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Policeman martyred, dozens injured in Islamabad clashes; Army called

Does mullahcracy work according to laws of Pakistan? Do I really need to spoon feed you about people killed, their properties burnt whenever Islam was in "danger" in country of 96% "Muslims".
I am talking about legislators here, Of course common Pakistanis have suffer a lot.

Z A Bhutto??
He was executed, not beheaded and it was because of a coup.
Honestly don't know under what logic people are complaining that the police shouldnt have used force. These scum have pretty much blocked the capital (20 days and counting) and now the motorway. This is borderline terrorism. They've been given their fair share of warnings. A mistake was made and its been corrected. The state won't fall to the demands of halwakhors. Do you disperse insects with a boot or through love ?

The people who are complaining are not capable to see beyond this event, The fact is that mullah brigade is capable of bringing couple of thousands of their compatriots and block the road, if state bows to them onetime then it will be free fall into mullahcracy.

N-League made blunder, got the blow back and reverted back. Blood thirsty mullah just want to lynch couple of people on name of Prophet, otherwise they should have gone back once the changes were reverted. And you are not the kid to know that what will be the fate of person(s) who knowingly/unknowingly made initial changes, if their identity is made public as per their demands.

And the punishment according to law will be beheading???

Ok bhaiyyo, got your point but there is another pov.

How did it all start?

Who initiated the -not a simple error- blunder?

Why a change was made in a law that was settled decades ago?

If not anything else, Everybody is agreed that a mistake was made!

At the highest level of religious reverence, shouldn't there be consequences for the one who made this deliberately change or mistake?

Why did Pmln not take action and throw out the culprits just like Shahbaz Sharif himself demanded?

Why Nawaz Sharif took no action of throwing out the culprits even after the finding committee of Raja Zafarulhaq submitted their report several days ago?

Why was Law minister not sent on a leave until further investigation?

Why was there no judicial commission made to investigate this change debacle?

The biggest question of the lot as if the above were not enough on their own:

Why a known instigator of Dharna Molvi, who had already made life horrible for Islamabadians once before in a similar sit in Islamabad, Molvi Khadim Hussain, a fourth schedule listed; who has to inform of his movements ahead of time, was allowed to organize a dharna coming all the way from his Masjid in Lahore and permitted to do a dharna "for two days at parade ground" in Islamabad?

Why not restrict his movements with in Lahore?

Bechari Roti ko chochi Govt. Chchchch...

Somebody did not want this issue to end quickly for personal reasons, may be diversion of focus but things have got out of hand, either deliberately or as a consequence.

A quick fix was suggested by Shahbaz Sharif to no avail. The statement that "changes were reverted" means a self admission that "changes were committed" to start with and so those who made those changes should be held accountable by a simple dismissal from post and would have made this issue dead a long time ago.
Army has indirectly refused to jump in...An image of dysfunctional state with capital being hostage is what presented in the world..Though PML-N has exacerbated the situation as usual quite contrary the refusal of Army implying that it is "Pick and Choose" for them too...Law minister should've been fired but alas Khdam rizvi now using this to power show off..
But army is Now in.
yes when they are not terrorizing the very population they are meant to protect.
today they had to do real work instead the usual collecting of bribes and slapping around people.
lol That's not true.!
Let's not generalize the whole police force, Infact if you get into trouble and need their help ,It doesn't matter if cop is corrupt or not ,He will still do his job ,Like helping yo a$$ out.
What is the situation as of Today?
Ajeeb retards in GOV ,Channels are blocked and social media too.
One of my friend who lives near ISB-Expy said he heard a gun battle on the expressway.
Country feels like heading towards a civil war and if we don't keep it in control ,The religious fanatics will take over.
Army chief will meet PM today. Let's see what happens after they meet.

Absolutely Right Did You Remember How When Rangers Were Stationed In NAB Court The Home Minister Made Such A Hue and Cry Out Of It.All Of A Sudden Cotton Candy "Liberals" Started Making Issue Of "Civil Military Relations".Army Is Not Going To Intervene Without

Riot Control Is Not The Job Of The Army
If Army needs to deploy they need to start imprisoning PML criminals first !!
First implement Supreme court's rule !!!!
Why has it taken 3-4 years to process simple corruption cases which have video evidence recorded on TV

  • Put Nawaz Sharif in Prison
  • Put his daughter in Prison for illegally using funds
  • Put his sons who continued to deny illegally attained property
  • Put His partners in PML who facilitated moving funds illegally out of Pakistan
  • Put all PML goons in prison who do not want to serve the people and instead bow down and kisS Nawaz Sharif's hand



Citizen of state did not request change in any Law related to Prophet Mohammad's standing in Constitution which required change

Then Nawaz And His Goons Start Screaming "Saaaazzzzziiiissshhhh"
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