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Proof of Indian Involvement in Waziristan found: Army

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^Non state actors? Nonsense.

If there is Indian involvement, its state involvement. There are no terrorist groups running amok on Indian soil (apart from the Pakistan backed ones).
u seem so sure about that! raw is militating in pakistan so according to us, Raw is terrorists group running on indian soil!
Committee Given Verification of indian Terror Involvement​
ISLAMABAD: The parliamentary committee on national security was provided on Tuesday evidence of Indian involvement in terrorist activities in Pakistan.

The committee, comprising senators and MNAs of all parliamentary groups, recommended setting up of a national counter-terrorism authority to analyse and assess reasons for rapid spread of terrorism and to suggest ways of eliminating it.

A meeting of the committee, presided over by Senator Mian Raza Rabbani, called for highlighting the proof of Indian support for terrorists at international forums and bringing it to the notice of Indian authorities.

Senator Mian Raza Rabbani held a meeting with the Leader of the European Commission. The meeting of the committee on national security, presided over by the Senator, called for highlighting the proof of Indian support for terrorists.

Interior Minister Rehman Malik briefed the committee on the security situation in the aftermath of successful military operation in Malakand division and the ongoing operation Rah-i-Nijat in South Waziristan.

The committee asked the agencies concerned to expose foreign hands behind terrorist activities. It decided to have another briefing from the Foreign Office on the situation emerging from reports of Indian involvement in tribal areas as well as Balochistan.

According to insiders, Mr Malik said that objectives of the South Waziristan operation would be achieved soon. He said that foreign elements were helping the Taliban, but security forces were determined to flush them out.

‘There is no place for the Taliban in Pakistan. The entire nation is supporting the operation,’ the minister added.

Mr Rabbani told reporters that the meeting had been called to review the situation after the return of displaced people to Swat and Malakand and to urge the government to complete payment of compensation to the IDPs.

DAWN.COM | Pakistan | Committee given verification of Indian terror involvement
These people are trying to deceive the world and the people of your country.

Mark my words, this is not going to end well.
To Indian members!

Just don't jump on one or two pics... No one know the exactly details of the proofs (Captured Indian Nationals which can be proved far more lethal proof than shells, their statements, etc.)

One thing is for sure this is first time Pakistan army categorically said YES THERE IS INDIAN INVOLVEMENT there... I have posted many time the articles where William Burns was telling Indian inside India to shutdown some of its offices in Afghanistan. I think wait and see would be best option at the moment as this matter will not remain till this and there will be some documented form of these evidence some day soon.
These people are trying to deceive the world and the people of your country.

Mark my words, this is not going to end well.

And What is rationale of behinds this when whole nation is standing united behind army regarding this operation?
Well known to whom?

Name ONE credible non-Pakistani source that has directly accused India of financing the TTP.

The ONLY PEOPLE on this dear planet of ours who are claiming this is Pakistan.

Sorry to say, you have absolutely zero credibility. Your Army and your Government can fool all of you, but they can't fool the rest of the world.
Well known to whom?

Name ONE credible non-Pakistani source that has directly accused India of financing the TTP.

The ONLY PEOPLE on this dear planet of ours who are claiming this is Pakistan.

Sorry to say, you have absolutely zero credibility. Your Army and your Government can fool all of you, but they can't fool the rest of the world.

OK! Then why yankis have problems with what you are doing in Afghanistan??
What problems do they have? Believe me, if they had problems with Indian presence in Afghanistan, they would let the Indians know.
Indian presence there is, quite literally, at the pleasure of the Americans. They are the ones providing the security so that India can operate in the country.

There is concern of course, and that concern stems from the incessant complaining and wild accusations by Pakistan. Some Americans feel that perhaps the Pakistanis will be a tad less paranoid and a tad more cooperative if the Indians were asked to leave.

Of course, there is ample evidence for one thing: That Pakistani agencies have attacked the Indian consulate in Kabul. The US has directly accused Pakistan of doing so. But of course, the evil Americans are only doing this because they are hand-in-glove with the Indians and the Jews to destabilize Pakistan.

