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Poll : can we expect a mutual military operation between Iran and Pakistan to control Taliban in Afghanistan?

Poll : can we expect a mutual military operation between Iran and Pakistan to control Taliban in Afg

  • Yes, they can negotiate, find a common ground and then launch an operation in Afghanistan

  • No, because west won't allow Pakistanis to act freely

  • No, because Pakistan and Iran cannot find a common ground

  • No, because Arabs won't allow Pakistan to decide freely

  • No, because Pakistan prefers unchallenged Taliban governemnt in Afghanistan

Results are only viewable after voting.
But the options made available were your personal opinions. A simple yes or no would have been a better reflection and would have left an open debate which would have been more transparent.

All you did was collect a very small sample which is already biased in contention. A futile execution of a futile exercise.
Not personal opinions. But maybe better to call it personal experiences.

Most importantly, you leave sneaky sentences among your stupid speculations, i don't give a hoot. You are a well known spammer.
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