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PIA to purchase nine new planes for different routes

Imran Khan

Oct 18, 2007
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PIA to purchase nine new planes for different routes
By: Amraiz Khan | July 21, 2012 | 0

LAHORE – PIA management is going to purchase nine new planes to resume its certain routes like Houston, Chicago, Los Angeles in the US to put PIA on the path of progress while unlike past the procurement process will be monitored by Transparency International (TI) a Germany based watchdog , said well informed sources in the national flag carrier on Friday.

Sources disclosed that newly appointed Chairman PIA, Rao Qamar Suleman has himself decided to take TI on board to maintain maximum transparency in the procurement process.

New planes scheduled to be purchased included five B-737-800, two B-777-LR and two Jumbo planes. Sources claimed that Jumbo planes would be used for Haj purpose while B-777 for long haul flights like Huston, Chicago and Los Angeles while B-737-800 for other routes.

A well informed officer of PIA seeking anonymity said that MD PIA was also keen in revamping of routes like Nairobi, Johannesburg, Glasgow and Bangkok etc.

He said that Rao Qamar was in negotiations with American Transport Security Administration (TSA) to get permission for direct flight from Pakistan to US destinations. He said Rao has also successfully exempted from another security check imposed by the United States on PIA flights operating between the two countries at Manchester.

TSA had given deadline to PIA for detailed checking to be started at Manchester which could force the passengers to opt for an airline other than PIA, as the security check could increase the travel time from 16 to 25 hours, sources in PIA said. As per details, the US Transportation Security Administration (TSA) had warned PIA that after April 22nd, 2012 all passengers and luggage on board PIA aircrafts would be subjected to another security check at the Manchester airport prior to arriving in US destinations.

When contacted TI Pakistan head Adil Gillani said that though PIA management has tried to get TI on board regarding procurement of two Jumbo planes which were supposed to be used for Haj purpose but TIP has objected on procurement process and said why management was not going to purchase planes from Airbus rather than Boeing Company.

He said that as per Public Procurement Regulatory Authority (PPRA) every procurement should be made through tender.

Whereas sources in PIA were of the view that MD PIA was trying to purchase two Jumbo from Saudi Airlines against throw away price and secondly the airline has all sort of infrastructure of jumbo planes including, trained crew members, wide body hanger, spare parts and engines etc.

“It is matter of national interest and TIP should support such steps of PIA MD to pull the airlines out of losses” a senior PIA officer said.

A head of Association of PIA and also office-bearer of Joint Action Committee of Pakistan International Airlines (JACPIA) said on condition of not to be named that Rao was moving in the right direction. He said MD takes officer-bearers of different associations in PIA into confidence while taking any important decision. He also appreciated other steps taken by MD in the near past.
PIA to purchase nine new planes for different routes | The Nation
lol the same news came a year or so ago but that time the plan was to induct Airbus that never materialized , this time boeings lets see how much the plans pay off, btw which jumbo planes PIA is looking at, the models are not mentioned . Can it be Airbus-380

btw how can they go for Boeing 737, its too old
Mani, Pakistani airports cannot handle the A380.
They should order 787 Dream liner

These Planes are known to Pay off their purchase price through the savings made in fuel usage
lol the same news came a year or so ago but that time the plan was to induct Airbus that never materialized , this time boeings lets see how much the plans pay off, btw which jumbo planes PIA is looking at, the models are not mentioned . Can it be Airbus-380

btw how can they go for Boeing 737, its too old


Mani, Pakistani airports cannot handle the A380.

Some unnamed politician was adamant about making Hyderabad airport capable of handling A380's. :lol:
Some unnamed politician was adamant about making Hyderabad airport capable of handling A380's. :lol:

I am sure Hyderabad can be upgraded to handle A380s, given enough expenditure. Whether the expense can be justified, is another matter entirely.
will trust when see these in service..

I am sure Hyderabad can be upgraded to handle A380s, given enough expenditure. Whether the expense can be justified, is another matter entirely.
new islamabad airport can handle.
I am sure Hyderabad can be upgraded to handle A380s, given enough expenditure. Whether the expense can be justified, is another matter entirely.

That detective.. is the right question..
boing 787 is very costly , we should buy air bus rather than boing as boing is very costly....

Yes and know, Operating costs, training, commonality.. etc
All go into making such calculations.. Infact.. the current PIA MD has made good choices.
lol the same news came a year or so ago but that time the plan was to induct Airbus that never materialized , this time boeings lets see how much the plans pay off, btw which jumbo planes PIA is looking at, the models are not mentioned . Can it be Airbus-380

btw how can they go for Boeing 737, its too old

737 is old but 737 200 -300 -400 not 800 its brand new dear


boing 787 is very costly , we should buy air bus rather than boing as boing is very costly....

787 is not coustly then 777 but yeah 777 is one of the best plane ever made by boeing and we already have fleet so its much easy to buy more in fact very good deal by PIA

787 cost US$227.8 million
777 cost US$298.3 million
btw how can they go for Boeing 737, its too old

Mani i think you have no idea about commercial passenger ac.
737-800 that PIA plans to purchase are very current and very latest series of 737.

think of it like the f-16 even though f-16 is a concept of the 70, and their are f-16 block 15 which are very old. but than u have block 52+ and block 60. which are the very latest and a match for any modern fighter ac.
similarly the B737 800 is very state of the art and up to date.
That detective.. is the right question..

Well let's think about it which airline would employ A380 to Pakistan?

Of all the airlines that have the double decker, only emirates is the possibility, and there is not enough load, nor the need, nor the ground services, anywhere in the country, let alOne Hyderabad.

We all know how our politicians think.
I think the secondary check on the planes is , against any normal logical view point and Government should protest for such request by TSA.

Because once the baggage is submitted the passenger is not in contact with it so there is no chance for any addition to baggae

Such request are nothing but means to harass passengers
upcoming routes are Chicago, Houston, Los Angeles, Nairobi, Johannesburg and Glasgow, thats super cool, i hope it works out
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