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Peshawar Massacre - TTP kills hundreds of school kids (Avoid graphic pics/vids)

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You won't ask them out of pride? Or is it because China doesn't want to get involved? After studying the region I firmly believe Pakistan has no friends.

the combined NATO forces in Afghanistan - despite hundreds of billions of dollars expended - FAILED to achieve their objectives in Afghanistan.....this isnt about money or firepower alone. Its about understanding the regional-specific ground realities and knowing how to combat a certain ideology

the best support we can get is recognition of our sacrifices to make the region a safer place....we dont need manpower support in this fight - we have the manpower and the capabilities to deal with these animals - itll just take time. This is an insurgency, not a conventional fight
Nobody resigned over 9/11 in the U.S. They just put their balls where their mouth was and got the job done. Zero terrorist attacks since.
This more or less appeared to be revenge killing against Pakistani Military as the school had many kids from Military parents etc , a very front and direct assault on families of Pakistani military and not to mention any civilian parent's kids who may have been also there.

I did see some pictures of military personnel pickup up their kids in uniform. The uniform badges for children stated its Public school but perhaps there was a reason to target school as a psychalogical warfare weapon

Perhaps a retaliation to the military operation or drone strikes no doubt that may have killed some families other side of border etc

A calculated , sick and disgusting act


Only rational is military drone strikes kill families of TTP group and thus they have retaliated back


Was there any reason provided for this attack or motive, this to me is 100% retaliation response to Military / Drone operations

Yes, it was revenge for the recent military operations against the TTP.
खून किसी का भी गिरे यहां
नस्ल-ए-आदम का खून है आखिर
बच्चे सरहद पार के ही सही
किसी की छाती का सुकून है आखिर.....
आज कुछ बस्ते घर नहीं जायेंगे .....
वो 26/11था आज 16/12 है,
कल धरती हमारी थी हथियार तुम्हारे थे,
आज धरती भी तुम्हारी है हथियार भी तुम्हारे है,
हमे दुःख कल भी था आज भी है....

कैसी होगी उस माँ की हालत जिसके बच्चे ने कहा होगा मैं आज स्कूल नहीं जाऊंगा और माँ ने उसे डाँट डपटकर जबरदस्ती स्कूल भेजा होगा..
Funerals Begin for 141 Slain in Taliban Attack on Pakistan School
In-Depth Coverage

by VOA News December 16, 2014

The first funerals are being held for the victims of a Taliban school massacre in Pakistan on Tuesday that left at least 141 people dead, most of them young students.

Wearing military uniforms and strapped with explosives, seven assailants attacked the military-run facility in the northwestern city of Peshawar, shooting children and adults.

Pakistani officials said 132 of the dead were students about 12 to 16 years old. Nine school staff members also died in the siege, which lasted more than eight hours.

A provincial official said more than 120 others were wounded in the assault. VOA Deewa Radio reporter Hameedullah Khan said more than 100 of the wounded were children.

Major General Asim Saleem Bajwa, a Pakistan army spokesman, said security forces killed the attackers and saved hundreds of lives in a swift operation after the bloodshed began.

Heavily armed Taliban gunmen entered from the rear of the school 'by cutting and crossing the fence,' Bajwa said. '... They entered the auditorium, where all the children were going through an exam, and they started shooting them indiscriminately and they caused the maximum damage in the first 10 minutes of their attack.'
Army commandos responded, killing all seven terrorists, Bajwa said.

The attack on the school, in a highly secured part of Peshawar city, began about 10 a.m. local time and ended around 6.30 p.m. (1330 GMT), police said, according to the French news agency AFP.

The Pakistani Taliban claimed responsibility for the attack, saying it was in retaliation for Pakistan's offensive targeting militants in the country's northwestern tribal region, near the Afghan border.

The area has served as a major sanctuary and training ground for Pakistani and Afghan militants responsible for terrorist attacks on both sides.

Pakistan's President Mamnoon Hussain and Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif condemned the attacks.

Sharif, who arrived in Peshawar on Tuesday, said the 'government will not be deterred by this barbaric act' and vowed to continue military operations against the militants. He also declared a three-day national mourning period.

Bajwa, the Pakistani military spokesman, said the Taliban gunmen made no demands and started killing children as soon as they entered the building.

'They didn't take any hostages initially and started firing in the hall,' Bajwa said. But the militants had brought rations for several days, he said in a Reuters report, implying that they may have intended to take students hostage.

