The reason is the type of imported Westminster governmental system which has failed in Pakistan. The best form should be a technocratic system, where the best minds in their respective fields get the ministry of that field. For example we have Kh. Asif who is the Minister of defence and also minister of Water and Power, what qualification does this guy have to be able to run those departments......None. in reality a retired General/Admiral should be Minister of defence, an agriculturist should be running the Ministry of Agriculture, an accountant/finance expert should be running the Ministry of Finance etc etc you get the point.
Also i reckon having MNAs and MPAs is a waste of resources, these guys are meant to just do legislation. Whats the point of having a thousand people being paid a hefty pay for doing a few legislations a year. In my opinion the best way would be to have district Mayors/Nazims doing legislation as well when needed and the rest of the time they will just administer their own districts, this will save a huge chunk of tax payers money, and will also eliminate the complain of Nazims that the MNAs and MPAs are interfering with the administration of their constituency.
Also the Senate needs to be abolished, its purpose was to keep a check and balance on the government but some senators are part of the government for example the Finance Minister Ishaq Dar. So basically its members are contradicting the role of the house.
Stronger institutions are only possible when we have the right people in place for the right job.
Hijacked institutions will not get any better incrementally as people (huge majority) working in them have vested interests to not change the current system. Few years back powers were proposed to be curtailed of DMG as this group has been working on same model that British Raj devised to keep power grip administratively - guess what happened to that move - failed miserably.
Westminster style of democracy can work if certain core ingredients are present:
1. Literacy (not that of just signing his/her name)
2. Stable economic condition of voters (not exploitable for a plate of biryani)
3. Nationalism above caste, creed, sect, linguistics
It is in interest of Zar & Shar to keep the above factors in their favour by keeping the institutions weak so arm twisting can be done to protect their fiefdoms.
As a sidenote just see where we stand as a nation; SCP requested names of diamond integrity for JIT and openly rejected names of few SECP and NAB officers - what was the message; the names proposed by SECP and NAB are of questionable/compromised reputation hence let them serve the country and do whatever they are doing and no one batted an eye at such a glaring issue; that corrupt / compromised reputation people can work anywhere else and it's a non issue, as compromised reputation of public office or govt officers is a non issue, but not in this showcased gold and glittery JIT. Such a joke!
In any other country - those names that were rejected would have been investigated and if any thing found against them would have been put behind the bars. As it's an absolute disgrace for a Govt., Officer to be considered a person with dubious integrity by none other than Supreme Court of the country.
No one in Pakistan looked at this larger than JIT issue and the message SCP sent indirectly to us; that corruption is OK everywhere in the country but not in this six member JIT. Seriously!