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Proof of Indian Involvement in Waziristan found: Army

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In another recent report from Foreign Affairs magazine, by Christine Fair of RAND Corporation gives us the inside:
“Having visited the Indian mission in Zahedan, Iran, I can assure you they are not issuing visas as the main activity! Moreover, India has run operations from its mission in Mazar, Afghanistan (through which it supported the Northern Alliance) and is likely doing so from the other consulates it has reopened in Jalalabad and Qandahar along the border. Indian officials have told me privately that they are pumping money into Baluchistan. Kabul has encouraged India to engage in provocative activities such as using the Border Roads Organization to build sensitive parts of the Ring Road and use the Indo-Tibetan police force for security. It is also building schools on a sensitive part of the border in Kunar–across from Bajaur (Pakistan’s Tribal Area where Pakistan Army had to carry out a major operation to eliminate TTP militants).

What's the Problem With Pakistan? | Foreign Affairs
Dude read my earlier post. I have never said that possibilty of Indian hand is ruled out neither otherwise. But I am not ready to believe that India is doing all this until process is followed. If they come up with proofs I will accept it and conden it as well. What hurts is even after GOP accepting 26/11 was planned in Pak, still people refuse it. Last I never say this is it read, read my post I always use possible.

I am all in agreement with you...Possibility is the right word...However my stand is that it do not make sense for GOI to help TTP because its counter productive...

Though thanks for the clarification...
In another recent report from Foreign Affairs magazine, by Christine Fair of RAND Corporation gives us the inside:
“Having visited the Indian mission in Zahedan, Iran, I can assure you they are not issuing visas as the main activity! Moreover, India has run operations from its mission in Mazar, Afghanistan (through which it supported the Northern Alliance) and is likely doing so from the other consulates it has reopened in Jalalabad and Qandahar along the border. Indian officials have told me privately that they are pumping money into Baluchistan. Kabul has encouraged India to engage in provocative activities such as using the Border Roads Organization to build sensitive parts of the Ring Road and use the Indo-Tibetan police force for security. It is also building schools on a sensitive part of the border in Kunar–across from Bajaur (Pakistan’s Tribal Area where Pakistan Army had to carry out a major operation to eliminate TTP militants).

Don't start it all over again.. This particular news has been discussed in lengths on this thread only..Refer to page 10-11....
India destabilising Pakistan

November 17, 2009

LAHORE – Explosive material used in the deadly bomb blast which took place at Khyber Bazaar Peshawar last month, was identical to what had been used in exploding Samjhota Express in India, sources confined to The Nation Monday.
The explosive material - Vehicle Born Improvised Explosive Device (VBIED) - was used in Khyber Bazaar bomb blast.
Sources say the Pakistani security agencies have found concrete evidences to prove Indian involvement in Khyber Bazaar blast in which VBIED was used.
Sources close the development revealed that the Indian intelligence agency Research and Analysis Wing (RAW) was behind the terrible blast which left more than 42 innocent people dead and 100 others wounded, including women and children.
“Lt Col Prohit of the Indian Army who is the prime accused in the Samjhota Express explosion case, was the expert and qualified to handle VBIED and its manufacturing process,” sources said.
Sources further disclosed that the security agencies had nabbed several suspects in connection with the Peshawar blast during the recent crackdown from different parts of the country.
“Investigations are underway as the arrested suspects are being grilled. The investigators have found some important leads during the interrogation,” a source privy to the investigators said, but did not mention any further details due to the sensitivity of the matter.
The recent revelations have strengthened the contention that Col Prohit and his team was also responsible for the Samjhauta blast.
Last year, the prosecutor had told an Indian court that Prohit had procured RDX from Jammu and Kashmir while used part of it in Samjhauta blasts. However, the prosecutor retracted the claim the next day under duress.
The Indian government had promised after the Samjhota Express tragedy that it would share its findings with Pakistan. However, little has been shared with Pakistan, sources maintained adding, in the Joint Anti Terror Mechanism (JATM) meetings, India had also admitted that it had “run against a wall” in the investigation.


Pakistan : The Counter Strategy
By Bharat Verma
Issue: Vol 14.2 Apr-Jun 1999
In the big picture of the Pakistani game plan, Kargil is merely a footnote. Pakistan’s end game is to cause as much destruction within India by activating direct insurgency in Kashmir, extending support to terrorist activities in the North East and supplying arms and explosives to sow seeds of dissent within the country against the legitimately elected authority of the state. Inability of the political leadership in the last fifty years to grasp the essential elements of the entire picture is evident from the fact that Pakistan continues to dictate and sustain its activities detrimental to the Indian nation-state even today.

After a Herculean effort India will once again manage to prevail in Kargil due to a dedicated military machine and in comparison, considerable resources at our disposal. However, as in the past, so in the future, Pakistan will continue to tie down the Indian military and police resources and the administration through smuggling of mercenaries and arms via coastal areas of Gujarat, hostile terrain of Kashmir, porous borders of Rajasthan, soft states of Nepal, Bhutan and Bangladesh, and by extending narco-terrorism into Punjab.

