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Pictures from Gaza, attack by Savage Israel before their election in Jan

Can anyone else verify this?

alot of indian are being sent your way :D

he is total bullshitterrr....yes the ethnic drift is there, and you know its the arabs who think of themselves as superior shiitt...and he is just being their taut by putting the blame on the oppressed...

the Palestinians are oppressed do you think such is their position?
Dude i met a Pakistani who lived in dubai for some time and i am sorry to say but his views were very much the same as salman108 .

Palestinians know their worth that Arab-Israel issue has made whole world crazy.
alot of indian are being sent your way :D

I just love the way they say Abrahamic religions are false and barbarian and at the same time they support israel. :lol:

Apni jaan kurbaan kernay ke liay tayaar ho jatay hain israel pe. :lol:

There is no such thing as Ummah, the sooner you can understand this , the better.


Palestenians are the most racist sily people you can find.

They consider themselves to be Europeans, and are extremely proud of their colour.

They consider saudi / Emarati / Yemeni as "Baddo" and treat them as a lower life form,

Only when they want some sort of concession , suddenly they make a drama in the name of Ummah !

As per the palestenians, Pakistanis or any one from the sub continent is a 2nd grade Muslims if at all.

There is a VERY large immigrant Palestenian population in France / Belgium and the United states even Saudi Arabia ... they own multi million dollar businesses ....

Do you see them making a drama ?

Wake up, smell the coffee and learn your lessons.

Funny thing is that Pallys themselves never donate or give charity in the name of Palestine. The whole Palestine saga is a bunch of bogus drama to collect aid around the world. No wonder Gaza is breeding terrorist as political parties use aid as a weapon to control people life.

Arafat, the most powerful Pally leader was the most corrupt person who made a billions dollar empire by usurping aid money. Basically the aid influx surges up several folds every time there is violence so you can draw the relation between bank accounts of Hamas/Fatah/PLO and the frequency of violence.

Can anyone else verify this?

I can..lving in KSA for last 25 years. Evens Saudis on this forum can testify what kind of opinion Saudi's have toward Pallys.
If i ask Mosa will he verify?

Sure as hell he can! I testify on that.

Beside I went to a school where 60% of the enrollment were Abo Falas!

I can testify on every word Salman has said - most bigoted racist people every.
Funny they don't even have a positive opinion about Saudi's - the same people who give billions of dollar aid for their cause.
I just love the way they say Abrahamic religions are false and barbarian and at the same time they support israel. :lol:

Apni jaan kurbaan kernay ke liay tayaar ho jatay hain israel pe. :lol:

hah... bas yar shah say ziyada shah ka wafadar.... :lol:
Can anyone else verify this?

Palestinians are rude and racists alright- the rest might come with the package- terms and conditions apply-
Well you cant blame them- seeing so much oppression they are born angry and that makes them rude-
Why they feel superior is above me- maybe they have conquered the job market of Saudi Arabia via sympathies- that why-
RIP to the dead.

Muslim countries should help your brother in Gaza.
You are so blinded by hatred that you posted pics of Israeli casualties. Not sure whether to feel bad for your low levels of education and intelligence, or laugh at you.

hahahaha :D

Some other posters posted pics of Syrian and Iraqi casualties.
Hasbara propaganda
"Arab MK Praises Hizbullah, Calls for Caliphate"

Arab MK Praises Hizbullah - Inside Israel - News - Israel National News

How can this man be a supporter when your own zionazi media attributed the above to him??
Please stop using the term, "zionazi". Israel doesn't murder anybody en masse like the Nazis did, nor does it go to war against the world in a quest for unlimited racist expansion.

Thanks for the update on Sarsour. My quote was from before the time Sarsour was a MK - and Sarsour's two quotes don't appear to me to be fully contradictory, not if you read and understand them carefully. Sarsour still considers Israel the land of the Jews, where Jews should not be evicted by force; he wants the land ruled by the Caliphate, that's all. The early Zionists would have been quite content with an autonomous Jewish province carved out of Palestine. The idea of a State was a later innovation following WWI when empires were broken up into nation-states and mandates; autonomy was seen as a thing of the past, statehood was the future. Following the violence of the 1930s it was seen as a necessity.

Sarsour has experienced practical autonomy in his village in the Galilee. It may seem quite logical to him that, given the population trends (Galilee is increasingly Arab), eventually the situation will be reversed. Hence his praise for Hezbollah, which he sees as reaching towards that goal. (In this, I think he is in error. The Caliphate protected the Jews under its rule; Hezbollah seeks to kill them instead.)
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