I overall admire pervez hoodbhoy for his contribution to Pakistan in the field of science and technology ,especially his deep intellectual insights. But I strongly disagree on his views on nationalism. According to him nationalism is the curse of modern civilization. Well I expect him to explain why nationalism exists in the first place? The history of nationalism goes as far as the history of first human tribe on this earth. Despite being humans the hard reality is we can't be similar because of the part of the earth where we were born , the different culture, competing for resources , different atmosphere , different race and all the factors that come into play. If in one household siblings who are blood-related can fight with each other , here we are talking so many differences which are beyond our control. The people already fought , died tried to make it work but ended up living separately as tribes to protect their interests collectively or else it wasn't working.
In ancient world they called it tribe, today we call it a nation and as long as nationhood will exist you can't remove nationalism from it. Infact a nation is incomplete without nationalism.
Or else what else Mr hoodbhoy is suggesting the whole world as one nation of humans? The million-dollar question is would that work? Just leave the religious and political ideologies aside the humans on this earth have no compatibility to live as one nation of humans. I am sure we would have to start our journey on this earth all over again doing similar things , things our ancestors did thousands of year's ago.