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President House opened for general public

Opening governer / pm / president house for general public is mental slavery of US according to pmln khota

I have told you many times, i'm not PMLN but you keep calling me names bloody dog.
PoTI people are always proved to be third rated idiots.
That's the whole point. Patwaris and Jiyalas may call it gimmicks but in future their leaders won't be able to reverse these democratic steps. @BATMAN @I FLY HIGH @Tameem

Does anybody remember the time Bhutto promised similar things to the awam as the rightful owners when he nationalized many things? From that time on tangas stopped giving way to cars because now they felt they owned the road instead of following the rules.

How did that work out? Same thing will happen here. Again. History repeating itself. :D
Does anybody remember the time Bhutto promised similar tings to the awam as the rightful owners when he nationalized many things? From that time on tangas stopped giving way to cars because now they felt they owned the road instead of following the rules.

How did that work out? Same thing will happen here. Again. History repeating itself. :D
How do you know? Why history only get repeated in third world country and not in first world? Maybe America repeat it's early 60-70's history as well..
Does anybody remember the time Bhutto promised similar tings to the awam as the rightful owners when he nationalized many things? From that time on tangas stopped giving way to cars because now they felt they owned the road instead of following the rules.

How did that work out? Same thing will happen here. Again. History repeating itself. :D
Moron roads are public property too
I don't know exactly about white house operations, but there's a difference in guided and controlled tour and opening for public.
As they say, it requires brain, even to copy some one.
Still i advise to PoTI to throw away this mental slavery of US.

She actually has little leisure time left, after doing daily transfers in interior ministry.
Real butt hurt
President House opened for general public

Web Desk
December 08,2018
The public can enter the government structure by showing their National Identity Cards from the period of 9am to 4pm.


ISLAMABAD: The vastly fortified and expansive President House opened its doors to the general public on Saturday.

The public can enter the government structure by showing their National Identity Cards from the period of 9am to 4pm.

The move has come as part of Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf government’s plan of making state-owned structures accessible for the public.

Following Prime Minister Imran Khan’s intentions to do so, the Governor House Punjab and the one in Murree opened for the public followed by the Sindh Governor House also allowing entry to citizens once a week with the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Governor House following suit

@war&peace @koolio @Zibago @Horus @Stealth @Verve

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