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Poll : can we expect a mutual military operation between Iran and Pakistan to control Taliban in Afghanistan?

Poll : can we expect a mutual military operation between Iran and Pakistan to control Taliban in Afg

  • Yes, they can negotiate, find a common ground and then launch an operation in Afghanistan

  • No, because west won't allow Pakistanis to act freely

  • No, because Pakistan and Iran cannot find a common ground

  • No, because Arabs won't allow Pakistan to decide freely

  • No, because Pakistan prefers unchallenged Taliban governemnt in Afghanistan

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Honestly, it will take more than Iran and Pakistan to wipe out Taliban.

On Pakistan’s side, there are many Taliban sympathisers and any major operation against them will cause a backlash domestically. Pakistan after being royally screwed by Taliban in social and security realm continues to have a Stockholm Syndrome. Good Taliban v Bad Taliban. The best one could hope for is a continued IBO.

Iran side, they have the border managed in a decent way and have not been impacted by the terrorist ways of Taliban. The public knows these khwarijis well and are not making the same mistake the Pakistanis are. A few sorties of bombing raid on the Afghan side and the Taliban would go into hiding. Not worth for the Iranians to go full retard.
It's not that we couldn't, we wouldn't. TTP used Afghan soil and the best we can do is to get the IEA to say that they will "help facilitate negotiations between the TTP and Pakistan". Pakistan has never been in any position to launch a proper conflict against the Taliban due to the demographic and social structure of the border areas - that is to say that it's never been worth the mess it would cause. You on the other hand don't suffer this issue, so you can more easily act against the IEA.

Pakistan should partner with Afghanistan and assimilate Iran.

1. Afghanistan gets access to the coast.
2. Iran becomes a nuclear country under the name of Pakistan.
3. Both Afghanistan and Iran get assimilated by Pakistan and we become a mega country.

An other potential ally could be Tajikistan. Iran has provided them with drone factory, today, Tajikistan is more capable than most of other countries in yhe Central Asia.
Generally we have good relationship with Tajikistan, however, there is one big obstacle in our way that needs to be sorted. India has an air base there in Farkhor housing SU-30s. They need to kick them out before we can forge any sort of alliance. I don't know what they have to gain with India. Not only Afghanistan is a common threat, we can literally share a border with them through Wakhan corridor and give them access to our ports for trade. A win win situation is Iran helps us to convince Tajikistan to get rid of Indians, we help Iran control or take over Afghanistan.
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It exactly has many things to do with west and Americans. Pakistan should decide freely and secure its borders with Afghanistan. Iran too

And I don't think that Pakistan has recognized IEA. It is same in case of Iran. That will leave both countries free to decide what to do with Afghanistan.

Pakistan can host a trilateral summit on border management in the region. We cannot however decide or dictate terms for Afghanistan.
Let Afghans evolve on their own. The more anyone tries to discipline them the more entrenched and caught in the same mentality they will remain as we have seen over the past many decades.

Both of us will have to swallow the bitter pill and over couple of decade they will evolve out of it. There is no outside solution to Afghanistan. Never was, never will be. Any such effort will just boomerang and create just a bigger mess.
We just want tta to bring stability in Afghanistan and control ttp - that's all
,we don't want to control Afghanistan nor do we want to expand into Afghan land's
I said No, because The Iranian Shia government are anti-Afghan Taliban.

Pakistani government is on good terms with the Afghan Taliban.
It will never happen.

1. Pakistan is controlled by those who's interests are accumulation of wealth and retirement to the USA. They only work for thier self interest not of Pakistani interests.

2. The above mentioned traitors are US lapdogs so they will never work with Iran.

3. Pakistan and Iran don't have a common agreed upon alternative govt in Afghanistan.

4. Pakistan and Iran have a trust deficit. They both often operate against each others interests.
You sir, pointed to main issues. Unfortunately the geopolitical equations took shape in this region after US intervention in Afghanistan and also, Iranian revolution which removed Iran from the list of American sworn allies making Iran and USA the sworn enemies of each. Different sides in the equations were defined based upon the consequences of their actions.
I said No, because The Iranian Shia government are anti-Afghan Taliban.

Pakistani government is on good terms with the Afghan Taliban.
Completely wrong. The atheist Turks accused Iran of supporting Kurdish Hezbollah which is totally a Sunni group. Islamic revolution has no division within, its ideology comes from prophet's uprising against Arab monarchs of Mecca and their Jewish allies in Medina.
Let Afghans evolve on their own. The more anyone tries to discipline them the more entrenched and caught in the same mentality they will remain as we have seen over the past many decades.

Both of us will have to swallow the bitter pill and over couple of decade they will evolve out of it. There is no outside solution to Afghanistan. Never was, never will be. Any such effort will just boomerang and create just a bigger mess.
The goal here is not to discipline them, no one actually cares what they do inside their borders, the issue here is the constant provocations in neighbouring countries, that's something that isn't acceptable.

Iran can act, Pakistan for more reasons than one, cannot act as effectively.
Yes : 9 votes

No (in total) : 30 votes

I got my answer. But i personally liked my own list of answers. Gives me clue.

Thank you all for participating.
Yes : 9 votes

No (in total) : 30 votes

I got my answer. But i personally liked my own list of answers. Gives me clue.

Thank you all for participating.

Bame yourself.

A simple yes or no would have given Yes atleast 50 percent chance but you reduced it to 20 percent.

Even then the anti Afghan sentiment brought you resounding success but nobody knows who was voting. It's like secret voting at the UN which provided similar comedy recently.
Bame yourself.

A simple yes or no would have given Yes atleast 50 percent chance but you reduced it to 20 percent.

Even then the anti Afghan sentiment brought you resounding success but nobody knows who was voting. It's like secret voting at the UN which provided similar comedy recently.
There is no blame. You start a poll to know public opinion, that was a nice experience. And i am thankful to all the voters. It gives me clue.

That feature allows people to vote without being exposed by their personal opinion. Generally, it raises trust of participants and attracts more voters. A simple tactic.
There is no blame. You start a poll to know public opinion, that was a nice experience. And i am thankful to all the voters. It gives me clue.

That feature allows people to vote without being exposed by their personal opinion. Generally, it raises trust of participants and attracts more voters. A simple tactic.

But the options made available were your personal opinions. A simple yes or no would have been a better reflection and would have left an open debate which would have been more transparent.

All you did was collect a very small sample which is already biased in contention. A futile execution of a futile exercise.
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