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PM cancels Pakistan tour

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Putin didnt cancel but postponed. And We dont care for the last two.

Tell this to everyone from ur President to PM to ministers, who think otherwise, also to some members like ajtr who thinks that when PM Singh will visit Pakistan there will be a solution on Siachin & Sir creek.
whether a victim lost a life or a 1000, revisiting history/is not going to make the crimes any less henious but it may enrage the victims that to this day have not recieved an apologie nor compensation to recover from their emotional/psychological trauma.

They killed lakhs of biharis in return they got killed. So apology for what?
:P her eggs in Indian basket recently got a shake with Khalida's visit to India so she is trying to gather the eggs again. election time

She should learn from the likes of Nepal and Sri Lanka....in any case, attending would only benefit her country, otherwise no skin off our back. !!
Here a lot of discussion is happening on the basis of emotions....

I have couple of observation wrt to BD and Pak relation.

1- Pakistan and BD are miles away from each other....So what is the bond that keeps themselves intrested??? Of course to let India down collectively....But the problem is that as i speak....India and Pakistan is moving in a right direction....I feel that India and Pakistan are pretty much better than we are 20 years back....So as India and Pakistan will move closer to each other....the necessity of Pakistan for BD will slowly diminish.

2- Now BD forom members may have the opinion that they really donot care Pakistan in case Pakistan is not asking for apology( As per the GOV of BD version)...But the truth BD has to accept that Pakistan is really damn big and powerful nation wrt influence and power in the present situation to listen to the demands that BD AL gov is asking....To be very straight...Pakistan need BD only if BD will be serve as a launching pad for anti India activities or anti India only....In case BD is neutral to India, Pakistan is least bothered to BD as it does not serve its purpose.....

3- I feel that this apology politics should be closed for ever...Let BD and Pakistan move ahead with an assumption that something wrong has happened and that was the past....Noone is ideal ..so we should not expect that every one will be perfect always....Exceptions should be considered and so also Pakistan Army Behaviour during BD freedom struggle should be taken as exception and both nation should move ahead....
BAL needs apology for its own local polities. Sure. So if Pakistan issue an apology ever, it must be aware of BAL and its intention. Do not give the right thing to wrong person (BAL).
They killed lakhs of biharis in return they got killed. So apology for what?

Dnt talk sh!t.... do you have even any idea what was the total number of Biharis?? Whole 1971 event started when some greedy generals and politicians like Bhutto were not ready to transfer power to the legal winner of the election instead resort to killing and raping unarmed civilians including armed forces of east pakistani origin. Then who is responsible for all these??? This does not include all the discriminations that was done for the 24 years from education, government job, allocating of fund etc.
They killed lakhs of biharis in return they got killed. So apology for what?

sorry for my ignorance, can you educate me in respect to biharis, what are biharis as an identity? and is lakhs a numeral in urdu langue. I am interested as in my college classe, we were taught that some collabators that assisted pakistani army were from the state of bihar in terms of origin though no details were mentioned.

merci and i am curious in this perspective that you have mentioned.
This clearly shows how Hasina Wajid is playing in the hands of Indian Authorities.:toast_sign:
Here a lot of discussion is happening on the basis of emotions....

I have couple of observation wrt to BD and Pak relation.

1- Pakistan and BD are miles away from each other....So what is the bond that keeps themselves intrested??? Of course to let India down collectively....But the problem is that as i speak....India and Pakistan is moving in a right direction....I feel that India and Pakistan are pretty much better than we are 20 years back....So as India and Pakistan will move closer to each other....the necessity of Pakistan for BD will slowly diminish.

2- Now BD forom members may have the opinion that they really donot care Pakistan in case Pakistan is not asking for apology( As per the GOV of BD version)...But the truth BD has to accept that Pakistan is really damn big and powerful nation wrt influence and power in the present situation to listen to the demands that BD AL gov is asking....To be very straight...Pakistan need BD only if BD will be serve as a launching pad for anti India activities or anti India only....In case BD is neutral to India, Pakistan is least bothered to BD as it does not serve its purpose.....

3- I feel that this apology politics should be closed for ever...Let BD and Pakistan move ahead with an assumption that something wrong has happened and that was the past....Noone is ideal ..so we should not expect that every one will be perfect always....Exceptions should be considered and so also Pakistan Army Behaviour during BD freedom struggle should be taken as exception and both nation should move ahead....

