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PM calls back FM from the US

I am virtually sure this visit is to tell Pakistan to get its house in order and sacrifice Haqquani to prevent a bigger loss.. At the end of the day, it all boils down to whether losing Haqquani as an asset is a bigger loss or the damages incurred in facing off USA when it tries to take out Haqquani are larger.. Its a no brainer really.. Hope Pakistani govt has the sense to make the right choice..

PS: Just realized this was my 5,000 Post (unless admins delete some of my recent ones) :)
@the post-Or it might be to reassure the Pakistani civilian and Defence establishment about China's pro-Pakistan stance:)
The Palestinians just put the US on the spot with their UN proposal.

The US is desperate for a diversion from the Palestinian issue. We need to tread very carefully here.
Are you seriously thinking of using Made in USA F-16's against the USA in case of any hostilities?

I know it sound funny, but previous OBL raid, the F-16s was immediately flown to chase them but unable to shoot down related to IFF.
I know it sound funny, but previous OBL raid, the F-16s was immediately flown to chase them but unable to shoot down related to IFF.

Are you sure F16's were scrambled when i watched the documentary on the OBL raid it gave a diffrent picture where the US were out and in the air before the Pakistani's even got to the area.
Ok not that I believe in consipracy theories but here is what Dr. Shahid Masood has to say on his fb page.


"CORP COMMANDERS HAVE TAKEN DECISIONS HOW TO REACT AGAINST US AGGRESSION....I REPEAT "HAVE TAKEN DECISIONS"....!!!!! other news....PM Gilini is contacting different leaders to convene a GOL GOL Conference to discuss the issue....!!! Date has to be announced later.!!!! ADVANCED AIR DEFENCE SYSTEM WAS HIGH ALERT LAST NIGHT AFTER WHICH THE CORP COMMANDERS GATHER THIS MORNING.....!!! UNQUOTE.

More Masaala perhaps? :D

The Corps Commanders have taken a decision, now be ready for gathering more Pakistani corpses. Who gave these nincompoops the authority to decide on behalf of Pakistani nation? The PM should immediately call the National Assembly into special session and the members should sit and decide pragmatically and phlegmatically what we want to do with this country, what policy should we adopt regarding Afghanistan, how should we tackle with the Taliban menace and how can the wild Pak Army Zindabad be constrained to accept the superiority of the civilian government.
Are you sure F16's were scrambled when i watched the documentary on the OBL raid it gave a diffrent picture where the US were out and in the air before the Pakistani's even got to the area.

you know, documentary didn't explain fully or step by step details, it is just limit one-sided story. The real fact is on Identification Friend or Foe issues on F-16s which prevents PAF to use against US or too late no time to catch intrusions. I am asking anyone, what is betters preparation in case another deep strikes by US.
you know, documentary didn't explain fully or step by step details, it is just limit one-sided story. The real fact is on Identification Friend or Foe issues on F-16s which prevents PAF to use against US or too late no time to catch intrusions. I am asking anyone, what is betters preparation in case another deep strikes by US.

As per some reports, some F-18s were waiting just outside Pak-Afghan borders...American dont leave a loose knot..
As per some reports, some F-18s were waiting just outside Pak-Afghan borders...American dont leave a loose knot..

its damn problem of gov to decide F-18 means they have to enter every country on earth? nope they can't even with raptors north korea iran are there and USA sit and watch .
you know, documentary didn't explain fully or step by step details, it is just limit one-sided story. The real fact is on Identification Friend or Foe issues on F-16s which prevents PAF to use against US or too late no time to catch intrusions. I am asking anyone, what is betters preparation in case another deep strikes by US.

If they are going to strike it wont be deep inside Pakistan like last time but it will be in North Waziristan where they see the threat to their troops based across the border. Im not sure what Pakistan's reaction would be to be honest.
Not a good sign calling FM back .. PM calling all political parties , WTF is going on ?
I hope Pakistan doesn't become ***** boy to the United States.
The US is about to make a mistake of epic proportions - it cannot take the Haqqanis out by airstrikes - if it gets tangled up in the terrain and warrior tribes of NWA it is going to get seriously burned, the Haqqanis are acknowledged by all sides, to be world class warriors. To put into context, the terrain is similar to Chechnya'n mountains.

---------- Post added at 08:22 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:20 PM ----------

The war is lost, it is all over bar the shouting, it has been lost since 2003 when they invaded Iraq.
The US is about to make a mistake of epic proportions - it cannot take the Haqqanis out by airstrikes - if it gets tangled up in the terrain and warrior tribes of NWA it is going to get seriously burned, the Haqqanis are acknowledged by all sides, to be world class warriors. To put into context, the terrain is similar to Chechnya'n mountains.

---------- Post added at 08:22 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:20 PM ----------

The war is lost, it is all over bar the shouting, it has been lost since 2003 when they invaded Iraq.

I agree. They are going to lose Pakistan as an ally. The only way to deal with the tribals is through dialogue and negotiations.
its damn problem of gov to decide F-18 means they have to enter every country on earth? nope they can't even with raptors north korea iran are there and USA sit and watch .

Only problem is that NK is not threatening/attacking Amrikan bases...They know Pakistan is much stronger than NK and cause a lot of damage to them..Plus They do not have their moles in every ministry in NK...

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