I realize that it is useless to argue with you people. Frankly, you can believe what you want. Please continue to gloat over the "Proof" that is being dished out on a regular basis. Continue to live in your little dream world.
My argument was that regardless of what CF interpreted those comments as implying, the fact that Baluchistan was specifically referred to as being a target of Indian funds raises obvious questions as to why and whom.
Conducting a standard intelligence practice (HUMINT) that is not synonymous with the orchestration of an armed insurgency. Other than the Iranians nobody had access to this region, but now they do, and everyone who has a vested interest is bound to invest heavily into the cultivation of assets. This is common for virtually every conflict zone.

She has addressed this question by stating
CCF:...competent intelligence agencies cultivate assets. They have listening posts. They are there to gather information.

AKS: What did Indian officials mean when they told you they were pumping in money into Balochistan?

CCF: It was intended to cultivate assets. That's all I ever implied. I have no evidence for explicit support for terrorism. There is nothing in my Foreign Affairs comments that actually says that.

But when you have analysts say India is doing nothing, I don't think that is helpful because I don't believe that is true. India has a competent intelligence agency; India is doing what every other country that is involved in Afghanistan is doing - that is, developing information, developing contacts, trying to assert itself politically. So when people say "Oh, India is not doing anything," that is really not true.

I would be surprised if consulates in countries that have competent intelligence services are not doing this all over the place. This is a relatively quotidian activity that virtually all consulates engage in.

AgNoStIc MuSliM said:
I am not suggesting the US realtionship with India mirrors that with Israel, nor that there is any connection there - trying to inject 'Hindu-zionist conspiracy' in here is nothing but a strawman.

What I am pointing out is that the US will not jeapordize its perceived national interests for the sake of erring on the side of what is right, as it has illustrated in protecting Israel even when Israel's crimes are obvious.
If there is no connection or correlation, drop the reference. It serves as a detractor and results in the propagation of the conspiracy theory.

AgNoStIc MuSliM said:
Given the growing US-India strategic partnership and the hundreds of billions in military and economic contracts, and given the rather duplicitous precedent the US has set with sheltering Israel, I do not think that even MMS accepting guilt in front of the US president would result in a public condemnation from the US.
The reason for our criminal negligence when it comes to Israel's actions is based on a completely different set of factors which are in no shape or form common with any other case, and certainly not India. If you truly believe that US' relationship with India does not mirror that with Israel, then there is no valid precedent here. All I'm trying to say is that Israel is beyond the scope of any meaningful dialog in this case and ought to be jettisoned from the discussion altogether.

In the case of India we already have one clear instance of such deference in order to protect US interests - the removal of Kashmir from the table despite Obama's commitment to it in his campaign. Accusing India of supporting terrorism publicly would go even further than talking about Kashmir. Hence my point that the US cannot be considered a credible party to address Pakistani grievances, publicly atleast.
If presidential candidates were to be held to campaign promises we'd be living in a different universe altogether. The AfPak policy was put into place after Obama was elected based on consultations with experts. Pakistan is grouped in with Afghanistan and India falls into a different bracket as per the state dept.'s policy. What is clear is that the US considers India and Pakistan unequal entities when formulating policy; a shift that was initiated under Bill Clinton's presidency, solidified under SoS' Powell and Rice and perpetuated by the Obama administration. The reasons for this have been openly discussed and published.

But again, there is no evidence whatsoever indicating the dubious partnership as you suggest. This is all conjecture and although I'm not pinning all of this on you as an individual (it is a commonly endorsed idea) I do believe that it has a devastating impact on the situation at hand by worsening the neurosis.
Well known to whom?

Name ONE credible non-Pakistani source that has directly accused India of financing the TTP.

The ONLY PEOPLE on this dear planet of ours who are claiming this is Pakistan.

Sorry to say, you have absolutely zero credibility. Your Army and your Government can fool all of you, but they can't fool the rest of the world.

