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Featured President Donald Trump and wife Melania test positive for COVID-19

Stop baiting then crybaby. You literally always play victim lmao, stop it.
Tell that to moderator. :enjoy:
We need this dumbass alive at all costs --
This is a clever tactic by Trump. I bet no one here even knows about his wife's chat leaks. :laugh:
Now, President Trump will make some last wishes from his "death bed" immediately before the election:
  • Elect me for the last time
  • I'll show the tax returns
  • I'll make the USA even greater
  • I'll bring "Law & Order" back
  • I'll get all the "allies" pay all their dues
  • I'll not let China dominate over the USA
  • Even Indian PM Modi has got COVID-19
  • Etc.
could it be a calculated move?

So upon hearing Trump's Coronavirus news today I wrote to friends something like:

If Trump doesn't recover fast then he is doomed. If he does recover fast then he could crow about being a 74 year old who survived the Virus and so can the vast majority of people and the Dems are destroying the country by shutting it down. And if Trump was a Machiavellian smart guy then he would fake the infection, recover fast and come out as a strong leader and will likely win the 2020 elections.
Well looks like mother nature wants him to take responsibility after all.
So upon hearing Trump's Coronavirus news today I wrote to friends something like:

If Trump doesn't recover fast then he is doomed. If he does recover fast then he could crow about being a 74 year old who survived the Virus and so can the vast majority of people and the Dems are destroying the country by shutting it down. And if Trump was a Machiavellian smart guy then he would fake the infection, recover fast and come out as a strong leader and will likely win the 2020 elections.

It can't be faked. Trump's infection of covid is an inevitability. He flouted the advice of wearing mask and made fun of people of doing that. He talked about drinking bleach. He said it would be gone per se. He downplayed it and now he got it. He is in his 70s and he is obese with a mini stroke on standby. I can't figure out how he could spin this into a positive way. He is on the way out big time.
What a crazy year.

It's going down!!!!!! 2 doomsday planes are flying in the air right now on both coasts of America. Pentagon says "doomsday flights" were pre-planned, dunno though.

China virus might kill the president of the United States bro!!!!! Uncle Sam’s gettin hot, gonna turn China into a parking lot @Feng Leng @Han Patriot @Beast
Yes! I have been waiting for this moment! We can finally launch our DF-41 against American population centers!
What a crazy year.

Worse has happened. We wish Trump and Melania well.
Yes! I have been waiting for this moment! We can finally launch our DF-41 against American population centers!

You can't possibly believe any of the vomit that you post on this site can you? You must be a piss-take, someone trying to make Chinese look like idiots.

It's going down!!!!!! 2 doomsday planes are flying in the air right now on both coasts of America. Pentagon says "doomsday flights" were pre-planned, dunno though.

China virus might kill the president of the United States bro!!!!! Uncle Sam’s gettin hot, gonna turn China into a parking lot @Feng Leng @Han Patriot @Beast
Parking lot eh? Fat boy Kim is laughing his *** off. Lol. You do know what's Mad right? Come try I dare you. Even after killing 200k Americans and blowing up the US economy, all I see is Huawei ban? Pussyyyyu
You need to go past this missile first before talking about China for doomsday! :enjoy:
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Lil black boy thinks we can't flatten US. Lol
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