To a determined enemy endless possibilities abound since it has correctly gauged that Indian political leadership does not have the will to pose a direct challenge to the integrity of Pakistan. Instead, as usual, India will react by deploying its resources inside to contain the collateral damage. Thus this defensive-defence strategic doctrine propagated by Indians since independence has put the nation-state in an extremely vulnerable position. The enemy time and again holds us to ransom because the pre-eminent power in the sub-continent refuses to project any counter threat, which will force the adversary to behave.

The faulty defensive-defence doctrine envisages defending the territorial integrity of India by deploying physically the military resources merely to push back the invasion to the LoC or the international borders. The enemy is allowed to live to strike on another day. This strategic doctrine is an extension of the centuries old fortress mentality or fighting from fixed positions, which resulted in unprecedented invasions in the past from our Western borders. Our history argues against it because defensive-defence mode erroneously has always allowed the enemy to retain the element of surprise. And is akin to the adversary perpetually dominating our half of the soccer field. In such a self-destructive mode, it is obvious that goals will be scored as they were in Kargil. With large borders located in hostile terrain, this politico-military doctrine expects the impossible - to guard physically every square inch of the territory. In Kargil alone, a stretch of 140 km will require at least seven divisions! The other negative dimension is the internal consumption of enormous military power due to external interference. This practically leaves no military power surplus to deal with the frontal abuse of our territorial integrity frequently. Kargil is a prime example.

India needs to look at this unique position of asymmetry in thinking vis-a-vis the rest of the world. More so, as weapons and forces by themselves do not constitute the source of security or threat but the ideas and attitude governing their use and usability do. Therefore, the political leadership to safeguard national interests must shift to the strategic doctrine of offensive-defence. This will ensure defence of vital national interests along with the territorial integrity. It’s an assertive (not aggressive) territory plus philosophy which, if used wisely, can play hell into the forces inimical to India.

Our vital national interests stand threatened by any activities of a potential adversary, which in any manner tends to vitiate peace, harmony, prosperity and progress of India. Thus in offensive-defence mode, correct appreciation of the situation and counter action to neutralize the developing threat prior to their affect the society or the territorial integrity of the country are mandatory. On shifting its posture to offensive-defence, Indian counter strategy will emerge based on the critical evaluation as stated subsequently.

The bitter truth about the partition of India out of fundamentalist hatred, shooting and looting of the population moving to India, and the adventure in Kashmir in 1947-48 reveal the first signs of Pakistani design to disturb our tranquility. Operation Gibraltar in 1965, the war in 1971 and the waging of low intensity conflict since 1989 and other terrorist activities to date point in one single direction - imbalance India through all means causing destruction wherever possible. Animosity towards India is not only indicated in the barbaric murder and mutilation of our soldiers’ bodies but during cricket matches too. Rest of bonhomie displayed in people to people contact is merely an eyewash. This is the big picture, which in the last fifty years our political class has refused to come to grip with. Resultant mischief by Pakistan has compelled us to shell out billions to defend ourselves against the recurring menace.

Under offensive-defence doctrine, the bottom-line assessment is that a stable Pakistan is not in our national interest. A counter strategy to degrade Pakistan’s capability to pose a threat in future needs to be worked upon. Strategic calculations should be based primarily on two aspects. First, much should not be read read into the international diplomatic support. The reason being that whether it is America or China, their stance will always be rooted in geopolitics and geoeconomic compulsions and not in morality or emotions. India should learn to similarly deal with cold blooded ruthlessness based on our national interests. Therefore, the international weight behind India is valid upto a point. Especially true, in the ultimate analysis, as we have to trouble shoot and win our own wars. Second, to succeed the counter strategy must be a pragmatic study of the prevalent political, economic and social conditions in Pakistan.

Pakistan without a national identity is an incomplete, therefore, an insecure or failed state. Seeds of instability were sown by the Punjabi Mussalman who dominate all structures of power. Claims laid to equality in power sharing by the Sindhis, Pathans and Baluchis were ignored and are subject of widespread dissent. Mohajirs who leveraged the partition of India, on shifting to Pakistan were treated as second class citizens. They not only demand recognition as the fifth nationality but want to carve a new province out of Sindh for themselves. The Islamic fundamentalists enjoy minimal popular support but use Islam as an instrument to control power in Pakistan. This has unleashed armed sectarian violence due to conflicting interpretation of Muslim law and doctrine between Sunnis and Shias. Taliban’s radical Islam further adds shattering tremors to this fragile construct. The economic scenario is bleak with an adverse balance of payment position. Unsound bailout through IMF on behest of America due to a possibility of nuclear blackmail by Pakistan will not remove the state of bankruptcy. Especially since Pakistan, a nest of Islamic fundamentalist organisations continues to divert money in export of Jihad and narco-terrorism to the West, besides India.

To counter Pakistan, an assertive diplomacy based on gaining friends, and allies through mutual beneficial activity in the realm of geopolitics and geoeconomics should be the cornerstone of our foreign policy. On the other track, covert operations to increase dissension and widen gulf between different nationalities must be activated.