Bajwa said on Twitter that explosive devices had been planted by the militants and were hampering clearance efforts.

Doctors said dozens of students were hospitalized, some in critical condition. Authorities in Peshawar appealed for blood donors.

VOA reporter Khan, who was at a Peshawar hospital, said, 'A lot of people are donating blood."

He said parents, rushing to the hospital where the bodies of many of the children were brought, were 'weeping. They were beating themselves, there was sorrow.'

Some students rescued
Ahsan Mukhtar, a student rescued by security forces, said, 'As soon as the gunfire erupted, our teacher instructed everyone to move to a corner of the room for safety."

Mukhtar added, "An hour later, when the intensity of the fire reduced, army soldiers arrived to rescue us, and on the way out, we saw bullet-ridden bodies of our schoolmates everywhere."

Provincial Chief Minister Pervez Khattak said the gunmen were dressed in the uniform of the Frontier Corps, a paramilitary force.

Although the school enrolls some civilian students, many of its pupils are children of army officials, the Taliban's intended target, Reuters and The New York Times reported.

Taliban spokesman Muhammad Umar Khorasani told Reuters, 'We selected the army's school for the attack because the government is targeting our families and females.

'We are doing this because we want them to feel the pain of how terrible it is when your loved ones are killed.'

World reaction
U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon strongly condemned the attack, calling it 'an act of horror and rank cowardice to attack defenseless children while they learn."

Pakistani children's education advocate and Nobel laureate Malala Yousafzai, who was shot by the Taliban in a 2012 assassination attempt for her activism, responded to the attacks with resolve.

'I am heartbroken by this senseless and cold-blooded act of terror in Peshawar. ... Innocent children in their school have no place in horror such as this. ... I, along with millions of others around the world, mourn these children, my brothers and sisters – but we will never be defeated,' Malala said.

U.S. President Barack Obama said that 'by targeting students and teachers in this heinous attack, terrorists have once again shown their depravity.' Obama added that the U.S. would continue to support Pakistan's efforts to combat terrorism and extremism.

Speaking from London, U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry called the killings an act of terror that 'shakes all people of conscience.'

'The images are absolutely gut-wrenching: Young children carried away in ambulances. A teacher burned alive in front of the students. A house of learning turned into a house of unspeakable horror,' Kerry said.
'Prime Minister Sharif said, 'These are my children, it is my loss.' Well, this morning, wherever you live, wherever you are, those are our children. And this is the world's loss,' the secretary added.

Earlier Tuesday, U.S. Ambassador to Pakistan Richard Olson expressed solidarity with the country, saying 'few have suffered more at the hands of terrorists and extremists than the people of Pakistan.'

British Prime Minister David Cameron tweeted Tuesday: 'The news from Pakistan is deeply shocking. It's horrifying that children are being killed simply for going to school.'

VOA's Ayaz Gul contributed to this report from Islamabad. VOA Deewa Radio reporter Hameedullah Khan contributed to this report from Peshawar, Pakistan. Some material for this report came from Reuters.
Well normally when operations are launched vs rouge entities , civilian structures are also secured and the executive decisions come from Nation's Head of Nation etc.

What would be the protection plan against any retaliation , specially in areas closer to the conflict zone

So responsibility is 100% of Head of Nation, that his policy had no plan on the counter mechanism to prevent such attacks on local soil as retaliation to War on Terrorism

Once again its proven

YOU DO NOT TAKE OVER AFGANSITAN PERMENENTLY the snake will keep coming out of hole and biting you

a) Permanent solution for Pakistan is take over Afghanistan
b) Build Baracks , and Police Stations in Afghanistan
c) Tighten up the border crossing
d) De Weaponize Afghanistan

If checkpoints and counter terrorism operations are setup with in Afghanistan , chances of problem reaching core Pakistani areas would limit and over time completely stop

Otherwise, operations on 2-3 areas on border or in Pakistan and then leaving the enemy rest in Afghansitan , in few months time they will recover and bite back etc

Afghanistan integration is a issue Pakistan should take seriously

Our policy has been , to have mini operations , on specific areas / towns or regions and that is however we never broaden our scope we need a real OPERATION clean out

Take over Afghanistan , setup a presence in Afghanistan - and then surround TTP from both side and then converge

