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Philippines & China agree to hold regular talks on Spratlys

Well, if the Vietnamese and Chinese think they could challenge the Philippians power then keep going ahead, we are enjoy to fight with you until the winning, we are the most powerful and experienced army in the region, the U.S. has trained us many great combat fighting lessons for many years, if you want to taste the bitter taste of loosing a war, then please just coming and enjoy your blooding nose.
Okay I admit; your joke was funny. I laughed slightly.
Well, as I ave said your Vietnamese are always looking down on us in everything from culture to economy and even skin color but we don't care, we love to make your nose bloody as we used to do to your men both in Vietnam war and modern sea skirmishes. Please ask your Viet Cong veterans how our brave Filipinos fighting battles in your soil with the U.N. before 1975, I bet they will piss their pants wet when hearing you reminding them about us.
Oops, I didn't mean to look down or anything.
I just can't help laughing when I read the sentence "we are the most powerful and experienced army in the region". I just thought: Hell, what is going on with the Filipino and the most powerful army in the region.
I mean the Philippines was quite a peaceful nation except some of your separatist and extremist movements, you know, not any inter-state war (except in WWII). What is the problem with your arm force when you just need to stay in those islands, islets... and... enjoy your life.

To be honest, in the Vietnam war, we heard about Korean veterans who fought in Central Vietnam, Australian veterans who had run many social and welfare programs. The Filipino, I and most of Vietnamese even have no idea that Filipino ever fought in the Vietnam war under Ally flag.

But that would be good for you since not being known by Vietnamese that means you will unlikely to be put in our "enemy-zone". Hehe, just kidding.
Your Vietnamese and Chinese are always proud of yourselves a powerful army but have I asked you a question?

How many wars or hardcore conflicts have you guys been fighting in 30 years?

We Filipinos are tasting the smell of war and blood everyday in our country fighting against separatists, terrorists, drug traffickers etc...we don't buy guns just for keeping that fancy metal piece shining in the parade, we are practicing of how using them in real bloody fights.

Where were you Vietnam and China? Being too busy in online big mouth warfare and "fashion show" parade?

Sorry we don't buy and deploy Chinese inferior low tech weapons or outdated Russian craps like Vietnam or China. We are not dumb people and we proud of that. Since the day of independence until now, Filipinos are always stand on our legs, we are grateful for the American and U.N helps, but we never depend on them as same as Vietnam or China to Russia. Only M16 rifles and grenades, Filipinos brave warriors can make a change of any battle field situation.

I feel happy to let you guys living in your delusion so we can have more easy breath in the future when fighting you guys.
Aquino No.1 said:
Where were you Vietnam and China? Being too busy in online big mouth warfare and "fashion show" parade?.
We just simply don't care about you , maybe you will turn out to be another nick of Mr. KhmerTiger soon :lol:

btw: No normal Phillipine think their Navy can battle with China-VietNam . We control the largest part in SCS(east sea), and China is the second one , Phil only have few islands closing to them.
Philippine defence chief says military too weak

Defence Secretary Voltaire Gazmin (above) said the Chinese structures were built several years ago but that even today, the Philippine military would be helpless in stopping such expansion in the contested region. -- PHOTO: AFP

MANILA - THE Philippine military, one of Asia's weakest, is too weak to stop foreign intrusions in areas such as disputed territories in the South China Sea, and the only recourse is diplomatic protests, the defence secretary said on Tuesday.

End of funny discussion:coffee:
We Filipinos are tasting the smell of war and blood everyday in our country fighting against separatists, terrorists, drug traffickers etc...we don't buy guns just for keeping that fancy metal piece shining in the parade, we are practicing of how using them in real bloody fights.
You finally got it, that why I wondered whether your army has become "the most powerful army in the region" by fighting with local terrorists, separatists, drug traffickers... alone.
Aquino No.1; First you got independence from USA and They are still your Masters.

If you have not seen any weapons in your life then you cannot claim those are inferior low tech, I believe low tech is being provided to Philippines by US Government see your Naval/Air Force assets they are 35-40 Years old.

I can give you example of Sri Lanka how successfully it ended along War with Terrorists-Separatists for almost 30 years, learn from them.

