There's been a lot of discussion about AI in warfare in this thread, but what about designing and manufacturing?
By dreaming up radical new structures, designers are helping aircraft to become lighter, stronger and more efficient. Yet the minds behind these innovations are not human.
I know this is a bit off topic, but AI is already being used to build motor vehicles (high performance ones afaik) so why do we not let a computer AI completely build a fighter jet? We feed in design parameters, materials, RCS requirements, existing flight data and let the AI build a highly detailed CAD? We would need to teach it how to make airframes etc... But it's all doable.
We can then use another AI to essentially design jigs and whatnot for our aircraft to rapidly manufacture it.
PAF is already working on AI so this could be possible too.
An example of an AI built car:
PS, We dont have to 3d print stuff, we can set those things in our hypothetical IA