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Peshawar Massacre - TTP kills hundreds of school kids (Avoid graphic pics/vids)

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Pakistanis have life .. indians and indian media always have issues with Pakistan.. how india react last two times of Pakistan win in india . Indians have Pakistan phobia.. they have no sports manship when it comes to Pakistan..
they dont leave one reason to bash Pakistan. i think you need to make your box big or come out of it..
we have been dealing our issues and here indians who have nothing to do in life come out to bash Pakistan i think its famouse trend which is set by your low life politicans ..
A litter correction, "How Indian media reacted to the obscene gestures towards crowd and frenzy celebration"?

You know half truth is equally or more dangerous than lie..

We are concerned for Pakistan because we share the same grief.. We are concerned because Pakistan is our neighbor. We are concerned because the children who were killed were innocent and were future of healthy Pakistan. We are concerned because our brethren from across the border is in Pain...
Weren't Taliban cherished Mujahideens once, after 9/11 when Pakistan had to act against them they turned on Pakistan. I am waiting for the day when let and gang will turn on Pakistan, which is bound to happen sooner or later and when that happens and another 100 kids are slaughter in some school in Pakistan by let, I would love to see people talk about freedom fighters of Kashmir :hitwall::hitwall:
This more or less appeared to be revenge killing against Pakistani Military as the school had many kids from Military parents etc , a very front and direct assault on families of Pakistani military and not to mention any civilian parent's kids who may have been also there.

I did see some pictures of military personnel pickup up their kids in uniform. The uniform badges for children stated its Public school but perhaps there was a reason to target school as a psychalogical warfare weapon

Perhaps a retaliation to the military operation or drone strikes no doubt that may have killed some families other side of border etc

A calculated , sick and disgusting act


Only rational is military drone strikes kill families of TTP group and thus they have retaliated back


Was there any reason provided for this attack or motive, this to me is 100% retaliation response to Military / Drone operations

From Website
The school on Peshawar's Warsak Road is part of the Army Public Schools and Colleges System, which runs 146 schools nationwide for the children of military personnel and civilians. Its students range in age from around 10 to 18.

The schools educate the children of both officers and non-commissioned soldiers and army wives often teach in them.
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Still Nobody resigned?? No hope from ruling government nawaz sharif PMLN, but waiting for resignation of any PTI minister responsible for security or health measure.
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I Just pray for those who lost their children in this disaster and i pray to Allah to give us and our Army strength to avenge our children. Ameen
You know....

I believe in many things...

But let me tell you something:

Let your enemy live in the bubble. Never expose their weaknesses!

Because that will be useful when the time comes....

Although I believe in coexistence and helping out...
Enemy is just there to kill , that's the only way I know & trained for ?
So keep wishing what you want?
You see a problem here? All of them have VVVVVVVVVVIP protection.

Well they need that...But did someone resign over any incident?

Did any government official resign?

Whose responsibility was this?

I am still looking forward to a resignation (PTI person/police/military).

Someone has to take the responsibility and resign!

Otherwise it is the same schmuck that happened during Mushy era. More than 20,000 people dead and not a single big wig gave up the perks!

And on top of that, showing that they are "good Muslims" to appease their critics. You don't even know if the guy praying next to you is a Taliban sympathizer. The perpetual abuse of Islam by the state allows terrorists the perfect cover.
Wow !
So you deny the fact of the growing Hindu extermism after the cold blooded murder of ghandi jee?
& the MODI jee,s wishes & his art work as the CM against Muslims & others ?
Man you are talking without any confirmation from your security agencies.. Let them find out who is really behind this.. and Am sure, TTP assholes were the who were scared of smiles of Innocent kids and thats why they resorted to killing.. Meanwhile I heard that PAF is pounding those MOFOs.
No. Dont keep wishing..

Get some desi and tun tuna tun tun

I have a third eye. Stealthy radar!

I can see who is who.
That desi is yours , that's why these butchers were worshipped by the stupid politicians ?
For us , we fight , don't get affected when a dog barks ?
cause we can kill that animal when , it tries to bite anyone?

Man you are talking without any confirmation from your security agencies.. Let them find out who is really behind this.. and Am sure, TTP assholes were the who were scared of smiles of Innocent kids and thats why they resorted to killing.. Meanwhile I heard that PAF is pounding those MOFOs.
Man I was a part of our security agencies !
Pounding them inside Pakistan isn't enough any more ?
Need to take them out in Afghanistan?
Now just be quite ?
Resignation should be from Nawaz Sharif as its a federal matter (Security of Citizens)
Why the surprise? If you look at every discussion after a terrorist attack in Pakistan over the years that you & I have been on this forum which has been claimed by some terrorist group or the other, it takes just a short period after the initial numbness & the anger to go back to the old bogey. I didn't much participate on this thread except to post a BBC article on a shoe photo and a reply to your post but I did think that it would be less that 12 odd hours before some here revert to type. That's exactly what has happened. Little wonder Pakistan has so much difficulty in fighting their enemy, they prefer to spend their time searching for their "true" enemy and making comments about retaliatory terrorism like the one line in the post that you reported. It's why they glorify Hafiz Saeed. They simply seem unable to appreciate that Indians can feel deep pain & anguish about this attack while still not being enamoured of the Pakistani State.

This attack was pretty horrifying to me personally & I'm sure it was to most Indians. I'm haunted by the video of an woman rushing about desperately to search (I assume) for her child, as I was by the man who had lost his nephew(s?) & was crying about the fact that it takes 20 years to raise a child & the terrorists didn't even take 20 minutes......

I had actually heard about the attack on the forum & when I did check the news, I had heard of about 13-14 deaths & there was reporting that the rest of the children had been rescued. I was then off the news grid for a while & when I again checked on the forum, I saw a figure of over 100 which is when I switched on the TV. It was a terrible, sickening feeling that was unexplainable, maybe the facts that kids were targeted deliberately somehow made this different from all the other equally horrifying attacks. I'm sure millions of Indians felt the same way, yet we are here arguing with guys who will believe that this was somehow India's doing. Attacking children in a school? Towards what aim? I rarely join issue with most of these guys because they simply are living in a state of altered reality. Nothing you or I say will have an impact.

so you trying to say that Pakistani are not reasonable people?
lets see if it happend in india. how would you and your media have reacted. i have no doubt that they start bashing Pakistan right after they hear about it... yet we havent say word against india officially which is so obvious whos enemy of Pakistan. who will benifets from this...
Indian dont even tolerate if we enjoy our victory.. this is the lowest india did.
its not the first time they have done.
That desi is yours , that's why these butchers were worshipped by the stupid politicians ?
For us , we fight , don't get affected when a dog barks ?
cause we can kill that animal when , it tries to bite anyone?

Man I was a part of our security agencies !
Pounding them inside Pakistan isn't enough any more ?
Need to take them out in Afghanistan?
Now just be quite ?
But your reply/post does not seems so.. I heard Pakistani security forces/elite forces are very professional and disciplined like @Muradk
What about intelligence and army, it was army public school after all. Is responsibility only with politicians?
Pakistan responds to Peshawar school massacre with strikes on Taliban | World news | The Guardian

This is a cowardly attack and the biggest mistake they could do. This is gives the Pak armed forces and Govt all the reason and motivation to end TTP forever. It will be a great shame if Pak forces allow TTP even to move a finger, let alone further strikes after this atrocity.

operations are going on for quite some time now....this was their cowardly way of "revenge"

it wont bode well for them however.....we'll fight them, we'll finish them
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