Also building permenent brracks in Afganistan
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you wont get much "understanding" on a defense forum - this is where people share ideas.Sometimes ideas you wont agree with (clearly)....you arent here to make "Friends" are you? :what:

if you were offended by my assessment or opinions then just simply move on
I was clear that friendship was not my main reason to come here. But I have to say I am surprised by the kind of posts I am looking at. Yours included. I was here to assure myself that there was a huge amount of exaggeration in portrayal of Pakistani people in the media and other forums. I wanted to feel hope for our region through better trajectory of Pakistan, despite my prejudices.
That educated Pakistani people like you have these opinions and are "first line of defence" has given me reason to believe my hope was wrong. That the people with "let them stew in their own mess" idea of India Pakistan relationship are correct. Thank you for spitting on the compassion shown by us.
This following sentence needs to be analyzed carefully, methodically and honestly.

Provincial Chief Minister Pervez Khattak said the gunmen were dressed in the uniform of the Frontier Corps, a paramilitary force.
This should be the beginning of the end of Taliban once and for all from Pakistani soil and beyond.

Billions of money are wasted due to problems created by them.

This should also be an
opportunity to show what these creatures really are to sympathizers and possible sympathizers and prevent them from joining organisations calling for jihad.

Real jihad should be for the prosperity of the nation and for the well being of the countrymen.
our next plan sud demand Resignation from these wealthy curpt politicans who been protected by over 1500 personals and still they find reason to bash .. and make setup which we needed emergency sud be declare and hire the best professionals and make another team who will evulate their performance not like oppositon and gov shit..
if the person and their team is incompitant then change them or if they make or try to damage country's integraty then they sud be punished in public. we combinly ask forgivness of Allah and implement Allah's law if we can build constitution then anything we can do despite all the oppositions ..
its time to find people who fail us..and punish them.
Whatever comforts you man.... I'm not about to join issue with you or any other Pakistani on this thread. Not the time, not the place and I certainly don't want be scoring debating points on the blood of so many children. If believing we are the bad guys gives you comfort today, so be it. Who am I to deny you that. My sympathies & deepest condolences are with the families who have suffered the loss of a child or any other family member and to those who are injured. If I was religious I would have offered my prayers, I'm not and so will offer my heartfelt condolences.
Never said all Indians have negative mind set ?
There are good peoples.every where ?
Just framing the mindset behind this wish of rulling pakistan !
You are allways well come friend!
The pursuit will lead to the nearest Madrassah

Where ever it leads, it should, even if it means in Afghanistan. Afghanistan was harbouring TTP specially during the time of Karzai. I dont know if the approach has changed with the change of government, however our kids lost their lives in a cowardly attack that was planned at some place within or outside Pakistan. Where ever that is needs to be obliterated.
@Icarus @Abu Zolfiqar @desert warrior @Horus @Oscar @Irfan Baloch @fatman17 @Hyperion @Xeric

Gents, please tell me anything. Any inside info..any talks you had with any Army officer/personnel...any insight as to how Pakistan Military is planning to react to this act of war on us, the Pakistani people?

They specifically targeted our kids...little kids...and murdered them brutally in hundreds!!! :cry:

We all have seen a lot of *****d up, depressing sh!t in our lives. I was in Pakistan when terrorists blew up Marriot hotel...and we all know how angry we feel when these pigs blow up bazars...

But I'll be honest: This one is different. This one is so different.

I have never felt like this before....They chose our kids and drenched them in fire and blood.

This has to be it!!! Pakistan Military and Intelligence agencies should unleash hell on these bastards. There should be a national PURGE of these animals. PURGE!!!!!

Anyone who supports them should be arrested to say the least...

We HAVE TO act now. We have to!!

Just imagine one scenario: What if Hamas had infiltrated Israel, took over a school, and murdered 100+ Israeli children.


IDF would have BURIED hamas alive by now!!!! Israeli reaction would have made Hitler look like a vegetarian humanist!!!

We, the Pakistani people, want the same.


Just look at these kids. Just look at them. Especially the little soul on the left....and now imagine innocent kids like him were made to watch their teachers burned alive!!!! Kids like him were shot in chest and head.

He doesn't even know whats happening....:(

We want revenge....absolute ruthless, merciless, revenge.
Why? What's so profound about the statement? FC uniforms can be easily purchased illegally.

Best case scenario : lack of law and order. I can't buy military uniforms illegally in my country.

Worst case scenario: these guys were members of your armed forces at one point
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