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Proof of Indian Involvement in Waziristan found: Army

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The indians using US admission or lack of is exactly the problem. They do not realize, or they do realize but cunningly still use what they say, is that US is not an impartial mediator that is neutral. NO, it has its own interests and US not saying india is not involved means very little. If saying that works for its interests it will do it. Its not too hard to understand yet they still act naive or knowingly still use what they say as their 'proof'.
Or perhaps it is India and the US doing the deceiving ...

There is no Indian involvement it will be apparent soon, The hype has started dying in two days.

Pakistan will soon start putting the blame on someone else like its favorite pastime "Stateless" actors who perhaps descend from heaven.
Agnostic Muslim:

You may have a deeply vested interest in making long leaps of faith in order to believe the words of your politicians and generals, but believe me, the rest of the world has no such compulsions.

Indeed, if you accept the allegations of your Generals as gospel truth, it become easy to believe that the US is deliberately sabotaging its own hard-fought war in order to cover up the widespread support that the Indians are allegedly providing to their own arch-enemy, inspite of repeated protests by their faithful ally (Pakistan).
However, you'll be surprised to know that your leaders hold little or no credibility outside your country.

I would very much like to know why the Pakistani army was arranging Jirgas and meetings, striking deals, describing as "patriots" and "misguided brothers", these Indian agents for the last several years, given the extremely low tolerance that they usually display for any Indian activity within Pakistan. Are your leaders stupid, incompetent, or both? Or were they simply fooled by this Indo-US conspiracy to destabilize Pakistan? Or perhaps this is all a ploy to mire the PA in the west so that India can attack for the east?
I amextremely eager to know how you have managed to rationalize all this to yourself, in order to give credibility to the words of your beloved generals.
There is no Indian involvement it will be apparent soon, The hype has started dying in two days.

Pakistan will soon start putting the blame on someone else like its favorite pastime "Stateless" actors who perhaps descend from heaven.
Who is left now to blame now? US, India, Israel, all Non muslim religions - all covered. I am looking forward to some really cool creativity next - something Its enviably good at.
You don't expect them to blame their 'taller than mountains, deeper than ocean' friends.

Tell me which intersset China has in this ? Or we should only blame them since its china ?

India has a huge problem when some how there weapons and chemical find its way to Pakistan. Not in small nr but in big number and from Afghanistan. Its well known India and Isreal are working toghter and since 1980s they have planed to take out Pakistani nucler faclity which has atleast failed once.
The cross border involvement by Indian intelligence agencies aka terrorist organization RAW has not been a hidden story any more since both Pakistan as well as NATO forces operating in Afghanistan have shown concerns over it. According to much hyped report by General Stanley McChrystal,

Indian political and economic influence is increasing in Afghanistan, including significant development efforts and financial investment. In addition, the current Afghan government is perceived by Islamabad to be pro-Indian. While Indian activities largely benefit the Afghan people, increasing Indian influence in Afghanistan is likely to exacerbate regional tensions and encourage Pakistani countermeasures in Afghanistan or India.

If that was not enough, the Government of Pakistan has found huge cache of Indian arms, Medicines and other propaganda material in the hideouts of terrorists in South Waziristan. The evidence has been documented and proofs handed over to Foreign Office to be presented at relevant forums.

According to Daily Dawn:

ISLAMABAD: Pakistan has found concrete evidence of India’s involvement in militancy in South Waziristan and decided to take up the matter with New Delhi.

This was disclosed by Information Minster Qamar Zaman Kaira and military spokesman Major-General Athar Abbas at a press briefing on the progress of operation Rah-e-Nijat here on Monday. It was the first time in recent times that Pakistan had pointed fingers at India from a forum having representation of political and military leadership.

Mr Kaira said although it had been decided to raise the issue with India, Pakistan would not deviate from the peace process.

Gen Abbas said a huge quantity of Indian arms and ammunition, literature, medical equipment and medicines had been recovered from Sherawangi area, near Kaniguram. He said the Foreign Office had been informed and the matter would be taken up with the Indian authorities through diplomatic channels.

India and Afghan Government has also been blamed for sponsoring the Baloch terrorists hiding in Afghanistan and using it as a safe base to launch attacks inside Afghanistan. The very fact that Americans are very much aware of these concerns of Pakistan but have preferred to stay mum shows that they are using it as a bargaining chip against Pakistan. That bring me to a conclusion that Americans are not even sincere in their own stated objectves for the region. Destabilizing Pakistan means destabilizing the whole region. If Pakistan military decided to take off its hands from the War on Terror, the Talibans will not only take over Afghanistan but will also set their eyes on Indian in general and Kashmir in particular. Even the Chechen conflict will reemerge and the problems in Central Asian states will resurface. The Americans and Indians should realize that Pakistan is the last buffer in the fight against terrorists operating in the region.