Had US really wanted to help you, Philippines would have been out of conflict. Basically US wants you stuck in this conflict-issue as long as you people can be locked in this tussle. There has been no change in past 10 Years in Philippines over the issue with Separatists, US barely helped you just few jungle warfare training sessions to your forces. UN I'm not sure if UN has done anything at all. You people are on your own learn to live good and make friends in your neighborhood. US interests and objectives are limited and clocked to next WW a dream actually.
Star√ation;2456276 said:
You finally got it, that why I wondered whether your army has become "the most powerful army in the region" by fighting with local terrorists, separatists, drug traffickers... alone.

I never thought I would ever agree with a commie.
Star√ation;2456146 said:
Oops, I didn't mean to look down or anything.
I just can't help laughing when I read the sentence "we are the most powerful and experienced army in the region". I just thought: Hell, what is going on with the Filipino and the most powerful army in the region.
I mean the Philippines was quite a peaceful nation except some of your separatist and extremist movements, you know, not any inter-state war (except in WWII). What is the problem with your arm force when you just need to stay in those islands, islets... and... enjoy your life.

To be honest, in the Vietnam war, we heard about Korean veterans who fought in Central Vietnam, Australian veterans who had run many social and welfare programs. The Filipino, I and most of Vietnamese even have no idea that Filipino ever fought in the Vietnam war under Ally flag.

But that would be good for you since not being known by Vietnamese that means you will unlikely to be put in our "enemy-zone". Hehe, just kidding.

You don't hear your history book saying about us because your VC government so coward to admit the hurtful truth, here every time the U.S. veterans talking about VN war, they couldn't forget how Filipinos warriors helped saving their lives.

We just simply don't care about you , maybe you will turn out to be another nick of Mr. KhmerTiger soon :lol:

btw: No normal Phillipine think their Navy can battle with China-VietNam . We control the largest part in SCS(east sea), and China is the second one , Phil only have few islands closing to them.

Philippine defence chief says military too weak

End of funny discussion:coffee:

Oh I am so scared, wait for the U.S. come to help you.

They will help destroy both of you two commies. hahaha

But hey, what the hell is going....Viet Cong becoming team up with China again?

Star√ation;2456276 said:
You finally got it, that why I wondered whether your army has become "the most powerful army in the region" by fighting with local terrorists, separatists, drug traffickers... alone.

You still haven't got it or just try to be naive?

Oh yeah so, that prove we are fighting real battles everyday, we are collecting combat experiences which help us burn your Viet Cong to ash one day soon.

Still laughing?

Aquino No.1; First you got independence from USA and They are still your Masters.

If you have not seen any weapons in your life then you cannot claim those are inferior low tech, I believe low tech is being provided to Philippines by US Government see your Naval/Air Force assets they are 35-40 Years old.

I can give you example of Sri Lanka how successfully it ended along War with Terrorists-Separatists for almost 30 years, learn from them.

Had US really wanted to help you, Philippines would have been out of conflict. Basically US wants you stuck in this conflict-issue as long as you people can be locked in this tussle. There has been no change in past 10 Years in Philippines over the issue with Separatists, US barely helped you just few jungle warfare training sessions to your forces. UN I'm not sure if UN has done anything at all. You people are on your own learn to live good and make friends in your neighborhood. US interests and objectives are limited and clocked to next WW a dream actually.

The past is the past, future is begin from now and tomorrow.

The most dangerous enemies of Philippines these days are Vietnam and China.
We can expect China to eventually patrol the Spratly Islands in a manner similar to her patrols of the Gulf of Aden.

Type 054A on patrol in Gulf of Aden


"Oct 30, 2011 – Chinese Navy has recently sent its Type 054A frigate (529) Zhoushan for escort missions off Somali coast."


Type 054A 76mm dual-purpose naval gun


One of the two onboard "Type 730 7-barrel 30 mm CIWS guns"


Armed troops guard the ship.


A soldier takes aim.


Sailors restock the CIWS with ammunition.


PLA Navy special force members fire flares.

[Note: Thank you to Aziqbal for the pictures.]
@Martian2: Please stop your god damn propaganda here please, we all know how your country ability, those pictures only scare of the child or your little comrade commie VC but not Philippines-USA allies!

