terrorists.

As I pointed out before, the US will not publicly acknowledge Indian complicity in crimes in Pakistan for the similar reasons why it continues to shield Israeli crimes - it perceives its national interests will be damaged by doing so.

In India's case, we have potentially many hundreds of billions of dollars in military and nuclear technology US sales that would be jeopardized, along with the economic and strategic relationship that would damaged - hence little chance of the US publicly critiquing India, and why HC's denial means nothing.


U S cannot acknowledge anything against india----things have gone so bad that the u s is ready to give all its jobs to india---americans have been losing jobs in hundreds of thousands here in the u s and the jobs have been going to india---what has the u s done---nothing but kowtow more---.

The u s has made the decision that india is going to protect its interests in the sub continent and south asia---at this stage they are not going to listen to anything contrary---I mean to say---look at the venom in the posts of americans who are on this board against pakistan, when it comes to favouring india-----you know the funny things is---all these good old white boys used to make fun of the indians in the 80's, 90's----the red dot that the indians have, they would say that is the dot from their laser sights---funny how the indians have turned things around---the same good ole white boy is now sitting cross legged with their palms held together in submission in front of hindustan asking for ASHIRWAD.

W'Allah----the good Lord is merciful and a great equalizer---yesterday Nixon wanted to nuke india---today the same americans are holding their feet---how things change with time--------india has literally chipped down the granite mountain.

If some of you are into astrology, stars etc etc---you will find that the stars of india and u s are in league----otoh pakistan's are on the opposite end----it is just by the birthday---we missed it by a whisker---just by a day.

U S cannot acknowledge anything against india----things have gone so bad that the u s is ready to give all its jobs to india---americans have been losing jobs in hundreds of thousands here in the u s and the jobs have been going to india---what has the u s done---nothing but kowtow more---.

The u s has made the decision that india is going to protect its interests in the sub continent and south asia---at this stage they are not going to listen to anything contrary---I mean to say---look at the venom in the posts of americans who are on this board against pakistan, when it comes to favouring india-----you know the funny things is---all these good old white boys used to make fun of the indians in the 80's, 90's----the red dot that the indians have, they would say that is the dot from their laser sights---funny how the indians have turned things around---the same good ole white boy is now sitting cross legged with their palms held together in submission in front of hindustan asking for ASHIRWAD.

W'Allah----the good Lord is merciful and a great equalizer---yesterday Nixon wanted to nuke india---today the same americans are holding their feet---how things change with time--------india has literally chipped down the granite mountain.

If some of you are into astrology, stars etc etc---you will find that the stars of india and u s are in league----otoh pakistan's are on the opposite end----it is just by the birthday---we missed it by a whisker---just by a day.

Pretty emotional I must say. :tup:
Well, someone missing the good old days with the americans?? :smitten: :smitten:
the good Lord is merciful and a great equalizer---yesterday Nixon wanted to nuke india---today the same americans are holding their feet---how things change with time--------india has literally chipped down the granite mountain.

Now that we are successfully off topic (thanks to you BTW), let me just inform you. This granite mountain was never chipped in a day. India invested its last 2 decades in development, unlike pakistan. While pakistan was busy fighting holy wars with India in kargil and covert supports to kashmiris, Sikhs etc., India even facing the most brutals of pak sponsored terror assaults kept investing heavily in education, infrastructure, healthcare, space technology, rural development, power, agriculture, women empowerment, etc.

All n all, the whole revenue of pakistan was pumped to bleed India with thousand cuts. Whatever resources pak had, went straight into building its capabilies against India. So the scene is now that you have Nukes as well as IRBMs and there is the F-16's as well. But whats the point? Your greatest enemies today are your own people. The money spent on defence could have been spent on educating your people, which in turn would not have turned them radical and fanatic, and today they would have been contributing to your prosperity and not as a threat to your territorial integrity.

India on the other hand, although wounded by pak sponsored, sikh, kashmiri insurgencies, 1993 mumbai bombing, kargil, parliament attack, kashmir national asembly attack, Indian embassy kabul attacks, 2006 local trian attacks, delhi diwali attacks, Akshardham, ayodhya, sankatmochan, hazrat bal attacks, jaipur, bangalore, Ahmedabad, IC814 hijacking, 26/11 mumbai etc. and many more, still kept marching on towards progress with 7+ % GDP.

Now that it has some leisure, why not play some geopolitical games in the region? If you are strong, the world will befriend you, not just America.
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Our greatest enemy is still india and it will remain as such till there is any solution to the disputes that we have, regardless of the sugar coating that america or india puts on it.

The advancement in india is at the expense of american jobs and the american taxpayer---once and if america realize that it needs its jobs back---it will be interesting to see what direction india will take.

If the energy that people like S2, solomon, gambit etc spend on this board against pakistan---if they divert this energy to their congressmen and senators to get their jobs back from india----america will get out of this sink hole very quick---do something for your copuntry guys----do something for your country mates---get their jobs back---.

Our greatest enemy is still india and it will remain as such till there is any solution to the disputes that we have, regardless of the sugar coating that america or india puts on it.

The advancement in india is at the expense of american jobs and the american taxpayer---once and if america realize that it needs its jobs back---it will be interesting to see what direction india will take.

