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Politics over Lives??

this whole story has been busted by TOI today only... Pakistani captain played a dirty game...

and the link u have provided is laughable to say the least.. where it says that that pakistani paid for indian sailor ? pls provide the media report

you are willingly closing your eyes to the truth. these news had been posted for you if you wana side with bigots in India and supporting lies no one can help you.

these news of Today clearly proving that Indian Navy preferred to ignore calls for help when MS Suez was attacked again by pirates but when PNS Babur the Pakistani Navy ship averted the attack and steered the ship out of dangerous area then your macho IN woke up.

anyway the statement of the Egyptian owner of the Ship is also there quoted by your own Indian media saying that Indian navy asked him to contact NATO ships for escort.

NOTE: are you blind to read media reports posted in these links about Pakistanis paid for releasing the hostages or you deliberately having a closed eyes along with closed mind?
you are willingly closing your eyes to the truth. these news had been posted for you if you wana side with bigots in India and supporting lies no one can help you.

these news of Today clearly proving that Indian Navy preferred to ignore calls for help when MS Suez was attacked again by pirates but when PNS Babur the Pakistani Navy ship averted the attack and steered the ship out of dangerous area then your macho IN woke up.

anyway the statement of the Egyptian owner of the Ship is also there quoted by your own Indian media saying that Indian navy asked him to contact NATO ships for escort.

unable to provide the links which i asked for now come down to mere rhetoric ?? as I have proved apart from providing safe route to indian ships IN has helped other countries vessels and ships ... which is admirable in itself.. and do loud mouthing about the IN won't do anything.. they are the best in the region..

MS Suez captain played a dirty game... which is everyone to see..

and form when u started believeing the Indian media... ??
this whole story has been busted by TOI today only... Pakistani captain played a dirty game...

and the link u have provided is laughable to say the least.. where it says that that pakistani paid for indian sailor ? pls provide the media report

Right.. pot calling the kettle black.
unable to provide the links which i asked for now come down to mere rhetoric ??

I think you are blind to read the truth please dont make youself a laughing stuff by refusing to read the truth

The Express Tribune

Published: June 14, 2011

Families of Merchant Navy Officers kidnapped by Somalian pirates called on Governor Sindh Dr Ishratul Ebad Khan. PHOTO: APP/FILE

Somali pirates on Monday released four Pakistanis and 18 others they were holding hostage following negotiations lasting months.

The 22 captives have been released after the pirates were paid $2.1 million in ransom, which was collected in collaboration by the Ansar Burney Welfare Trust (ABWT), the Sindh government and the shipping company that owned the hijacked ship.

Somali pirates release Pakistani hostages – The Express Tribune
Hostage crisis: When all fled, only Pakistani human rights activist Ansar on deck - India - DNA

Burney said if Indian MP KD Singh did not deceive him at the last movement, all of the hostages including Pak citizens, Indians and crewmembers would have been released.

Ansar Burney also arranged additional $.5 million for the release of Indian citizens. The amount was donated by Pakistani philanthropists. “This amount is a gift for the Indian people,” he added.

Ansar Burney also thanked the Sindh Governor, Dr Ishratul Ebad Khan, who played a key role for arranging $.21 million. He said the gesture of the governor would be remembered.
Burney arranges $.71m for release of Pakistanis, Indian hostages

as I have proved apart from providing safe route to indian ships IN has helped other countries vessels and ships ... which is admirable in itself.. and do loud mouthing about the IN won't do anything.. they are the best in the region..
LOLZZZ DO NOT hide behind this tactics . what IN is doing for sake of other countries against signed deal for that is of no concern in this thread. what we are concerned in this thread is that Your Indian navy has ignored own people and now making up big lies.

when the attack occuered your Indian navy did not respond after it was thwarted by Pakistani Navy we never needed you after that.

MS Suez captain played a dirty game... which is everyone to see..

Yeh the Pakistani captain had promised Indian families to bring their loved ones (the Indian sailors) safe and he had kept his promise now you can go and bang your head and weep on fake glory of your pathetic Indian govt.

and form when u started believeing the Indian media... ??

and when did you start disbelieving it?
Right.. pot calling the kettle black.

santro everything is in the open but this ONE blind Indian is too much hurt by Pakistani efforts and is willingly playing the role of blind person unable to read the truth.

he is even not ready to read the news when Pakistanis collected funds for release of all hostages when India refused to save own citizens.

he is NOT updated and poking his news unnecessarily
To Pakistanis- Who makes the call on a ship during distress or steers the ships path - the captain or the minority deck hands? so it's not inconceivable that the Capitan played some games here.

Regardless- Indians should still be thankful to the Pak govt, since they came to help and assist, period. The captain of the ship may have and logically speaking seems to have played games- but that does not diminish the " thanks" Indians must give the Pak navy to come in and help out, period. After all, it was not the Pak govt or military who played some " political " games. They were asked and they came...and we all owe them our gratitude as an international partner in helping out with piracy!
Hats off to our pathetic Indian media who once again made a mountain out of a mole and made jokers out of the IN.

The media have no idea how military services operate, but they managed to collect some sound bites from here and there and made a story that Indian Govt is ditching its own civilians. The merchant vessel was Egyptian flagged, so by default Egyptian Navy should take lead in the rescue followed by Pakistan Navy, Indian Navy, Srilankan Navy and other navies to which the crew members belong to.

IN is part of a world wide coalition and they are responsible for saving any ship from pirates, no matter it has Indian crew members or not. They cannot just ditch other ships and race across to save a ship just because it contains some Indian crew members, thats against the spirit of the coalition. Indian Navy did a great deal in tackling the piracy by rescuing many ships including a Chinese Vessel and arrested a couple of pirates. One cannot just ignore these and badmouth IN. From now on IN should go to press about each and every vessel that they save, so that people are well aware of IN's operation.