In a role reversal, India should dictate the agenda, create mayhem inside, and turn the heat on Pakistan. It is in our vital national interest to perpetually keep Pakistan off-balance till it sues for peace. Coherent accretion of military power with lethal offensive capability, which, if unleashed can create terror in the minds of the enemy is a paramount requirement. The awe of a lean and mighty military machine itself is a deterrent which prevents the outbreak of a war. In a bold political move, Indian Defence Forces should be allowed to cross the LoC as and when necessary, build counter-pressure points along the border to diffuse Kargil and be given a free hand in the conduct of operations. Otherwise we will be committing a similar mistake as in 1947-48 where we first absorbed the shock and then doubled our effort to repel it!. While maintaining the international diplomatic initiative, we must remember that G-8 countries will not bail us out or fight on our behalf. Therefore, it is time India unshackles and shifts its mindset from the ostrich like position to a credible assertive posture.

The strategic mosaic of the big picture contains elements which pose a threat to India from the Pakistan-Taliban combine. Attempts to Talibanise the Muslim population areas of India and China and occupation of under populated areas of Leh are the main thrusts of operations. This challenge is backed by Osama bin Laden and Islamic fundamentalist organisations located globally. The threat to the West by the Pak-Taliban-Laden nexus is in equal proportions. India, under offensive-defence operations needs to develop a strategic doctrine which looks deep inside Afghanistan and Pakistan to nullify and destruct the emanating threats. India will need considerable diplomatic skills and military ’stand alone’ capabilities to negate the challenge. On one hand, we have to make an effort to bring this picture in ’sync’ with Russia, China and Iran and on the other, sufficiently dovetail it with the Western powers who already operate a hidden global agenda to neutralise the Islamic fundamentalism. It is vital to understand that in the Pakistani big picture, Kargil is merely a footnote and not the endgame.

First published in IDR Vol. 14 (2) April-June 1999. Bharat Verma, Editor Indian Defence Review.
punjabi - good find and it tells full story whats happening.
I was just wondering how difficult would it actually be to manufacture weapons in a factory somewhere in pakistan and put the MADE IN INDIA label on it.If China can sell fake drugs in Africa with MADE IN INDIA labels i don't think it would be very difficult for Pakistan. After all they have been making fake indian currency for a long time.
There are lots of Proof of Indian Involvement in Waziristan, Balochistan, Karachi etc . . . even with links were written here. But every thing is just fake for indians to be know about all that. Because this is a golden opportunity for them to destabilize Pakistan as much as they can. Because they know how much Pakistan suffering pr today by terrorism.
any one who has every seen an IED or have actually shot a single fire knows that there is no such thing as "indian ammontion"

what do you have indian??

- indian , tata made wiring for IEDs??
- indian AK-47 instead of chinese or local
- indian motorola wireless and indian satellite phones made by BPL LTD
- sanksitrat language .pdf documents
- bhagwans to pray before attacking pakistani army.

ISPR runs false flag propaganda operations. obviously they are heading for NWA. this is the same scenario we saw before assault on SWA in fall 2009.

i bet you will see following two now,

- bomb blast at some crowded market
- lambasting zaid hamid more and moer untill NWA is blitzed.
any one who has every seen an IED or have actually shot a single fire knows that there is no such thing as "indian ammontion"

what do you have indian??

- indian , tata made wiring for IEDs??
- indian AK-47 instead of chinese or local
- indian motorola wireless and indian satellite phones made by BPL LTD
- sanksitrat language .pdf documents
- bhagwans to pray before attacking pakistani army.

ISPR runs false flag propaganda operations. obviously they are heading for NWA. this is the same scenario we saw before assault on SWA in fall 2009.

i bet you will see following two now,

- bomb blast at some crowded market
- lambasting zaid hamid more and moer untill NWA is blitzed.

Its a one year old thread so why your government of Army not send all these proofs to UN ??????

Do you have any answer ??? :cheesy:
Its a one year old thread so why your government of Army not send all these proofs to UN ??????

Do you have any answer ??? :cheesy:

Through diplomatic & international foreign links all your crimes are delivered and there is no secret, which united nation you are talking about where it already hacked & active only for the interests of specific countries.
Through diplomatic & international foreign links all your crimes are delivered and there is no secret, which united nation you are talking about where it already hacked & active only for the interests of specific countries.

this is not the official or a well revised answer... with a hand with a veto member as a blood 2 blood:china: friend in UNSC, still you cant do means? you never get any thing strong on your hands...just a simple thoughts...:coffee::coffee::coffee:
If they have enough proof, let it make it public. Let the international community see it..

I do not think they is any such so called proof, if something is there, CIA must have found it and made it public much before Pakistan Intels.
This makes me remember a post of Pakistani Nationalist.......yeah!!!

Cough.!! ......Cough.!!..........Bullshyt...!!

P.s: It is 3 year old thread
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Hope its any better than the false wikileaks...
Still gets the hysteria pumping at home.. the world media is not the target here.
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