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Politics/ Turkey is a superpower: Israeli deputy PM

Well I am not talking about Egypt, but here I go :lol::
- In WW1 the Arabs fought alongside with the english killing Muslim turks; backstabing the ottoman empire.
- Arab spring; A time where America is renewing current leaders with Pro-American leaders; they used the arabs to start this.
- The way Syria is arming PKK terrorists against Turkey...
Arabs always have been 'tricked' to do stuff by the west in history; whether the treat is democracy, money or power...

See, Already told this a while ago in another discussion. Some Turks, No Alot of Turks still hate Arabs very much, they never truelly forgave the arab for revolting against the ottoman empire. Its a scar in there minds thats hard to heal. Well hope they learn to forgive.

This is your side of the story you have been thought to say. Actually, what is between Arabs and Turkey are just pursuing interests. We hope, we both forget about the past and move on. Hating each-others will not help you nor us.
Israel would be wise to wake up to the reality of 21st Century. Time is working against Israel and with each passing day the forces of Justice and fairness are getting stronger. The real challenge to Israel will not come from the powerless Arabs who are too worried about their measly wealth and belongings but from Non-Arab Muslim countries like Turkey, Iran and Pakistan.

You must be joking.:lol:
Well I am not talking about Egypt, but here I go :lol::
- In WW1 the Arabs fought alongside with the english killing Muslim turks; backstabing the ottoman empire.
- Arab spring; A time where America is renewing current leaders with Pro-American leaders; they used the arabs to start this.
- The way Syria is arming PKK terrorists against Turkey...
Arabs always have been 'tricked' to do stuff by the west in history; whether the treat is democracy, money or power...
-Not all Arabs were against Turkey in WW1. AFAIK, Syria, Lebanon and other Arab countries were allied with central powers. Other Arab countries, for example Egypt, were forced to do that as they were under occupation. Algeria and Morroco were under French occupation, Libya was under Italian and Egypt and Sudan were under British.
-Arab spring was not started by America. Corruption in Arab countries and anger amongst the public made a revolution inevitable. America might have exploited the Arab Spring, but if you know such amounts of corruption in Arab countries you'll know how much a revolution was very important.
Plus, don't forget that Turkey is in NATO and Turkey hosts a NATO radar station on their soil. So before accusing Arabs of being pro-American, you must also remember that Turkey is a very pro-America country.
-I'm not an expert on Kurdish issues, but that's something to blame the Syrian government about, not the Syrian people who almost have no say about what's going with their country's foreign ( and internal ) policies. Plus, as far as I know, even the Syrian Kurds in the North of Syria are trying to defend themselves against PKK.
When were we exactly tricked to do stuff by the west?

Turks don't hate arabs, we kinda despise them to be honest. They are lower beings who's lacking loyalty and honor that's all.
Hey, thanks.
Khudi said:
The sad reality is even Muslims are so annoyed with Arabs that they become Zionists.
I don't know how I'm supposed to reply to this.
To be honest about the Arab thing. I have 4 very good Arab friends from Egypt and they live in Egypt, i have been to Egypt twice myself. They are maybe the best people i have ever met in my life. But when i look at the Arabs (from Arab peninsula) in Denmark generally and see the Royal families behavior i get disgusted by them. How can a people be so different? I really do not want to generalize but every single Turk, Pakistani, Afghan or even Iranian i have talked with in Denmark really dislike the Arabs (From arab peninsula). I have met many Arabs in Denmark and none have had any mention-able good quality. I don't know if they are Palestinian or Iraqi Kurd or just Iraqi arabs, but they are seriously problematic people. Sometimes when i look at the sufferings in Arab peninsula i tell myself that they deserve what is coming to them with their rebellion against Ottoman and their extreme bad behaviour in Denmark and all over Europe. Always "Wallah, wallah, wallah, wallah" when they speak, do they not trust each other at all since they have to say Wallah every second word they utter?

Edit: some mentionable qualities of Arabs in Denmark
1: No respect for other people around them. Shouting in buses, beeping when they enter the parking lot in front of apartments, just waiting with their cars in middle of the roads because they have to speak with the other driver coming from opposite direction while 5 cars behind them must wait.
2: The most criminal minority in Denmark. In fact Arabs are 10 times more criminal averagely than Danes, Turks and other minorities.
3: No school, no work no nothing. They are only good at irritating people around them and eat from our tax.

As you can see i am pretty much fed up with them. And i can assure you i am not the only one.

And the list goes on. Because of their extreme bad behaviour, arabs have become pretty notorious. Especially among other minorities, since because of them the indigenous people of those countries become racist, after all they can't see a difference between an Arab and a Turk (i mean by looks of course and not by behaviour, that would be ridiculous ;) ).
I would like to hear from our Arab members in this forum what they think about Arab people in Europe and their behaviour? Why are they like this?
Yes, we all know how are so decent and civil in Germany and Europe. That why they were so eager to accept you in EU. I don't know what to say actually. Unwanted people throw themselves at you at the time you don't care about them at all, then you accept to deal with them. And they say to you, most of us hate and despise you. Who the hell give a shhit of what you think of us? Next time elect an another person who doesn't desperate to get our attention.

Why do you go on an attack stance, did i criticize Arabs in Arabia? No. I just mentioned the realities in Europe, which every single citizen is aware of. Instead of bashing me, why don't you try and explain the reason for this kind of incivility? Maybe the problem comes from your society, i don't know. That is why i asked Arabs personally. Again my criticisim is in bno way directed at Egyptians or North Africans but solely people from Arab peninsula who lives in Europe.

And to be honest i haven't figured out exactly what you tried to say above, will you be more clear?
Why do you go on an attack stance, did i criticize Arabs in Arabia? No. I just mentioned the realities in Europe, which every single citizen is aware of. Instead of bashing me, why don't you try and explain the reason for this kind of incivility? Maybe the problem comes from your society, i don't know. That is why i asked Arabs personally. Again my criticisim is in any way directed at Egyptians or North Africans but solely people from Arab peninsula who lives in Europe.

You are so civil, and my proof is LegionnairE's posts. Oh plz. I am shocked from this.
Yet, he couldn't point out a single act of loyalty or honor done by any arab in anywhere anytime.
Because you didn't ask him to do so.
I don't know what to say. but the person who accuses is the one who brings proof, not the accused.
Let me simplify it, let's say there's person X and person Y. X accuses Y of killing someone, and then X tells Y " prove that you're not the killer ". Is that correct? Of course not, X should bring proof that Y killed.
You're doing the exact same thing, you accuse as of not being loyal and then say " Proof that you're loyal " instead of presenting facts proving that we're not loyal.
I would like to hear from our Arab members in this forum what they think about Arab people in Europe and their behaviour? Why are they like this?

You say you are fed up with the Princes and their behavior. Well what the hell does a regular joe like me have to do with anything regarding them??

And I highly doubt that peninsular Arabs are migrating to Denmark. It is usually done for economic reasons and that is not the case here. Iraq is not a Peninsular country.

On the other hand you have people like LegionnairE,Tell me Zulk what do you think of his posts??
First round: Turks vs Israelis
Second round: Turks vs Iranians
Third round : Islamist Turks vs Kemalist Turks
Fourth round: Turks vs Arabs
Fifth round: ?

So we are here being called a "Lower being" Tell me all what are we to make of this??

What do you Turks have to say about this comment?? Unless another one of you refute this I will take this as the stance of the Majority of Turks.
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