for a moment I thought I was listening to a Historian giving account on leadership qualities... truly a learned person he has become...
on your Islamic approach, it requires mass education on lines where people can learn their Islamic history and correlate it with Pakistan, unfortunately we are divided now into many foreign thoughts, the post British colonial era is yet to fade away, coming up to date with the modern ways and adjusting with the modern day dynamic is yet to take place, reforms in our lines as muslims is a far reaching concept, differences are not tolerated, a unified goal is yet to be defined, intellectual base is yet to be made, theoretical frame work has not been something we as muslims are working on, further theoretical base is yet to be presented to masses who here I assume havae attained the tools of modern world earlier mentioned, this then be put in test of practical world, then compete with the opposite system...
this renaissance process is yet to take a flight, we are hardly muslims in our hearts, minds to work like Muslims can be well judged by where we stand right now...
surely change in the hearts and minds can be brought in one to two generations, provided if the true representative leadership take control who has a hand on the pulse of Nation's collective mind (which ofcourse in our case is Islamic).
P.S. edited.