PN did a commendable job, but you were doing nothing more than what was expected out a coalition partner.
To Pakistanis- Who makes the call on a ship during distress or steers the ships path - the captain or the minority deck hands? so it's not inconceivable that the Capitan played some games here.

lets for a minute consider what you say but then please read what the owner of the ship has to say. he is NOT a Pakistani FYI.

The pirates who had taken the crew hostage had demanded 2.1 million dollars more after an initial ransom was paid. Mr Hasan says one million was paid by the ship's owner and the rest was raised in Pakistan by rights activist Ansar Burney.

The owners of the ship told NDTV yesterday that they had approached the Indian government for help. In an email to NDTV, a senior company official said, "I've contacted the (Indian) Navy, but there's no response. I have called them so many times." He says Indian officials advised him to "call the NATO hot line and ask if they have any war ship in this area for escort."

MV Suez gives Indian Navy the cold treatment

Regardless- Indians should still be thankful to the Pak govt, since they came to help and assist, period. The captain of the ship may have and logically speaking seems to have played games- but that does not diminish the " thanks" Indians must give the Pak navy to come in and help out, period. After all, it was not the Pak govt or military who played some " political " games. They were asked and they came...and we all owe them our gratitude!

Sir dont thank us we will NOT mind but kindly do not play politics of hate and make lies just because the savers are Pakistanis. we just request you that we dont look for any thanks as we are already so much happy seeing the families of Indian sailors happy over their release.

lets for a minute consider what you say but then please read what the owner of the ship has to say. he is NOT a Pakistani FYI.

The pirates who had taken the crew hostage had demanded 2.1 million dollars more after an initial ransom was paid. Mr Hasan says one million was paid by the ship's owner and the rest was raised in Pakistan by rights activist Ansar Burney.

The owners of the ship told NDTV yesterday that they had approached the Indian government for help. In an email to NDTV, a senior company official said, "I've contacted the (Indian) Navy, but there's no response. I have called them so many times." He says Indian officials advised him to "call the NATO hot line and ask if they have any war ship in this area for escort."

MV Suez gives Indian Navy the cold treatment

Sir dont thank us we will NOT mind but kindly do not play politics of hate and make lies just because the savers are Pakistanis. we just request you that we dont look for any thanks as we are already so much happy seeing the families of Indian sailors happy over their release.


I'm talking about the incident "suez' in question in this thread as posted by the OP ,when stating that the captian was pakistani unless i mis -read it. But bottom line - the Pak military should be thanked and lessons should be learnt from it.
I'm talking about the incident "suez' in question in this thread as posted by the OP ,when stating that the captian was pakistani unless i mis -read it. But bottom line - the Pak military should be thanked.

the news is about the suez. anyway. no thanks needed but kindly do not make things up for maligning Pakistan for the good work for sake of humanity
the news is about the Suez. anyway. no thanks needed but kindly do not make things up for maligning Pakistan for the good work for sake of humanity

Err, please re- read my posts. I'm addressing the fact that the SUEZ issue article states that the CAPTAIN of the ship was Pakistani. It all started when you did not pay attention to what I said i.e. that the Capitan was Pakistani and you wrote back to me that the owner of the ship was not Pakistani. I never claimed the " owner" was, I said captain was and he played games because only a Captain and not the minority deck hands, makes the call to help.

There is no lie or " make things up" as you have noted. Are you getting confused among the various debates you have taken up here? and my thanks was not to you Jana- so I hardly think you should expend what and whom I should thank. Please take a moment to decipher a post before accusing and maligning the poster.
So you wanna tell me that Indian Navy which have escorted and rescued numerous ships against Pirates, of which The UN took Notice and Praised Indian Efforts At International Level did not respond to its own people??? If you got some Brains :hitwall: think on it...
It is just another futile attempt of a Anti-India, Pakistani Captain to Tarnish the image of Indian Navy

Bloody idiot false flag. Shame on you. :tdown:
Err, please re- read my posts. I'm addressing the fact that the SUEZ issue article states that the CAPTAIN of the ship was Pakistani. It all started when you did not pay attention to what I said i.e. that the Capitan was Pakistani and you wrote back to me that the owner of the ship was not Pakistani. I never claimed the " owner" was, I said captain was and he played games because only a Captain and not the minority deck hands, makes the call to help.

There is no lie or " make things up" as you have noted. Are you getting confused among the various debates you have taken up here? and my thanks was not to you Jana- so I hardly think you should expend what and whom I should thank. Please take a moment to decipher a post before accusing and maligning the poster.

Why dont you read carefully as well. You can claim and attack the captain because he is a Pakistani BUT the owner of the Ship who is NOT a Pakistanis is also saying the same about Indian apathy towards the incident.
Why dont you read carefully as well. You can claim and attack the captain because he is a Pakistani BUT the owner of the Ship who is NOT a Pakistanis is also saying the same about Indian apathy towards the incident.

who cares what the owner is saying, my point was logically speaking the captain of the ship who was there in that moment would have called out for Pakistani help being Pakistani ( my logical conclusion) , just as if there was an Indian captain would have called to the Indians. The owner of the ship is all about covering his arse and liability. Why are you beating this horse to death when the larger picture has me, even if you don't accept my thanks, saying that Indians are and should be thankful to the Pak military? Seems like you want to have everyone see it your way on all aspects ... please drop it or continue you agenda , while I'm done debating you. have at it---
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