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Poll: If Reham enters politics, will you vote for PTI in next elections?

If Reham enters politics, will you vote for PTI in next elections?

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If ?? She's leading Pti from the top since she got married to last hope of this nation Imran the lord the king the khan...

Stop the bs of her not being in politics won't contest in elections she runs Pti from her bedroom .....She's on auto mode of becoming the 1st lady of this nation

This nation have very little hope if these dancer become the head of this state .... ALLAH NA karay Ameen .
For me it does not matter as long she goes through the same screening process other PTI candidates go through for their selection.
Such as? The turncoats (lota) from all other parties that have joined PTI went through what kind of screening process? Is there any screening process exist in PTI?
I think the question is either you vote for PTI or not vote for PTI. I don't think change of faces would matter much to me as I don''t believe PTI is any different to rest of pro "maroosi" siyasat politics in Pakistan. So if I have to vote, It would be regardless of Reham's participation in politics or not
Lol still vote for PTI.

Buddy, PTI is off its ideology. You're voting cuz "Imran," not what the party stands for.

I'd rather vote a party wajhudin makes. Because these people are following ideology, not Imran, hence had guts to stand up to him.

Not to worry though, people like you are in PPP and PML too they ignore the ideology and vote cuz Bhutto and Nawaz. They too say "one wrong thing but other good things," but in the end, they are voting for name sake.

I am sure you only read the still vote part and burst apart... Did you read the entire post ? Where can you point out did I say I would vote for pti bcz it has imran khan in it? I said I would vote for a party after carefully analysing their progress and work done... I am not foolish enough to let hatred blind my eyes to not accept any work done by the party I hold grudge against. I don't vote for empty ideology either who speak the words but do nothing. I like to vote for parties who walk the walk not talk the talk... The thing is people like you who like to vote on personal dislikes and likes will never understand the concept of maturely seeing the performance of parties and voting on that basis....

As I said. Imran despite being unfocused has done good in kpk, not the level promised or expected, but still good. I am sure if he focuses these 2 years he will be able to make kpk his platform province.
I am sorry but it seems to be a rather childish question and getting equally childish answers. :)

Anyway guys, everyone is entitled to his/her own choice. Persoanlly, i do not see any relevance between Reham joining politics and decision about whether to vote or not for PTI. For me, there are FAR MORE important things that are to be considered.
Childish answers? PTI has been talking about dynastic politics, against nepotism, it has gathered a huge support by talking about these issues and now that PTI is walking the same path, it bothers her supporters who see this as hypocrisy. The relevance between Reham taking active part in PTI politics and decision about whether to vote anymore for PTI is more than obvious to me at-least and to those who are happening to post 'childish' replies here.

Doosron ko zaleel karey baghair bhi apni baat kahi jaa sakti hey.
The question should have another part. Those who would be dissuaded. Who would they vote for? N? Some new other party like Abdul qadeers?

Bcz if you are adamant on voting like I an who would you vote for besides pti also holds much water in deciding your vote... Would you try a new guy njowong he won't get much support ? This for me is a more interesting question.
The question should have another part. Those who would be dissuaded. Who would they vote for? N? Some new other party like Abdul qadeers?

Bcz if you are adamant on voting like I an who would you vote for besides pti also holds much water in deciding your vote... Would you try a new guy njowong he won't get much support ? This for me is a more interesting question.
Given the similarity between various political parties in Pakistan, one should vote not for parties but better candidates. We need to let go party -based politics and enter into constituency -based politics.
I am sure you only read the still vote part and burst apart... Did you read the entire post ? Where can you point out did I say I would vote for pti bcz it has imran khan in it? I said I would vote for a party after carefully analysing their progress and work done... I am not foolish enough to let hatred blind my eyes to not accept any work done by the party I hold grudge against. I don't vote for empty ideology either who speak the words but do nothing. I like to vote for parties who walk the walk not talk the talk... The thing is people like you who like to vote on personal dislikes and likes will never understand the concept of maturely seeing the performance of parties and voting on that basis....

As I said. Imran despite being unfocused has done good in kpk, not the level promised or expected, but still good. I am sure if he focuses these 2 years he will be able to make kpk his platform province.
That's what you're implying. But it's understandable you won't get it.

PTI ideology is dead. Why else would you vote? Because Imran. The rest are just excuses to satisfy yourself that you're doing the right thing. Human nature. We look for satisfaction in what we do. Example a person killings woman accused of witchcraft. He thinks he's doing the thing. But he just wants to see her dead.

We will see in 2018 what he does.
Given the similarity between various political parties in Pakistan, one should vote not for parties but better candidates. We need to let go party -based politics and enter into constituency -based politics.

This is how people used to vote before the ideological based voting slogan in 2013 election.. People would see whether x built roads or swerage systems or solved peoples problems and plight... In 2013 it was all vote for ideology, dont vote for the waders who just built a long city roads. Vote for the leader and his vision and his ideology and party.....

