And that's why it got removed! Could you remove Mao for killing? NO!
What part of communist China remains? Other than the name, Congress is the same Congress, doing nothing for nobody. That's why it was removed.
Considered the Mao Government removed.
The Chinese government isn't made up of a class of elites, it's ordinary Chinese people. The only difference is we didn't vote them in, and guess what, nobody cares, cause we got results.
If that changes, we may have a problem.
Why do you even care? Do you just want to say India has a better system? I'll tell you now, nobody in this world will agree with you. I mean other than other Indians.
What a double standard, Mao does it, you move on but Japan does it, you are on fire!!
@Nihonjin1051 I think you have a point, all this is used to gain leverage by CCP.
Again, I already explained the difference. As to double standard, we can do what we want to do, we can think what we want to think.
Why do you insist on this notion that we must treat everyone the same, we don't and neither do you, or anybody else.
Why do you trust us less than UK? We didn't slaughter and rob you for close to 300 years, why does Pakistan and India hate each other, you guys didn't colonize each other, why does Japan hate Chinese more than America, we didn't drop the bomb, why does Israel hate Arabs more than Germans, they didn't holocaust them.
My God! Don't you see, if Mao had his way, you would all have been dead! It was Khrushchev who saved you! Mao was hell bent on killing you all!!
But he didn't, Mao may have wanted to nuke India after 62, but he didn't, are you also going to blame 500 million hypothetical Indian death on him.
So now we are charging people with things that never happened.
Could you remove Mao before his policies killed 50 million people?
No, but people still supported him back then, they shouldn't, but they did. As I said this isn't the same government, if you think it is, then once again, you got beat by a crazy government the same as North Korea in HUMAN DEVELOPMENT.
India has uplifted more than 300 million from poverty, sure there are still many, but they are getting gradually uplifted. Important point is they are not stagnant!
By the same logic I could say why isn't China's per capita equal to America? Of course it will take time, same way for India.
America never had to suffer 200 years of colonialism unlike India.
I know what the stats say, but those are about as relative in terms of poverty. China has lifted anywhere from 300-600 million out of poverty, yet our per capita is almost 6 times as much. What that means is standard of poverty is very different from you to us. Don't you think democracy should have higher standards.
Oh and we also have more people right now, so the real picture is worse than 6 times.
Our government has problems, and needs reform, and not by the same logic, you said democracy is the best, and you have it, and yet you are more Africa than America.
200 years of colonialism, what's your excuse for China then. We were poorer as early as 1980s I think, in terms of per capita, could be later.
Bottom line, you think democracy is better, and we are savages, or a failed state based on our political system. Guess what, you want to prove that, don't do it on this forum, do it in real life, cause you are not very convincing without results.