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Pray, what wrong did I do, asks atheist teacher

I also do not why Saraswati Puja is almost mandatory in every educational institution in Bengal irrespective of students' religion.
. .

Not Somewhere, But India.. He is right in India coz India don't have state religion. Even Atheists have there fare share in society. Prayer is common in all schools, I remember my primary school where we use to pray Mother Saraswati. The Muslim Kids use to sit outside during prayer (Imagine 5-6 year old Muslim kids sitting out while other are participating in prayer). Those kids use to tell me that they want to participate but there family members stop them...

Like those Muslim kids , The school would have given him option to stay out of prayer..

:))) how about the schools altogether abandon such practice .
I havent been to temples in proly 6-7 years. religion is everything about self realization. other ppl need those temples not I. one should pray from heart, no man made monument is needed. If he omnipresent ( provided He exists ) what is the need for a specific place and specific direction to pray him . Mankind progressed not bcoz some temporal lobe epilepsy patient saw some angel or devil or a man wrota a book but bcoz some one had curious brain. .
religion is regressive. BTW why are you asking me whether temples should be destroyed or not, I am not using them ask ppl who are using Mandir , mosque or church . as i said religion is about self realisation. what is self about reading a book and mugging it up without questioning it .

So you pray from your heart ??? and don't go to temples?

haha funny thing is ,yes!
self fulfilling delusion is a necessary part of our confidence building psychological mechanism it increases day to day productivity.

Didn't u ask for some good book on a separate thread?
i recommend a very good one ..from my personal bests collection.

This is a cult favorite not meant for tho susceptible to suggestion it may rattle some strong mental cages.

David McRaneys -You Are Not So Smartthis is one of the book u find yourself going back to refresh some choice rebuttals.
(i recommend this if one has not read book like Leviathan etc etc.)

*not for the weak of heart*.

:))))) indeed I asked for and I had been reading everything under the sun since childhood read Bible at a very young age when I was not even very much understanding it. Also read Hindu texts.

And don't say the bold part on face of majority
:))) how about the schools altogether abandon such practice .

So you pray from your heart ??? and don't go to temples?

:))))) indeed I asked for and I had been reading everything under the sun since childhood read Bible at a very young age when I was not even very much understanding it. Also read Hindu texts.

And don't say the bold part on face of majority

Nah i don't even pray. striving for something makes it easier rather than praying. i dont even go to temples..
:))) how about the schools altogether abandon such practice .
:))))) indeed I asked for and I had been reading everything under the sun since childhood read Bible at a very young age when I was not even very much understanding it. Also read Hindu texts.

Thts good so uve been reading alot of fiction books .:P

And don't say the bold part on face of majority

I do actually whenever the topic arises.But i don't go about perching to those who i think would hurt themselves away from religion, as they lack the capacity to live happily without it.

Awaken Only those who are miserable and make others lives miserable in spite of being avid believers.
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