If the energy that people like S2, solomon, gambit etc spend on this board against pakistan---if they divert this energy to their congressmen and senators to get their jobs back from india----america will get out of this sink hole very quick---do something for your copuntry guys----do something for your country mates---get their jobs back---.

The Greatest Enemy of Pakistan, like India, is Poverty and Malnutrition.
Nothing can be changed in Pakistan till they come out of the mentality that India is their greatest enemy.
India doesnt take Pakistan as a Threat, It competes with China and that too its Economic War and Now.

Pak should invest in Weapons to have a defencive capability in place but if NOW they dont foucs on economy they will land nowhere.
You think India got those jobs for free or just goodwill. It goes to show you have no idea on how outsourcing works and why they are doing it. Let me provide some economics. Let's say company A produces product P. Company A makes it with all US resouces. The cost of product goes up and people buy products from other companies. When some jobs are outsourced same product becomes cheap. So it's win win and no one is loosing here. Now US does not just outsource to India but to other countries like Phillipines and if I am not wrong Pakistan. Hope you got some info.

Our greatest enemy is still india and it will remain as such till there is any solution to the disputes that we have, regardless of the sugar coating that america or india puts on it.

You can choose to accept the current borders as they are, end the enmity with India, and focus on development.

Instead, you repeatedly attack India in the hope of gaining territory, which is frankly becoming more and more difficult as India gets militarily stronger.

I suggest that you choose the first option there, and perhaps then both countries can prosper.

Our greatest enemy is still india and it will remain as such till there is any solution to the disputes that we have, regardless of the sugar coating that america or india puts on it.

The advancement in india is at the expense of american jobs and the american taxpayer---once and if america realize that it needs its jobs back---it will be interesting to see what direction india will take.

If the energy that people like S2, solomon, gambit etc spend on this board against pakistan---if they divert this energy to their congressmen and senators to get their jobs back from india----america will get out of this sink hole very quick---do something for your copuntry guys----do something for your country mates---get their jobs back---.

My friend, though this is not the right place to discuss this particular issue here. But still unless anyone raises any objection here, let me respond to your post.

First of all it is not only India, but also your true friend china which is benifitting from outsourcing. Believe it or not, even the US also benefits from outsourcing it does. The cost of any business operation/ product is reduced to 1/8 th by means of availibility of low cost and more efficient resources and therby, the end products/services are cheaper when launched in american markets. This indirectly benefits the end user (the taxpayer) in america as well. Dont you think that if americans thought that this whole business of outsourcing is against their national interest, woudnt they had buried this practise long ago. Besides in specialised fields like IT and ITES, you need to have a vast pool of talented resources to sustain your business. If you dont cultivate these resources at home, then it makes sense for american cos to look out for them elsewhere. Besides, America Inc has been able to quadraple its earnings and profits by means of outsourcing to India

Our greatest enemy is still india and it will remain as such till there is any solution to the disputes that we have

See this is what I mentioned earlier. If you keep on being obsessed with India, pakistan will continue to suffer, as you cannot feed your people with rhetoric, you cannot bring down your sugar prices by mere rhetoric, you cannot educate you people by mere rhetoric, you cannot launch satellites by mere rhetoric. It just feels good, serves no purpose. I think 60 years are long enough to understand this. if pakistan still chooses to lose another 60 years like this, it is her choice.

Perhaps, you should take lessosn from India- China model of engagement. Do they have territorial disputes? yes. Are they p!ssing each other off? No. Are they focusing more on their individual development? Yes. DO they need to go around the world asking for eonomic aid? No.

I hope you get my point. thanks

No offence and beg your pardon if rude but, who made you a think tank?:hitwall:
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Our greatest enemy is still india and it will remain as such till there is any solution to the disputes that we have, regardless of the sugar coating that america or india puts on it.

The advancement in india is at the expense of american jobs and the american taxpayer---once and if america realize that it needs its jobs back---it will be interesting to see what direction india will take.

If the energy that people like S2, solomon, gambit etc spend on this board against pakistan---if they divert this energy to their congressmen and senators to get their jobs back from india----america will get out of this sink hole very quick---do something for your copuntry guys----do something for your country mates---get their jobs back---.

That's your basic problem, you spent too much energy in undermining others capability instead of developing yours. BTW, you are burden on American tax payers, not us.

How about advising Americans to take their manufacturing out of china to america? It costs americans trillion dollars as compared to mere two digit billion dollars for India's service industry. I am sure your sheer hatred towards india could not made you see that. The fact is India saw an opportunity and banked on it whereas Pakistan couldn't.

Even after 60 years, your foreign policy hasn't changed - hum toh dobenge hi saath mein tumhe bhi le dubeinge sanam. . We all know who is drowning and who is not.
Mods, please merge these posts to some relevant threads instead of deleting them.
As I pointed out before, the US will not publicly acknowledge Indian complicity in crimes in Pakistan for the similar reasons why it continues to shield Israeli crimes - it perceives its national interests will be damaged by doing so.
I have tried pointing out in graphic terms the problem that Pakistani officials have a severe credibility problem with U.S. officials, but it seems someone went bezerk as a result. Basically, as the U.S. sees it the problem is that many Pakistani officials know better and lie about things while the citizenry are completely snowed by lies because, although they know their own officials are bad, they believe that others are far worse.
India is obviously being made a scapegoat by a government that has run out of ideas. They are pointing everywhere except where the problem actually lies.
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