Hopefully this will be a long thread,
We have read enough of global conspiracies and mega plans to
destabilize Pakistan.
Are you between 18 and 35 years of age ?
are you sick of the present system and shameful existence ?
are you worried about your future ?
Please read on and help me and every one else to make a mark.
I request the readers of this forum and this thread to please suggest
ways and means whereby we can restore the glory that belongs to
this great nation.
I am fully aware of the problems that face us, however I also believe
that the more we discuss problems the further we get from solutions.
I consult the senior citizens, I have full faith in the youth of Pakistan.
InshAllah We will save our country and we will walk proud.
So lets be positive have faith in Allah and start to offer solutions.
Pakistan Zindabad !
Start your morning in positive directions from today. Forget past mistakes and dont think to correct them.We are not in a position to correct the past mistakes and wrong actions and decisions and we have no time for such corrections.
1.Protect the interest of Pakistan in Foreign policies.
2.Stop preparation for a judicial coup in Pakistan. Build viable judiciary. One Judge removed 110 judges, halted the judicial system and created chaos in Judiciary with a permanent fear in the minds of remaining sitting judges and possible new appointees. Please start a new judicial system with whatever stuff you have as it was before Julyt 31, 2009 as a fresh.
2.The president of Pakistan should emerge as Mr.Putin of Russia. He is as strong as Mr.Putin but he has been nabed by advisers and aides who are only interested in their welfare not for the welfare of Pakistan or its people. Please stop this from today and start afresh.
3.Pakistan Army should come forward and say in clear words that no directions or actions may be under taken which are against the interest of Pakistan. Control the Terrorism issue on ints own without intereference of any Federal or provincial goverments advises.
4.Paliament should start making laws protecting interest of the people and should immediately stop maligning each other or protecting the interest of their parties.
5.Send a message to US India Israel and Afghanistan to do their own business and asked them to immediately halt all operations they had under taken to de-establize Pakistan. If they do not then plan a stretegy to safe guard the interest of the country at all costs.
6.Ask TTPs branded Mullahs and other Mullahs to confine thyemselves in Masjid and Madrassah only. Say them in clear words that you are for Masjid and Madrassah and any other actions from their side shall not be tolerated with Zero tolerance policy.
7.Make future country policies as straight as other countries are giving for themselves. The people involved in making financial and current affairs policies are creating a false cry that if they do not opt for the directed policies country would become bankrupt. This is not so, our geopolitical status and present US and Nato failure in Afghanistan and Iraq giving us a new lease for economic development and our new status in the south asian region. We would have lot of mony in shap of billions of dollars if we do not support the war of others but asked them to under take their operations of security without their physical help but on the basis of cash flow for such security operations from those stake holders. Definitely they shall provide huge money to save their interest.
8.Come forward, and start working on change of visions in the mind of our nation. Forget past, start afresh, with the stuff what we have today. I am sure we shall have a properous country and developed nation.
God Bless Pakistan.