It seems that being a hardliner or an extremist has become a fashion of sorts these days in the country. Every other post I see on this forum has someone raising his blood pressure & claiming to be the protector of Islam & ALL muslims.
We are not the owners of Islam, and nobody has given us this divine duty of protecting Muslim interests around the world. We can't set our own house in order & we are out to teach the world about how to behave like Muslims.
I know this would be offending to a lot of people here, but this needs to be said. Most of the members here are less than half my age, you're the brains who will drive the nation forward in the decades to come, but if you ingrain your minds with nonsense that is being propagated around, the country is doomed.
Be proud to be a Pakistani first, muslim second. If your identity is Islam & Islam only, then Pakistan is nothing but a piece of real estate inhabited by Non-Indians & Non-Hindus, rather than Pakistanis.
All the successful & prosperous nations of this world have one thing in common - a strong sense of nationalism & identity in their people. USA, Russia, Britain, France, you name it. No such thing exists in Pakistan. It's a culture that you, the youth, will have to build from the scratch. And there will be a lot of obstacles in the way, people preaching hatred, spreading false propaganda & questioning your faith, change is never easy, but it has to come.
I understand that we all want to see Pakistan as a superpower, as a country that everyone in the world respects (and not fears). To affect this massive change requires an even massive effort, given the current image of the country.
Instead of looking around & celebrating others' failures, we should rather be celebrating every tiniest of our successes. But that hardly happens, people here will jump with joy at a piece of news that claims that the USA is breaking up or that 80% of India lives below poverty line. How that affects us? If I had the power, I would lock every young & able Pakistani in a large hall for a few hours and then give all of them a reality check on how bad a condition we are in & how it is only going to get worse if nothing is done. The government will not tell you the humiliating terms & conditions that are put on the table by the so called 'Friends of Pakistan' everytime they loosen their purse to bail us out. T&Cs that no Pakistan worth his salt will tolerate. Yet we only talk about having more fighter jets to fight non existent wars. We have our priorities awfully wrong and nobody seems to care.
There are also some who think that being Muslims, we are immune to failure & sooner or later, we will prevail. I am not talking about the common man on the street, but senior diplomats & politicians. These are people who run the country & have the ability to affect major changes in the way the country is governed, but all they have done is dug the hole deeper. With such people at the helm, who sit tight on their ***** and fill their foreign accounts with all kinds of currency on the planet, it comes as a duty to the youth of Pakistan to take the wheel & drive the country to the right path, but are you doing so? I, most sadly, doubt.