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PLAAF's 6th Gen Fighter?

I can only laugh whenever I read one of these ignorant threads making claims about the generation of chinese fighters, they usual vary along the following themes: china is over ambitious and claiming to be leap-frogging one generation (from "3rd" to "5th" gen, or "4th" to "6th" gen); or china is utterly useless and it struggles to develop a "4th" gen fighter when the world is buzzing about "5th" gen fighters.

Seriously FSLN, why don't you do a little research first before you making some more ridiculous claims? The chinese classifies the generation of its planes based on its own development history, so when the chinese say "3rd" gen fighters it is the same as the 4th gen as the west (J-10, J-11, F-16 etc), and the chinese "4th" gen is the equivalent of the west's 5th gen (J-xx, F-22 etc). There isn't such a thing as China is try to go from "struggling to develop a 4th gen" to developing a 6th gen fighter.

Now please do all of us a favor, please go read around a little more before you making any more baseless claims.

You took the word's out of my mouth AND added a significant number of your own !
Intakes and exhaust too close, there seem no space for engine itself ! But cool design.
PLAAF's 6th Gen Fighter?

Posted by Robert Wall at 11/18/2010 7:31 PM CST

During the Airshow China here at Zhuhai, Avic Defense and one of the country's aeronautics academic institutions, launched a competition with the Chinese air force for new UAV designs. The prize is to be awarded next year and to spur some innovative thinking.

On one of the Chinese CD handouts were a couple of concept drawings. Where they are from or what they represent is unclear, but they are nonetheless entertaining.

And with China already working on its J-10 follow-on, here's some fodder for speculation (the airframe, below, actually looks very little like what China's 5th Gen Fighter is believed to look like, let's just call it the 6th Gen concept):

will you please tell what will be the essentiall specs for the future 6th generation fighter
Wow talk about Day dreaming...:woot:....

There are 2 other clear clues implying that this 6 gen ( Chinese 5 gen) concept is likely real in the sense of being an actual ongoing project:

One, unlike you Indians, China has a well-known military doctrine of so called “ Induct one gen; Develop the next gen; R&D the one after”, hence doing 3 gens at the same time.

1) China has been inducting the 4 gen ( J-10A, J-11B, etc);

2) it’s generally accepted long ago that China is actively developing the 5th gen ( J-XX);

3) therefore it would be nothing new at all that she is doing R&D on the 6 gen at the moment, starting from the concept, such as the foto we see; And it is not entirely far-fetched either even some claim that it’s “flying”- as it could be possible of flying some samples to test varies ideas, etc.

Two, though a real big gap still exists btw Chinese aviation development phase and that of the US, China is rapidly catching up with the latter with an accelerating pace. Since the US has been testing 6th gen concept long while ago, it doesn’t strike me, or anyone for that matter, as a complete surprise that China now is leaking some possible info on her own 6th gen concept as well as we are possiblely witnessing here.

By the way, I know why you can't grow up, since you think that other country’s flag may be big enough to hide you forever? :disagree:
will you please tell what will be the essentiall specs for the future 6th generation fighter

XAC J-16:

- Engine: single Al-41
- Afterburning thrust: 196 kN
- Fuel consumption: 26 kg / hour
- Bypass ratio: 0.2-0.3
- Airflow: 110 kg/sec

Flight performance:
- Max cruise speed (sea level): 1,800 km/hr
- Max cruise speed (altitude): Mach 2.0
- Max speed: 3,200 km/hr
- Service ceiling: 25,000 m
- G-limit: 10.0 g
- Range: 8,000 km
- Combat radius: 3,500 km

- 30 mm cannon
- 8 X R-77PD missiles (internal weapons bay)
- PL-9 missiles
- Max 18,075 lb payload
- 6 hardpoints (in internal bay)
- Electronic warfare module

- AESA radar

Status: in early flight testing (reported, but not PLAAF confirmed)
Operational date: 2012-2018



Wow talk about Day dreaming...:woot:
India its so far ahead of you guys its not even funny,

your J-11B can't hope to match their MKi's, and your JXXX can't seem to make it out of the drawing boards?..at least they have the T-50 to build upon the FGFA and now some of you are claiming this new 6th gen will have laser weapons and that is even flying..?:azn:

Wow, talk about daydreaming and with a touch of ignorance! :disagree:
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What's this? Batman in his new vehicle?

These are PS'ed, and horrible ones.

That would be what the J-16 might look like once it is released.

And thank you, I know they are PS products; I've worked with PS for over 3 years now.
guys lets agree its a cool design. china is going great guns towards weaponisation. surplus cash booming economy are all contributing towards the chineese might we r witnessing today.
Well, slowly but surely, just a matter of time.

We all know Money works wonders :azn:
let me make this crystal clear to you chinese fanboys, China can't even build something close to the MKis capabilities now you wish to compete with U.S.A F-22 and future USA 6th gen fighters?....:rofl:

the USA disagrees with you, the us government estimates chinese 5th gen in service by 2020, certainly for that date they will have to have flying prototypes soon if not already
let me make this crystal clear to you chinese fanboys, China can't even build something close to the MKis capabilities now you wish to compete with U.S.A F-22 and future USA 6th gen fighters?....:rofl:

Hmm, let's see the aircraft that currently outperforms the MKI...

- J-11B. Can track & engage more targets than MKI. Can fly faster, more maneuverable, and climb faster than MKI. It is much stealthier than MKI. It has RAM coating and MKI doesn't. J-11B will soon install AESA radar.:tongue::tongue:
Oh, and we have the J-11BS strike version with 15+ hardpoints.

Ooh, how bout the J-10B? :what::what::what:
Let's see...
It has 0.3 RCS, which is much much stealthier than MKI (in fact almost comparable to F-35).
It has AESA radar (MKI doesn't)
It has serious RAM coating (MKI doesn't)
It has DSI (MKI doesn't)
And J-10B has 3d thrust vectoring!

And don't get me started on the J-15...

Not to mention we got a whole batch of newer J-10 and J-11 variants in flight testing

BTW, the F-15 defeated the Su-30MKI quite badly during the Red Flag exercises.:disagree:

Why don't you listen to what this Red Flag pilot has to say about your so-called "4.5-generation" fighter: :disagree:
YouTube - SU-30MKI at Red Flag Lecture Part 2
the USA disagrees with you, the us government estimates chinese 5th gen in service by 2020, certainly for that date they will have to have flying prototypes soon if not already

Some news agencies reported that the first J-14 prototype flew in May of this year and will enter service 2015.

J-13's first flight have also been reported for some time.

But again, the PLAAF never confirms these things.
Wow full of BS....:coffee:

Perhaps you should watch the video first.

Can't deny what you hear.

Otherwise you must be daydreaming again. This time with a serious dose of ignorance.:disagree:
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