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PM Modi meets Turkish President Erdogan.

The Indian military is somewhat mis-managed. There is a whole class of politicians, weapon agents, army officers and middlemen who skim off portions of the budget. You might want to start cleaning house before you blame the foreign businessman.

History is great. But it is the past. I would look to the future
Past possess the key to the future...
The Indian military is somewhat mis-managed. There is a whole class of politicians, weapon agents, army officers and middlemen who skim off portions of the budget. You might want to start cleaning house before you blame the foreign businessman.
Will any of that change the fact that we paid exorbitant prices?? Also when it comes to govt to govt contract right during the war...all of the issues you are talking about don't even come into picture...no??
Ok lets say Indian Muslims live "poority", but there was 2 Muslims who became president of India and currently the Indian spokesperson at UN is Muslim as well, there are thousands of such examples. What about that ? Any Hindu president in Pakistan yet ?
Haha this is not a big deal we all know how much power Abdul Salam had as president of india

Don't make fool of yourself
Most of Hindus in Pakistan are rich doctors live free life from discrimination and racism

No event like Gujarat mascara happened to Hindus in Pakistan
Past possess the key to the future...

culture is not static

Balkans, Armenia, Greece, Arab states do not want to do anything with the Ottoman Empire. it is a relic.

Will any of that change the fact that we paid exorbitant prices?? Also when it comes to govt to govt contract right during the war...all of the issues you are talking about don't even come into picture...no??

Define exorbitant price

Water out of my tap is free. when I traveled I forgot to pack water. I had to pay $2 for each bottle of water. I had no choice.
you brought it up
"Oh yes, just exactly like how the price of INS vikky was revised several times, Just like how MKI and mig29 operational deficiencies were never rectified."
To counter what you said about Pakistan and Turkey's relation. In that case even with paying ful-up front cash you guys cant get aresoanble quality item, So how do you define your relationship with them. The fact is that you guys get screwd by them every now and then and you are looking our relationship with turks( which is quite ancestors) for the same narrow prism
To counter what you said about Pakistan and Turkey's relation. In that case even with paying ful-up front cash you guys cant get aresoanble quality item, So how do you define your relationship with them. The fact is that you guys get screwd by them every now and then and you are looking our relationship with turks( which is quite ancestors) for the same narrow prism

India might have a warm relationship with Russia. That does not mean Indians do not get screwed on a defense deal or two.

Right now Pakistan has a relatively warm relationship with Turkey. Over the past 60 years there have been ups and downs. No fault of Pakistan's. That is not telling much because your relations with other countries are really poor or non-existent.
No surprising to read such silly snide remarks . You guys come from a nation whose leaders who in most cases haven't done an honest days work under the sun.

We on the contrary, appreciate a man who earns from the sweat of his brow & sleeps tired for such men appreciate the value of hard work.

India brought it on themselves by Modi indirectly mentioning Pakistan in his speech.

Lets not forget Modi is a mass murderer. The butcher of Gujrat. Interpol should be given a warrant for his arrest and be charged with war crimes. He is no better than an African warlord.
Define exorbitant price

Water out of my tap is free. when I traveled I forgot to pack water. I had to pay $2 for each bottle of water. I had no choice.
Exorbitant would be to charge for same bottle $4 instead of $2..that is the difference....I hope you do understand the difference b/w genuine price vs milking someone because an opportunity has arrived...right?? Secondly you are arguing with me on something that our then Army Chief has quoted...and bringing in defense acquisition issues...not sure why??
India brought it on themselves by Modi indirectly mentioning Pakistan in his speech.

Lets not forget Modi is a mass murderer. The butcher of Gujrat. Interpol should be given a warrant for his arrest and be charged with war crimes. He is no better than an African warlord.

So you say. Not proved. Neither complicit in it. Your perceptions don't matter, what the court of law holds valid matters. Any analogy towards that can be akin to MA Jinnah and MK Gandhi being complicit in the murder of millions at the time of partition, or the murder of thousands in then East Pakistan and the whole population of Pakistan being complicit.

