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Preliminary and Final Medical Exam - Pak Army

can we appear for pma lc if we have gap in matric and inter????
A candidate will be dropped/sent back if he passes one mile run/push ups/sit ups/ditch crossing but fails to do chin ups even in second chance ? @Xeric

and i'm talking about TCC.
A candidate will be dropped/sent back if he passes one mile run/push ups/sit ups/ditch crossing but fails to do chin ups even in second chance ? @Xeric

and i'm talking about TCC.
The ad says: Candidates must qualify the physical tests, so it is self explanatory.
I have mild bow leg , I can run just fine.will it be a problem ?

What about deviated septum ?
Question concerning the Preliminary and Final Medical Exam for the Army should be asked here. Feel free to ask any question.

Note: Mazay lainay wala hazrat will be dealt with severly.

Here's what goes around:

Initial Medical

1) Minimum Height - 5 feet 4 inches

2) Wieght - As per BMI (Body Mass Index) Chart. It is available over the net, check it out as per you age, height and build.

3)Eyesight - 6/6 with glasses.

4) Should not be color blind

5) No apparant phisical defect.

6) Yes you would have to go naked. Primarily to check that you have not grown breats or something to the effect. A guy would also inspect your gentials with his hands (though not every time) espacially the testicles.

Final Medical (after clearance of ISSB)

1) All the above mentioned checks would be redone.

2) Chest X-ray

3) Blood picture

4) Urine test

5) A visit to ENT specialist - He will 'look into' your ears for ear drum damage etc.

6) A visit to Surgical and Medical specialist.

7) Yep, you would have to go naked again. This time you will also be required to do things like bending over, showing our behind to the doc and coughing.

Any further questions, feel free to ask.
Aoa, can you kindly tell me if any type of surgery matters in selection. Like if a person had his gall bladder removed due to some stones in it a year back, will he be eligible to join army? Will that affect him in any medical test?
AOA sir....can u please tell me if one had tuberculosis and after he had done complete course (treatment) of tuberculosis,applies for (GD(P)).will he be rejected by CMB?
Aoa, can you kindly tell me if any type of surgery matters in selection. Like if a person had his gall bladder removed due to some stones in it a year back, will he be eligible to join army? Will that affect him in any medical test?
Gall bladder is not required in PMA, so relax :)

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