1st thing 1971 affected millions of people directly and indirectly. If Pakistanis have any self respect they should apologize for the mistake and crime against humanity done by the then army generals and politicians. This is not like that all Pakistani are against apology. But some are just because of ego opposing it. The other reason is that by issuing an apology it will accept that it had made mistake and all the teachings that it teach in the school and to ordinary people will be nullified. Their distorted version of the story is some traitor with the leadership of Shaikh Mujib separated Pakistan with the help of India. This sort of cheap propaganda should be brought to an end.

Regarding powerful country may be or may not be Bangladesh will have to accept that. But reality is that Bangladesh has moved ahead of Pakistan in all dimension. Even within the next couple of years Bangladesh will cross Pakistan also in terms of per capita GDP. So Pakistan needs to learn from Bangladesh's development. What Pakistan is getting by spending 6 billion usd on defense... when it is spending only 470 million usd on education and health separately. Even Bangladesh is spending 2.7 billion usd and its literacy rate is much higher then Pakistan including enrollment in higher education which is almost double!!!

Pakistan and Bangladesh can cooperate in many fields including economy not just in anti India activities as both have around 350 million population which is huge in number. Now it is up to Pakistan how it likes to move on. But a formal apology will remove the barrier that is there between the two nation. But so far Pakistan has not learnt anything from 1971 because of this denial mode.
You have to be kidding me, do some of the pakistanie poster feel no shame for the government committing such henious crimes against humanity and yet still refuse to officially reconcile with the victims. You know what i am happy that my grand papa moved from a country like pakistan, where people/government still refuse to acknowledge that they committed some inhumane crime on civilian population. I have a question for the people that still oppose reconciliation, do you have no respect for a human life.

My apologies for being confrontational if anybody took direct offence but I am shocked that some members still continue to defend the mistakes that past republic de pakistan government made.

We have asked, Bangladeshis to drag Pakistan to ICHR for alleged war crimes and present any proofs they have of "millions" killed. The fact is that they don't have one. It was a civil war, 350,000 soldiers were faced by 2 million Bangladeshi and Indian forces and yet Pakistani forces which were on the defensive having only ONE F-86 squadron for close air support, which was obliterated, somehow managed to kill 3 million civilians in 9 months. :rolleyes:

The fact is that the "facts" Bangladesh and its Indian allies present as "facts" are not facts but fiction. If they are facts then we are happy facing ICHR judgement and would submit people who are guilty of these alleged atrocities. As for the apology, it has been offered before but looks like Bangladeshis suffer from short term memory loss.

Musharraf apology to Bangladesh - Telegraph
whether a victim lost a life or a 1000, revisiting history/is not going to make the crimes any less henious but it may enrage the victims that to this day have not recieved an apologie nor compensation to recover from their emotional/psychological trauma.

Do not waste your time on them. They do not understand human value and probably that is the reason why they are fighting among each other inside Pakistan and killing thousands and even USA coming inside Pakistan and killing people with drone. If they would have understand the pain, suffering and trauma then they would have apologize long ago to Bangladesh and would listen to its own people in present day Pakistan instead unleashing army on its own people.

I was surprised talking with some Pakhtun and Balochi people here in Canada. They do not consider Punjabis as their own country man. They prefer to call themselves Pakhton or balochi instead of Paksitani and one of the balochi freind of mine said that he does not care whether he is with Pakistan or an independent baluchistan. This is the only outcome of the continuing failed single track policy by its general and politicians which alienated its own population.
We have asked, Bangladeshis to drag Pakistan to ICHR for alleged war crimes and present any proofs they have of "millions" killed. The fact is that they don't have one. It was a civil war, 350,000 soldiers were faced by 2 million Bangladeshi and Indian forces and yet Pakistani forces which were on the defensive having only ONE F-86 squadron for close air support, which was obliterated, somehow managed to kill 3 million civilians in 9 months. :rolleyes:

The fact is that the "facts" Bangladesh and its Indian allies present as "facts" are not facts but fiction. If they are facts then we are happy facing ICHR judgement and would submit people who are guilty of these alleged atrocities. As for the apology, it has been offered before but looks like Bangladeshis suffer from short term memory loss.

Musharraf apology to Bangladesh - Telegraph

The link that you provided was not apology. He visited national war memorial there he wrote that the excesses committed during the unfortunate period are regretted. How this can be an apology when still many I have seen even here said that is just Musharaf's view??? Can you say that is the official policy as well. Why not condemning the brutal attack??? What Musharaf said means 1971 operation was right but excess was only regretted. If you think that is the official apology what is the problem in writing it in official letter??? You know it very unless anything is written in official letter it is not an official apology and acknowledgement of the crime against humanity that was done at that period.
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