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Philippine warship in stand-off with China vessels

We did against both Korea and Japan.
No China did not. The PLA Navy would not even enter within 10 nm of Diaoyutai that it claims as its own; The PLA Navy makes its "protests" outside of the 10 nm maritime borderline.

We will do it to whoever violates the rights of our fishing vessels and we will uphold freedom of navigation regardless the cost.
The Chinese fishermen would love to see the Chinese coast guard vessels actually doing what you claim they do, because they just sit and watch the Korean coast guards and the Japanese coast guards detain the Chinese fishing boats in spite of the Chinese fishermen's desperate plea for help. Otherwise Korean prisons wouldn't be overflowing with 5,000 Chinese fishermen a year thrown into prison for illegal fishing.

Freedom isn't free.
Chinese civilians have no freedom.

LMAO at korean inferiority. This is how you delude yourself into believing China will not wipe clean south korea when the time comes for korean war 2.
Well, Beijing and Shanghai too will turn into nuclear waste lands if China decided to not honor its NFU pledge.

Peaceful rise and no first use are funny jokes.
China can use nukes first only by being ready to see China's own cities getting nuked in return.

Chinese Sailors Arrested for Illegal Fishing in South Korea
It doesn't even make the news unless somebody gets killed, because around 5000 Chinese fishermen are thrown into Korean prison a year.
What's wrong with you? Even though these are just words, you shouldn't wish to nuke another country, especially when they are so weak compared to yours.

Everything is easy from Mommy's basement.
Vietnam, Indian and the US Navy should also get involved in this mess...then lets see what PLAN does!
Talk for yourself :azn: ... Are you capable of protecting Philippine ? Vietnam should save herself first and US should find another buyer of their treasuries !
No China did not. The PLA Navy would not even enter within 10 nm of Diaoyutai that it claims as its own; The PLA Navy makes its "protests" outside of the 10 nm maritime borderline.

The Chinese fishermen would love to see the Chinese coast guard vessels actually doing what you claim they do, because they just sit and watch the Korean coast guards and the Japanese coast guards detain the Chinese fishing boats in spite of the Chinese fishermen's desperate plea for help. Otherwise Korean prisons wouldn't be overflowing with 5,000 Chinese fishermen a year thrown into prison for illegal fishing.

Chinese civilians have no freedom.

Well, Beijing and Shanghai too will turn into nuclear waste lands if China decided to not honor its NFU pledge.

China can use nukes first only by being ready to see China's own cities getting nuked in return.

It doesn't even make the news unless somebody gets killed, because around 5000 Chinese fishermen are thrown into Korean prison a year.

Nope, if we don't honor NFU, there's nothing anyone can do about it. 247 megatons.

In other news...

6 Chinese warships spotted in waters off Okinawa - AJW by The Asahi Shimbun
Anyone realized what actually has happened?

Philippines were trying to flex muscles sending their largest military vessel their flagship against 10 merely civilian Chinese fishing vessels in Chinese waters. Their mission was to harass the Chinese fishermen. Clearly an attempt to "show China the way" and act strong.

What were they thinking though ? Largest military vessel ? :rofl: A single Type 022 would be enough for it ...
Nope, if we don't honor NFU, there's nothing anyone can do about it.
The US nuclear umbrella guarantees the retaliatory nuke strike. And the US has no choice but to nuke China, because the entire world would now be nuclear armed if they don't.

You missed this.

Six Chinese warships apparently headed for exercises in the Pacific Ocean were spotted in international waters
The PLA Navy has free passage in international water, just like how JMSDF ships can approach upto 10 nm of China's coastline.
The US nuclear umbrella guarantees the retaliatory nuke strike. And the US has no choice but to nuke China, because the entire world would now be nuclear armed if they don't.

Please stop living in these delusions ... US wouldn't get itself nuked just for South Korea or Philippine ... MAD is a dangerous thing , isn't it ? :azn:
The US nuclear umbrella guarantees the retaliatory nuke strike. And the US has no choice but to nuke China, because the entire world would now be nuclear armed if they don't.

Tell me if US nuclear umbrella cover your country :D...American interest come first..
Please stop living in these delusions ... US wouldn't get itself nuked just for South Korea or Philippine
Surely it will. Just ask Chinese; Nixon risked just that to bail out China from a nuclear holocaust.

Tell me if US nuclear umbrella cover your country
Yes. There used to be 1000 US nukes in ROK until 1993. Although the warhead now have been moved to Japan, the guarantee of nuclear retaliation remains valid and in effect. Without that guarantee, Korea, Japan, and Taiwan would be building their own nukes in a month.
It's so funny that commentators here like to invoke other super power to backup their insecure comments...these people don't have any nation strengh to do any sh1t to China....so claim U.S will do this..U.S will do that are only their viable arguments to uses in this forum...how pity.
Surely it will. Just ask Chinese; Nixon risked just that to bail out China from a nuclear holocaust.

Yes. There used to be 1000 US nukes in ROK until 1993. Although the warhead now have been moved to Japan, the guarantee of nuclear retaliation remains valid and in effect. Without that guarantee, Korea, Japan, and Taiwan would be building their own nukes in a month.

Really ? Was China a nuclear power / significant nuclear power back then ? :azn:

And what will US get in return ? Garlands from the 2nd Artillery Corps ? :azn: ... There's no guarantee ... There are delusions and delusions ... I didn't see US nuking Russia just for Georgia ... Sure , start building your own nukes ... If only it is that easy
Please stop living in these delusions ... US wouldn't get itself nuked just for South Korea or Philippine ... MAD is a dangerous thing , isn't it ? :azn:

China doesn't have MAD capability.

We would nuke China for South Korea or the Philippines should China bring us to such a point, as they are under our nuclear umbrella. You are free to believe otherwise at Shanghai and Beijing's peril, but it's not like we've made any secret of it.
Vietnam, Indian and the US Navy should also get involved in this mess...then lets see what PLAN does!

India needs to focus on the 500+ million Indians that live below the poverty line. India has no business hosting Tibetian exile government and getting into China's issues with other countries.
Surely it will. Just ask Chinese; Nixon risked just that to bail out China from a nuclear holocaust.

Yes. There used to be 1000 US nukes in ROK until 1993. Although the warhead now have been moved to Japan, the guarantee of nuclear retaliation remains valid and in effect. Without that guarantee, Korea, Japan, and Taiwan would be building their own nukes in a month.

Congratulations, it must be an honor being America's human shield, that's the raw truth. The nukes are there to protect America by making J+K targets forming a first line defense for the American mainland, make no mistake about this.
The US nuclear umbrella guarantees the retaliatory nuke strike. And the US has no choice but to nuke China, because the entire world would now be nuclear armed if they don't.

You missed this.

The PLA Navy has free passage in international water, just like how JMSDF ships can approach upto 10 nm of China's coastline.

:lol: USN is nervous to approach within 300 nm, and you're talking JMSDF.

Nukes are not trivial to make. If you could, you would, but you can't.

Israel is far more advanced than South Korea, has access to designs from France and the US, their scientists have dual citizenships and work in top secret US labs, and yet they still cannot create hydrogen bombs. The only confirmed Israeli test, the Vela incident, was a 4 kt explosion, and it wasn't even sure if it was an Israeli test. What makes you think South Korea can with none of the advantages that Israel has? :lol:
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