So what you're saying is even if they have proof you'll still deny it no matter? Basically deluding yourself into thinking that india can never do this?
Guys, arguing with some of the guys (such as postcolonial) is like arguing against women. You can never be right and they are always right. No need to waste time on this. Let them think whatever he wants to think and ignore them like trolls.
Conducting a standard intelligence practice (HUMINT) that is not synonymous with the orchestration of an armed insurgency. Other than the Iranians nobody had access to this region, but now they do, and everyone who has a vested interest is bound to invest heavily into the cultivation of assets. This is common for virtually every conflict zone.
Baluchistan is not exactly surrounded by barbed wire for there to be 'no access', it is not cut off from the rest of Pakistan and it has ben a conflict zone for a long time. Your explanation seeks to paint it as some sort of hidden shangri la that suddenly made itself available for exploitation. The Indians likely have been cultivating assets in Pakistan, including Baluchistan, for a long time now, since the situation in Baluchistan is not dramatically different from the past - so why make a specific mention of it?

What is different is all this 'money being pumped in', and one could argue, the upsurge in the Baluch insurgency (at least till a few months ago) since the Indian presence in Afghanistan. It is after all an insurgency affected region, and it does not take much imagination to to understand what 'assets' are being 'cultivated' by the Indians.

She has addressed this question by stating
She has only addressed what she herself meant - she cannot possibly clarify what the Indian officials meant when they made the statement she quoted, unless she quoted them incorrectly or she contacted them to obtain a clarification - she suggests none of the above two options, merely taking the middle road for what she implied.

If there is no connection or correlation, drop the reference. It serves as a detractor and results in the propagation of the conspiracy theory.
There is no connection in the sense of a 'Hindu-zionist conspiracy' canard as you tried to suggest - that does not mean the behavior of the US in protecting its perceived interests by refusing to ackowledge criminal or terrorist activity by India, as it does with Israel, will not be similar to its behaviour with Israel..

The reason for our criminal negligence when it comes to Israel's actions is based on a completely different set of factors which are in no shape or form common with any other case, and certainly not India. If you truly believe that US' relationship with India does not mirror that with Israel, then there is no valid precedent here. All I'm trying to say is that Israel is beyond the scope of any meaningful dialog in this case and ought to be jettisoned from the discussion altogether.
No two issues are the same, but at the core of US hypocrisy and doublestandards with Israel is the issue of perceived interests and strong domestic political lobbies in favor of turning a blind eye to the sins of Israel - those two issues are common, in varying degrees, to the US-India relationship as well - and India could be argued to have even greater US interests, given the economic gains to be had that Israel cannot come close too.

If presidential candidates were to be held to campaign promises we'd be living in a different universe altogether. The AfPak policy was put into place after Obama was elected based on consultations with experts. Pakistan is grouped in with Afghanistan and India falls into a different bracket as per the state dept.'s policy. What is clear is that the US considers India and Pakistan unequal entities when formulating policy; a shift that was initiated under Bill Clinton's presidency, solidified under SoS' Powell and Rice and perpetuated by the Obama administration. The reasons for this have been openly discussed and published.
I agree that the US sees Pakistan and India as unequal entities - hence my point about double standards ala Israel, and an overlooking of Indian aggresion against Pakistan (publicly at least) via subversion in Baluchistan and elsewhere.

Iran can be condemned for 'suppression of a vote', while India's occupation of the Kashmiris in violation of the UNSC resolutions gets overlooked - that 'unequal relationship' that you admit to is precisely what underlines the duplicity here.
But again, there is no evidence whatsoever indicating the dubious partnership as you suggest. This is all conjecture and although I'm not pinning all of this on you as an individual (it is a commonly endorsed idea) I do believe that it has a devastating impact on the situation at hand by worsening the neurosis.
There is loads of evidence establishing this duplictious behaviour by the US in the form of precendent, especially the precedent of its 'protection' of Israel.
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