To sum this whole discussion up. Nobody in Pakistan Puts Religion before country, its just like most of us are not realizing what this question means.
Pakistani Policy or at least what we all know and are taught from our childhood, is that all Muslim countries should become brotherly friendly association who should defend themselves against foreign threats and work toward common shared goals. Jihad narrative is embroidered in the same fabric that we are using our holy soldiers to defend Muslims in different Muslim Countries.
thats what Pakistanis make up of Islam as religion. i.e all Muslim countries are defacto our Friends. And we are doing greater good for Islam. Never have they been told that any MUSLIM country works against their country. Hardly anyone in Pakistan knows what Saddam Husain's Iraq views and Policies were toward Pakistan. They don't even know that their are Indian Muslims who have died fighting war against Pakistan against our soldiers. To Most Pakistanis Indian Muslim Population is oppressed under Hindu Yoke.
So the comprehension that a Muslim can be enemy of Pakistan is neither discussed nor tolerated due to this narrative.
See Alqaeda, Tehreek Taliban, Jamaatul Ahrar for example. Everyone knows they slaughtered our children and citizen for years. and the best argument came out against this enemy is "They are not true muslims" People even thought they are our "Angry Brothers who need reconciliation" before the Army Public School Incident.
Or Afghanistan. Nobody is ready to accept that Afghanistan is a hostile Nation toward Pakistan Primarily due to Durand line and many other historical and geographical issues but guess what? Its all American and India Propaganda, Afghans are our brothers thats what most people say.
Pakistani Nationalism is one of the strongest in the region. Almost over dangerous line that we become intolerant toward even positive criticism toward our country. You are just asking them this question the wrong way. Decades of State baked narrative and education of "Global Islamic Brotherhood" and "We are the Stronghold of Islam" have almost unified Pakistani Nationalism with Muslim Nationalism for most of us. Nobody will support any Islamic Country against Pakistan. Or Reject any Non-Muslim Country who is ally of Pakistan against a Muslim Country just for the reason that they are Muslims. The only exception is India for obvious reasons