Unfortunate news in HK one week before
- a shophouse 45J, Ma Tau Wai Road, To Kwa Wan / Hung Hom, Kowloon, Hong Kong collapsed in 29-Jan-2010.
After building collapse
Before building collapse
Slightly related to India / Pakistan
(Some Indian and Pakistani in Hong Kong live in those neighbouring buildings.)
2010年1月31日 星期日 05:05
【明報專訊】童慶濤和鳳姐死了,兩個住隔壁唐樓的南亞裔家庭幸運地活下來,其中的印度 老翁說,他在睡夢中聞警察幾腳踢開大門,「扯著我的手就往下逃,我想回身拿假牙,發現石屎就在身後倒下來了 !」勇警一步步攙扶他步下頹敗的後梯,使他成為最後的倖存者。
「想回身拿假牙 石屎已在身後」
逃出鬼門關的64歲印度老翁杜巴多巴,來港近18年,跟兒媳和一對就讀小學的男女孫同住在馬頭圍道45H的 四樓,與倒塌的45J僅一牆之隔,新聞畫面中不斷重複出現的破壁客廳,就是他們的家園。
杜巴多巴說,事發時媳婦去了學校見家長,兒子在機場開工,「我在家裏睡覺,旁邊的樓倒了還不懂反應!」地動 山搖間,「一個警察猛踢我家大門,踢了幾下就進來了,我們言語溝通不順暢,他也就不說,一把抓住我的手,夾 硬扯我出門!」其實,杜巴多巴當時還不想離開家園,因為他的假牙留在屋裏,想回頭取,但45J大崩塌,將他 家的牆壁也扯破,石屎橫樑不停飛進來,樓頂也開始大剝落,「我轉身一看,石屎已經倒下來了!」他抹一把汗, 跟著勇警在飛揚的灰塵中一步一級逃離家園,他大歎:「我大命!」
杜巴多巴一家後來住進聖匠堂社區中心,但他仍憂心如焚﹕「我妻子在家鄉病重,我原本買了機票回去看她,但現 在護照和機票全都沒有了!」他們向當局反映,但昨日入境處仍未主動與他們聯絡。
另一個居住在45G一樓的巴基斯坦家庭亦難忘膽戰心驚的逃生經過,當裝修 工的男戶主Ahmad Ashfad當時單獨在家看電視,太太外出買菜,8歲子和3歲女都上學了。「突然房子搖起來,街上有好多慌 亂的聲音!」他想也不想就開門往下衝,「30秒衝落樓,才知道有樓塌了!」他滿意政府安排暫住的社區中心, 但投訴政府要他們搬到區外的中轉屋,「兒子在黃大仙 讀書,全班考第一,我怕搬太遠影響他學習」。
One Indian old man lives in a flat in 4/F of a shophouse 45H Ma Tau Wai Road (Next to collapsed building, you can see that one hole in this building around 4/F is the guy's home). At that time, only the Indian man was sleeping at home, suddenly police knocked his door and then broke it. Then move this man out of this building. Then he found that 45J totally collapsed and his flat had a big hole in wall.
The indian man claimed that he originally plan to go back to India to visit her wife because of her sickness. But he loses passport and ticket in this collapse case.
Also, 1 Pakistani family lives in a flat in 45G Ma Tau Wai Road.
Now, both uncollapsed 45G and 45H are declared as dangerous premises with possible structural failure.
Newspaper with animation