Am not a Modi fan, but when you guys post non-sense, neither am a fan of non-sense. I suggest can the tirade bereft of any locus standii
Guardian wrote a piece on your Modi. :lol::lol::lol:


"He is blamed for the death of 2,000 Muslims in India."

With a track record of genocide in Kashmir with successive governments in India this is no surprise. This is what you call democracy? I call this a scar on the face of humanity.

Stop living in past. You only display your ignorance. Learn to deal in facts. Same topic another western newspaper in 2013.


If everytime politically motivated actions were true ....
The whole carnage was started by a Congress Muslim corporator. It has been flogged to death, so not repeating.

Now put more childish 'triumphant' faces as your country is a terror supporter as state policy ... don't forget that green laughing face you just put up while shooting crap




Great humanity displayed hypocrite!! Great, indeed!!

Told you, am not a modi supporter. But neither does non-sense amuse me.

Now amuse me posting kashmir .... human rights and more.

Don't take your pseudonym too seriously!
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So many trolls, damn it. It's like every troll is wearing a suicide vest and is blowing left, right and centre.

So in what seems like a futile attempt I will try to be on topic. The meeting of heads of states of two sovereign nations is not Pakistani business. I trust Turkey enough to know they will never do a back stab, even more sure with Erdogan. Personally, I wouldn't have even posted on this thread as it doesn't really concern me, but some Pakistani members need to relax, Turkey isn't like our other "Brathar Mulk friends" who treat my nation as a dumping ground for their religious experiments.

Turkey and China are the only countries I trust when it comes to anything Pakistan. No other countries can even compare. Pakistan is especially lucky to have the friendship of the Turks, the most honourable and noblest people in the middle east.

Spot on..Even some meaningful discussion are getting derailed. Pakistan and Turkey are good friends. Let us respect it. But that does not mean, India or Turkey should not try to engage with each other just because one is a friend and other has political difference in opinion with each other...I still feel that Pakistan is not an enemy for me rather a nation with Political rivallry with India..
i have a question to ask the pakistanis. Almost in every forum you complain about unequality in India between rich and poor and other similar things. But you complain when someone from very humble beginnings such as modi becomes the Prime Minister and then you call him Chaiwala. I'm not sure if in Pakistan an underdog in society would rise to such a high status because from what i've seen the pakistani society is very judgemental and no way they would let someone among the poor rise to such heights. So pakistanis should stop complaining about India atleast on that issue or else they are not more than Hypocrities. I'm proud of my nation Jai Hind, Har Har Modi.

Since u have asked a question to Pakistanis, yes Pakistanis expose Indian inequality between rich and poor so that India concentrate on its priorities....rather than keep barking through false madeup stories about Economic corridor and Pakistan. Pakistan's CPEC is a economic and trade initiative to raise the standards of poor side of Pakistan....the route goes from Balochistan, South Punjab, KPK and GB which suffered due to world terrorism, indian terror, TTP and poverty. If Modi complains something which has no relation to India, a complete bilateral thing between china-pakistan, naturally Pakistanis & Chinese going to make real fun of India, Modi & govt. Pakistanis are going yo become angry....That is y we alao call u Hypocrities and third rate Indians.

now regarding chai wala, it is true he was tea maker and became a pm, but it is not the case of chai wala rising to heights but a chai wala modi killing, mudering, looting Muslims in Gujrat , nepotism in govt, anti-muslim ideology & corruption in BJP govt which made him the Prime Minister of India, which a few Indians conviently overlook or try to hide it.

so India's obsession of desperate and slavish nature as to end against Pakistan for Pakistanis to stop ridculing India and Modi.
what the court of law holds valid matters.

Alright. So by extension of your argument, Hafiz Saeed is innocent of the accusations your govt keeps hurling at him since he's been vindicated by High Court in Pakistan after due legal procedure.

Now I'd like to see you urge your countrymen to stop this "Hafiz Saeed is a terrorist" mantra because, as established from your own method of reasoning, he's innocent.
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