Yes you are right that slowly all parties are looking similar ... Pti is currently under an evolution process and so far that evolution process is heading towards the model of same old parties .... Sad but I guess the political environment of Pakistan accommodates this form evolution contrary to any other form.

Personally I believe 2018 election is far out of imrans reach... I think N will win with pti sitting in kpk assembly with a majority. Sindh might see competition .Of course this is just a prediction and nothing solid due to nature of pak politics.
If she enter in politics so what ?? kyoo g khali Alien Predator he politics kar sakhtay hain ??? ye kamazkam un chawal female active politicians sa bohat ziada phari likhi aur trust me boat ziada mature hey... I met her few months ago... jo mila hey iusa kabhe isay baat cheet ki hey usko pata hogak ay ye kis level ki bandi hey..... agar ye politics may ati hey tu koi mooth nahe ajani...

Chanda! ye baat Imran Khan ko bhi samjhao Na ke, Agar Maryam Nawaz ye Bilawal Bhutto politics meyn hain toa koi maut toa nahi Aa gai ............
Oh yes, if she enters, she will be selected like how Tareen was selected :)

Come to the west. Single mothers are quite happy. You get a job easily because it makes your resume prettier.

"News agency" isnt any good credentials. Just because she worked for BBC doesn't mean she's a good candidate for politics. Holding a good degree in say economics, finance and so forth is a different story.
correct , her previous life and work are of no relevance to her potential entry in politics. what she did before also doesn't make her any lesser a person but it is commendable.

people here make a big deal out of her dance during a charity event with her BBC colleagues and her work as presenter and weather girl in BBC but here in Pakistan the burka clad girls from Red Mosque who lie in the face of the camera about the red mosque operation and who offer to loose their virginity for ISIS fighters don't bother much the morality of Pakistani male population.

you quoted her exactly opposite to what she said about her previous relationship.

until now I didn't even know she was married or not let alone had kids because she never cried about it. she actually said that originally she did mention that when she decided to stand on her feet but she realised that people tend to take advantage of a person male or female who expresses his/ her limitations and concerns. then on, she maintains that she always appeared as a strong and self accomplished person. I know that personally from Berkshire where I live and where she appeared on BBC Radio and BBC south news.

as for her stepping into politics is concerned I personally am not in favor because it will give Nawaz and PPP trolls an excuse to taunt the couple day and night and also it doesn't go well with IK pledge of keeping his family out of politics
now will it affect my voting preferences? answer is no.. I am not that petty and temperamental to decide my voting preference for my country on such matter .. reasons are many but I expect my readers to understand.
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Childish answers? PTI has been talking about dynastic politics, against nepotism, it has gathered a huge support by talking about these issues and now that PTI is walking the same path, it bothers her supporters who see this as hypocrisy. The relevance between Reham taking active part in PTI politics and decision about whether to vote anymore for PTI is more than obvious to me at-least and to those who are happening to post 'childish' replies here.

Doosron ko zaleel karey baghair bhi apni baat kahi jaa sakti hey.

Well i am sorry if you took it so personally, i never meant to hurt you or anyone else, sorry about that.

Baki brother the problem is that people tend to be quite hypocritical when it comes to supporting some political party and this trend started about 4 5 years back when PTI got into main stream. FOR EXAMPLE, when if comes to comparing the performance of PML they will compare it with that of PPP, which almost all of us agree was the worst it can ever be. However for PTI, they criticize any and every small step. I do feel that taking up comparative analysis for some issues and absolute perfection as criteria for the others is childish.

As for Reham taking part in active politics, what is the problem if she can get elected by voting? You CANNOT deny opportunity to two family members if they are equally capable, that will be unjustified. Also you can take a look at any political party across the world and you wont find examples where it is BANNED to have two people from one family elected. So as long as things are done on merit it do not see any problem in this. I never say that Nawaz and Shahbaz being from same family is nepotism on PML, it is not, they are BOTH capable and deserve to be in the party, to be the main stake holder of the party. My concern is about Abid Sher Ali or even maryam and hamza and the likes of them, do we need to debate on whether they was on merit? Or is there any need for the complete list including cousins and second cousins? So yes, i do think that the question that is addressing that only "If reham Khan enters politics" is childish, IF she is not capable and NOT elected and still IK tries to get her into politics, then that is bad. This is a big "IF", so yes, IF she is not elected, is not capable and still made the chairperson for some government youth program worth millions of rupee, i will strong condemn it and the value of Imran and PTI will decrease in my eyes (which sadly is already on a downward trend for some time but need things to get a whole lot worst to get in balance with the best in other parties)

Anyways, as it have been proved time and time again, this is a fruitless debate, PTI's entry into main stream politics have agitated the masses, people are more involved in the political issues then then the ever were. This is a great thing. However as any thing, this had both positive and negative impact, the negative being that the people have become a lot more volatile, the support for parties are so biased that we can easily change our evaluation methods, our rating systems, our definition of good and bad to suite our party. That is sad and is perhaps the biggest negative impact of PTI getting into main stream politics.