Indians are only interested in their own strategic gains but it is the duty of Americans and NATO forces to align their strategic goals and keep Indian activities in check in Afghanistan before they find themselves stuck deep in a proxy war between India and Pakistan waged on the soil of Afghanistan. That would be a disaster for all the important players so its time we mend our ways before it gets too late. By Pro-Pakistan

India Terrorism: Militants held in Karachi with Indian made explosives
Pakistani CID police on Wednesday arrested five members of a banned militant outfit and seized about 150 kilos of explosives of Indian origin, automatic rifles and suicide vests from them.

A senior CID police official said that the five suspected militants, all residents of Karachi, were arrested in different parts of Orangi Town and they were planning terror attacks on key installations in the city.

‘Initial investigations suggest that they all are militants and associated with the banned Lashkar-i-Jhangvi. They have a history of police arrests on different charges,’ said CID SP Fayyaz Khan.

‘We have seized two suicide jackets, two sacks containing 150 kilos of explosives made by an Indian company and five Kalashnikov rifles with bullets and magazines.’

The SP was speaking to reporters at the DJ College Ground on Dr Ziauddin Ahmed Road where the seized explosives and suicide jackets were being defused by the officials of the Bomb Disposal Squad.

The arrested suspects, aged between 25 and 26 years, are identified as Nasir alias Saifullah, Shakeel Barmi, Atif alias Chooha, Wasim alias Baroodi and Afzal alias Rickshaw Wala.

The official was reluctant to share details of the police action which led to the arrest of the suspected militants.

However, he said the CID police were looking for four of their accomplices – Rasheed Swati, Arif alias Chota, Danish and Naseer – who were still at large.

The CID police claimed that the arrested suspects were planning to target government buildings and prominent individuals. ‘Their main targets were government buildings and hotels,’ said SP Khan.

‘The initial investigations revealed that the suspects were also planning to target prominent personalities including politicians and government members.’

The seized explosives were put on display at the DJ College Ground. The inscription on the two white plastic bags containing about 100 kilos of potassium chlorate, read: ‘Manufactured by Vaigai Industries, Karaikal, India’.

The remaining 50 kilos of explosive material was packed in two small aluminum boxes.
It was the first time in recent times that Pakistan had pointed fingers at India from a forum having representation of political and military leadership.

I am wondering whether there are people in this forum who see the irony of this sentence.:hitwall:
what documents did they find with the cache of arms ? :mod: arms & ammunition's cannot be used as a full evidence coz that can be obtained through the black market.

We can believe in India's involvement only if some people of indian origin operating for RAW are caught red handed fighting with terrorists

hope u agree :cheers:
all these reports are mere speculations of India's involvement. Taliban is what it is because
1. The wrong decisions of letting them grow to overthrow the soviets from Pakistan.
2. Use of Taliban for strategic depth in Afghanistan & Kashmir.
3. Baluchistan is the same as naxalite movement in India people are fighting against discrimination,for a better life.

ISI is not behind Naxals viz RAW is not behind Baluchistan.

everything will be solved if there is dialogue and development instead of blaming
Still waiting for the truckloads of ammunition.

Its been 3 days. I wonder why the famed ISPR didn't bother to click a few photographs of the clinching evidence and embarrass India.
Still waiting for the "proofs"... you guys are already losing credibility
Its been 3 days. I wonder why the famed ISPR didn't bother to click a few photographs of the clinching evidence and embarrass India.

India is deeply involved in Baluchistan and SWA to engage PA as far away from its border as possible. Period.

What response can one expect from a bunch of Indians on this forum other than 'we are not'!

Proof is aplenty and pretty soon it will crawl up like Pac Man on the rear of Manmohan Singh and his RAW-hides!
India is deeply involved in Baluchistan and SWA to engage PA as far away from its border as possible. Period.
Based on what can you say that? Based on the statement of some leaders or based on the weapons with labels made in India.
What response can one expect from a bunch of Indians on this forum other than 'we are not'!

What can we expect from the people of Pakistan other than this. It has a long history of finding faults with others rather than doing some introspection.

Proof is aplenty and pretty soon it will crawl up like Pac Man on the rear of Manmohan Singh and his RAW-hides!
60 years we still see soon Kashmir will become Pakistan

I wonder when actually Pakistan is going to do something apart from this "soon" stuff. Having a superior army, airforce, navy missiles people why the hell India still holds majority of Kashmir. i know the answer dont tell me ........... "Soon......... :blah::blah::blah:"
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