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POF to equip Sindh Rangers with advance weapons

I thought it was another vest, but it's actually a SOtech Viper.
I don't think other people are allowed to have SAPI plates, The Americans cracked down on their own civilians selling these plates because it was "stolen property".
The problem with SAPI's are they're too expensive, and wear out quickly. If a policeman falls down on his plate, his SAPI plate will be useless and he'll have to replace it.
I'm sure the Interceptor copy we've made will do fine for the rangers who conduct raids.
I don't think so, SAPIs are a standard issue item in US military, US military don't standard issue expensive stuff. SAPIs don't easily break or crack, they are meant to take bullets.
MQM ki tu lag gai waat 8-)

MQM is long gone on badmashi side they are toothless and cannot retaliate any more but it still has to be proven whether they still retain their voters or not and that can only be gathered by neutral election.

I think MQM need a revamp or need to kiss their a$$ good bye because the critical thinking Karachiets like me are reluctant to vote them any more because that may courage them to do the same which they have done earlier or me legitimise their wrong doings in their minds which they have done to Urdu people. In addition we have seen TI and we have learned they have no agenda but to grip the power so we are not interested in them as well as their JI terrorist supporters but being a Karachiet I am more intrrested in a new party which may partly emerge from MQM and new and educated people from the city should come up to take the charge again but with statesmanship. We are not interested with any thing which has beeb done earlier by MQM.

Additionally I believe Rangers must take care of other factions as well who are involved in terrorising people land grabbing killing power projection and other things. I think Karachi can be changed into an international economic hub.
Steel armor in urban areas? The bullets will ricochet right off and hit some unlucky passer by, and if you don't wear it correctly, it might even just bounce upwards into your neck or face, or even hit you, then ricochet and hit your friend too.
Or worst case scenario the guy shooting at you has AP ammo, the bullet passes through the first plate, bounces off the second plate and makes halwa of your internals.
Plate carriers is almost every vest which has pouches for either ceramic or steel plates.
An AK should do just fine in Karachi.
Read about bullet fragmentation, deformation and terminal ballistics. When a bullet hits a steel plate, typically, is a threat only to you. This too can be prevented with the use of some higher quality plates.
As far as AP rounds go, they are intended to to pierce armor anyway. When they penetrate, they take fragments of the armor with them, and halwa is already made.
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Can some one please explain me why Rangers, Police and even Army continue to use these death traps?

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MQM is long gone on badmashi side they are toothless and cannot retaliate any more but it still has to be proven whether they still retain their voters or not and that can only be gathered by neutral election.

I think MQM need a revamp or need to kiss their a$$ good bye because the critical thinking Karachiets like me are reluctant to vote them any more because that may courage them to do the same which they have done earlier or me legitimise their wrong doings in their minds which they have done to Urdu people. In addition we have seen TI and we have learned they have no agenda but to grip the power so we are not interested in them as well as their JI terrorist supporters but being a Karachiet I am more intrrested in a new party which may partly emerge from MQM and new and educated people from the city should come up to take the charge again but with statesmanship. We are not interested with any thing which has beeb done earlier by MQM.

Additionally I believe Rangers must take care of other factions as well who are involved in terrorising people land grabbing killing power projection and other things. I think Karachi can be changed into an international economic hub.
You will be doing biggest blunder if you voted for MQM once again. The biggest damage will be done to Pakistan by doing it.
You will be doing biggest blunder if you voted for MQM once again. The biggest damage will be done to Pakistan by doing it.
Janab can you tell which service riffle Pakistan police is been issued.
Janab can you tell which service riffle Pakistan police is been issued.
They just like Army use various. Mostly it's Type 56 but they are also seen with G3 and MP5
Can some one please explain me why Rangers, Police and even Army continue to use these death traps?

I don't think the Police have Land Rover Defenders like this, instead they use the "armored" abomination called the Talha (correct me if i'm wrong)

It's a great vehicle. It's mainly used to transport troops from one place to another. They're definitely better than the Mistubishis and the Toyotas they use.

I don't think our armed forces has the budget to have MRAPS as the primary vehicle, even the US use the same M1151 untill a few years later.
POF needs to step up its game big time. its fooling nobody with these outdated replicas which the rest of the world has phased out. the upgraded G-3 isn't ideal in urban combat. its recoil is too strong.
I think boosting the protective vest and nigh vision googles would be great improvement , together with a first class
standard vehicles that offer proper armor and protection from rifles and gunshots
I think boosting the protective vest and nigh vision googles would be great improvement , together with a first class
standard vehicles that offer proper armor and protection from rifles and gunshots
NVGs are expensive piece of gear and make no scene for Rangers to carry in a well lit city of Karachi.
NVG's in urban warfare specially in a city like Karachi are a bit of a problem to operate -- glare from street lights at times induces light blindness for the user and in some cases corneas of the wearer have been damaged.

IMHO what Sindh Rangers deployed in Karachi really need are bullet proof vests, Kevlar Helmets and tactical vestes, Plastic Cuffs/Flexi Cuffs, Personal Walkie Talkies (All of them should be equipped with it), Jammer's, Tactical Drones equipped with wide angle cameras and thermal imaging (That reduces the need for Helos and operating costs). However, couple of machine equipped with a 20,000 candlelight searchlight and thermal imaging cameras--- Hughes MD 500 Series is ideal for this role -- would be game changers. Meanwhile Sindh Police has couple of helos that can be used for this role provided they can be retrofitted with the above devices and funds are made available for operating and maintaining these ships for a more round the clock operation.

Help of a GIS and real time imagery from tactical drones will be an immense help to the search and seizure operations. BTW there is a lot of weaponry still out there in-fact what has been hauled in up to now is just tip of the ice berg.

Smaller and lighter Personal Weapons, Flash Bang Grenades, Mace etc. are some of the stuff besides better protected vehicles to patrol in.

The basic Hilux can be taken and turned into a better protected vehicle with Kevlar armor to protect the engine space, Driver Cab and the passenger area. The suspension needs to be beefed up with more powerful on board batteries. The vehicle should be, as a routine, equipped with trainable searchlights, collapsible ladders, Steel Cutters, Door Breaching equipment and jammers. Besides, Hilux a smaller vehicle also needs to be inducted to navigate the narrow lanes in some of the areas of Karachi - I have heard of some instances and in one case was part of a chase where the LEA gave up when the culprits moved into narrow lanes around Korangi Crossing,

My 2C worth.
I don't think the Police have Land Rover Defenders like this, instead they use the "armored" abomination called the Talha (correct me if i'm wrong)

It's a great vehicle. It's mainly used to transport troops from one place to another. They're definitely better than the Mistubishis and the Toyotas they use.

I don't think our armed forces has the budget to have MRAPS as the primary vehicle, even the US use the same M1151 untill a few years later.
What I don't understand is why the Army doesn't have these armoured vehicles. I've seen soldiers in Tirah/Shawal valleys in those pick up trucks. One IED and its over for them. Our soldiers deserve better than those death traps.

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