Given the similarity between various political parties in Pakistan, one should vote not for parties but better candidates. We need to let go party -based politics and enter into constituency -based politics.
I can vote you for this alone,,, I wish that day comes in our life when people start understanding this VERY basis idea of democracy!
I hoped PTI can work on these lines as it was new party and did not owned any one anything, unfortunately this have changed in past few years. Still, i do feel that relatively more new faces are given chance in PTI, there are more leaders from within the people only if one can look beyond Jhangir Tareen and Qureshi for sake of criticizing! STILL, THERE IS NOT DOUBT THAT THE EXTENT OF THAT GOOD WORK IS NOT NEAR TO WHAT I PERSONALLY EXPECTED FROM THEM.

Chanda! ye baat Imran Khan ko bhi samjhao Na ke, Agar Maryam Nawaz ye Bilawal Bhutto politics meyn hain toa koi maut toa nahi Aa gai ............
rather then making anyone else understand anything, can we just sit back and sincerely analyze our own choices. Just as an example, can you analyze that Bilawal Bhutto getting next is line is good for us? for Pakistan?
I mean isn't it the main reason for supporting or denouncing any political party? we all do this in interest of our country right?

I am not that petty and temperamental to decide my voting preference for my country on such matter .. reasons are many but I expect my readers to understand.
NO ONE SHOULD BE,, We are just forgetting why we support any particular party in the first place. :( Dont know how can this be corrected, who will do it. I cannot figure out what part i personally can play and that drives me mad because this is something we need to address and correct on top priority. If we need to give democracy a chance, people will have to start to choosing wisely. :(
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Well i am sorry if you took it so personally, i never meant to hurt you or anyone else, sorry about that.

Baki brother the problem is that people tend to be quite hypocritical when it comes to supporting some political party and this trend started about 4 5 years back when PTI got into main stream. FOR EXAMPLE, when if comes to comparing the performance of PML they will compare it with that of PPP, which almost all of us agree was the worst it can ever be. However for PTI, they criticize any and every small step. I do feel that taking up comparative analysis for some issues and absolute perfection as criteria for the others is childish.

As for Reham taking part in active politics, what is the problem if she can get elected by voting? You CANNOT deny opportunity to two family members if they are equally capable, that will be unjustified. Also you can take a look at any political party across the world and you wont find examples where it is BANNED to have two people from one family elected. So as long as things are done on merit it do not see any problem in this. I never say that Nawaz and Shahbaz being from same family is nepotism on PML, it is not, they are BOTH capable and deserve to be in the party, to be the main stake holder of the party. My concern is about Abid Sher Ali or even maryam and hamza and the likes of them, do we need to debate on whether they was on merit? Or is there any need for the complete list including cousins and second cousins? So yes, i do think that the question that is addressing that only "If reham Khan enters politics" is childish, IF she is not capable and NOT elected and still IK tries to get her into politics, then that is bad. This is a big "IF", so yes, IF she is not elected, is not capable and still made the chairperson for some government youth program worth millions of rupee, i will strong condemn it and the value of Imran and PTI will decrease in my eyes (which sadly is already on a downward trend for some time but need things to get a whole lot worst to get in balance with the best in other parties)

Anyways, as it have been proved time and time again, this is a fruitless debate, PTI's entry into main stream politics have agitated the masses, people are more involved in the political issues then then the ever were. This is a great thing. However as any thing, this had both positive and negative impact, the negative being that the people have become a lot more volatile, the support for parties are so biased that we can easily change our evaluation methods, our rating systems, our definition of good and bad to suite our party. That is sad and is perhaps the biggest negative impact of PTI getting into main stream politics.

I can vote you for this alone,,, I wish that day comes in our life when people start understanding this VERY basis idea of democracy!
Bhai you know all too well that IF Imran wants her to get elected, he can make it happen regardless of merit. All he has to do is to win seats from multiple constituencies and vacate one, most predictable constituency for her to get elected on that seat, job done. Or he can ask some potential 'electable' to do the same. Like I said in my earliest post in this thread, I for one have no issue if she rises through the ranks, have her own constituency, work for it, and then get elected from there. That way her entry into politics will be a blessing for PTI and an example for other parties but if it does not happen like this and a short-cut was taken as describe in the beginning of this reply, then it would be just another setback for the party and her ideological members.
What if she doesn't run in election. What if she gets number 1 or 2 position In women special seats for MPA and MNA. Positions which will most definitely get you elected ... .. If imran takes this route to bring her into politics then that would be the most detrimental move of them all.
rather then making anyone else understand anything, can we just sit back and sincerely analyze our own choices. Just as an example, can you analyze that Bilawal Bhutto getting next is line is good for us? for Pakistan?
I mean isn't it the main reason for supporting or denouncing any political party? we all do this in interest of our country right?

Mohtaram! we cannot have double standards, Imran Khan shouting against family politics & his own wife entering politiics ???

Anyways, i am not at all interested in any political party --- I like the current setup, i mean Army is in charge of lots of things.
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