You have to remember that in your head for not being tough talk too much online which will make you look very fool until the day you got whopped by U.N. again!

What a big country China is? South Korea and Vietnam don't give a damn care who you are on earth! LOL

Never mess with the Philippines- USA Power!
Never mess with the Philippines- USA Power!

I think you are delusional to believe the United States is willing to fight a fifty-year war against China over a few islands (e.g. the Spratlys) in the South China Sea. The war will require at least fifty years, because China will keep returning with a new generation of supercomputer-designed weapons to maintain its 2,000-year-old sovereignty over the Spratlys since the Han Dynasty.

Where is the American national interest? If you said the United States was willing to fight China to defend southern Alaskan islands and maintain American territorial integrity then I would agree with you.

However, recent American inaction during the Russo-Georgian War of 2008 shows that the United States (despite its rhetoric) will not enter into a major war for a minor and unimportant country, like Georgia or the Philippines.

The Georgians contributed over 2,000 troops to America's war effort in Iraq. The Georgians deluded themselves into believing there was a Georgian-American alliance. Though Georgia is a member of the United Nations, the United States sat by and ignored the annexation of 20% of Georgian territory by Russia.

To my knowledge, the Philippines has contributed no troops at all to the American war efforts in Iraq and Afghanistan. It should be obvious that the Philippines rank lower than Georgia in America's eyes.

Since the United States wasn't willing to lift a finger as 20% of Georgian territory was annexed by Russia, what makes you think the United States will lift a finger to help the Philippines wage a war of aggression against 2,000-year-old Chinese islands in the Spratlys?
US,UN dare not to fight against china,they did it sixty years ago,and see what happened in korea.
Pathetic pinoy need to fight against china alone.
I think you are delusional to believe the United States is willing to fight a fifty-year war against China over a few islands (e.g. the Spratlys) in the South China Sea. The war will require at least fifty years, because China will keep returning with a new generation of supercomputer-designed weapons to maintain its 2,000-year-old sovereignty over the Spratlys since the Han Dynasty.

50 years? Who tell you that? Your delusion?

No need 50 years, only few seconds, remember how they erased Hiroshima and Nagasaki?

Where is the American national interest? If you said the United States was willing to fight China to defend southern Alaskan islands and maintain American territorial integrity then I would agree with you.

Yes, the whole Asia pacific and the passport to sail their fleets thoroughly in your waters. All in one reason, to prevent your naval expansion to become a blue water power.

However, recent American inaction during the Russo-Georgian War of 2008 shows that the United States (despite its rhetoric) will not enter into a major war for a minor and unimportant country, like Georgia or the Philippines.

Wrong, we are more important to the U.S. than you could though, we are the most important geography in the region since the U.S. left Vietnam. Philippines is more valuable than Vietnam and Singapore combined.

The Georgians contributed over 2,000 troops to America's war effort in Iraq. The Georgians deluded themselves into believing there was a Georgian-American alliance. Though Georgia is a member of the United Nations, the United States sat by and ignored the annexation of 20% of Georgian territory by Russia.

How could you know they don't need us? Philippines and USA have signed many secret deals that your Chinese could never imagine of. If a war broken out in the region, there 100% USA or Philippines will jump in to to help each others out, honestly speaking, we do that to save our national interests more than a charity help.

To my knowledge, the Philippines has contributed no troops at all to the American war efforts in Iraq and Afghanistan. It should be obvious that the Philippines rank lower than Georgia in America's eyes.

No no no, that show you don't know anything about the USA-Philippines alliance. If you are that low knowledge, I won't mind to lecture you anymore.

Since the United States wasn't willing to lift a finger as 20% of Georgian territory was annexed by Russia, what makes you think the United States will lift a finger to help the Philippines wage a war of aggression against 2,000-year-old Chinese islands in the Spratlys?

"2,000" years is only by your mouth kiddo, Vietnam also claims the same, what you gonna do to them? All people are declare the right in their side, but reality is harsh, who is more powerful will have the right.

We have USA as our best ally and the strongest supporter for Philippines, who dare to beat us in this conflict? You? or your little comrade VC?

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