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Pervaiz Ashraf should resign on Jan 1, 2010


Aug 23, 2007
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Pervaiz Ashraf is the minister for Water and Power in Pakistan; he is a MNA from Gujar Khan NA-51.

He should resign on Jan 1, 2010 because on multiple occasions he said that power crises & load shedding and electric shortage will be overcome by year end but that has not been the case. Instead, cities across Pakistan are facing unannounced load shedding during December.

I hope he has some shame and character to accept the responsibility and leave the post himself.

According to new plan of the honourable minister, power crises will end by summer of 2010.

Daily Times - Leading News Resource of Pakistan

Him and others like him are the contributing factors to PPPP`s decreasing support and popularity. His ouster from the post of minister for Water and Power will at least set an example for others who make false claims and promises.

If Pervaiz Ashraf doesn't resign himself then PM Gillani, murshid pak sarkar (thanks to Azizi), should replace Pervaiz Ashraf with someone capable with experience.

This action will be much appreciated by the people of Pakistan.

A group has been created at Face book in the following name:

Pervaiz Ashraf should resign on Jan 1, 2010

Please join and support!!!!!!!!!!
These people doesn't know the word honour, respect, keeping one's words, promise, ethics, these are all power hungry people, who wait for their turns to loot the wealth of this country and snatch away what little hope the poor of this country have.
These people doesn't know the word honour, respect, keeping one's words, promise, ethics, these are all power hungry people, who wait for their turns to loot the wealth of this country and snatch away what little hope the poor of this country have.

Correct but we can use technology to add pressure on these guys ... world has changed and we need to use all mediums available to us.

Please do join.
Nai yar I love load shedding. It gives me enough reasons to think about myself, sit with family members, plan for upcoming events and things like that. Natural gas Load shedding gives us reason to think what if this natural resource would perish one day.. We must be careful about its use and we must find alternate energy fuels. Thought of People like Asif Ali Zardari make us say "Laholawala.." and thus we keep connection with God more often. People like Perveiz Ashraf help us increase our tolerance levels. Every Pakistani is learning how to live under curfew how it will be at the time of battles.. we are getting battle ready by not having necessities of life. There is always a positive side of the story but we are not Thankful to God for giving us a democratic government and blessings in disguise.
Nai yar I love load shedding. It gives me enough reasons to think about myself, sit with family members, plan for upcoming events and things like that. Natural gas Load shedding gives us reason to think what if this natural resource would perish one day.. We must be careful about its use and we must find alternate energy fuels. Thought of People like Asif Ali Zardari make us say "Laholawala.." and thus we keep connection with God more often. People like Perveiz Ashraf help us increase our tolerance levels. Every Pakistani is learning how to live under curfew how it will be at the time of battles.. we are getting battle ready by not having necessities of life. There is always a positive side of the story but we are not Thankful to God for giving us a democratic government and blessings in disguise.

well gov had plans to introduce IPPs but media and opposition didnt let that happen. now who is to blame?
well gov had plans to introduce IPPs but media and opposition didnt let that happen. now who is to blame?

It is a valid excuse but it was going to be very very expensive.

why not work on Kalabagh and Thar with full speed?

Also, why do we make these empty promises??

This is an opportunity to end such claims.

Power to the people!!!!!!!!!!!
It is a valid excuse but it was going to be very very expensive.

why not work on Kalabagh and Thar with full speed?

Also, why do we make these empty promises??

This is an opportunity to end such claims.

Power to the people!!!!!!!!!!!

1. forget kalabagh. 3 provinces dont agree with such project. about coal projects, they will take atleast 3 yrs to become functional.

2. well yes it is expansive. how can we expect cheap electricity in one year or so.

3. it wasnt an empty promise. gov could have achieved it if they were given a chance. but no, y should we give them space after all we are all experts. especially ppl lik ansar abbasi and Dr Shahid
well gov had plans to introduce IPPs but media and opposition didnt let that happen. now who is to blame?

This is the most stupid idea on technical grounds.
Last govt. of BB profited from it and now they are trying to import second hand junk via dubai.
We have a power policy prepared by last ogvt. which is prepared considering the future needs and direction of development and nothing is written about IPP in it... than where the hell this govt. is bringing it in to the picture.
Is Pervaiz Ashraf deciding things what suits him personaly or does he have any technical reasons?
There are ways to produce electricity in much more efficient manner or better ways to conserve electricity than unscheduled load shedding while theft of electricity amount to the 44% of total power generation.

BTW.... hydal power also control waste of water and regulate its flow in more efficient manner.
It helps in agriculture and environment.

Wonder why india is not interested in (fuel based) thermal generation?
Perhaps their political leaders are not as smart as Mr. Pervaiz Ashraf!
1. forget kalabagh. 3 provinces dont agree with such project. about coal projects, they will take atleast 3 yrs to become functional.
Who is province? technicaly the province which is going to be benifited most is Sindh and NWFP is the closest province to the site! perhaps some villages needed to be relocated but this is normal!
Kalabagh dam is also the world's only natural site for dam with least disturbance to the sarroundings.
Balauchistan........is part of Pakistan and has no technical grounds ot oppose it!
Provinces should assist in national development if they are costing dearly at the expense of national exchequer than they must be dissolved.
2. well yes it is expansive. how can we expect cheap electricity in one year or so.
Well as a matter of fact, perhaps its intial cost is lowest.... yes it's running cost is high as compare to the other methods of power generation. Primarily because the whole process is least efficient and the fuel costs are 6 times more than what it use to be in 90's.
I'm sure if BB was around today she will also reject the idea because today it is not wise to build IPP. other issues related to it are govt. surities given to the private companies. This will make sure that Pakistan will never be allowed legaly to build hydal power in future irrespective of needless provincial consensus.
There were times that last govt. paid ot the existing IPPs without buying any electricity because its part of the contract and will be so until signed.
I know a Pakistani lawyer who became rich in recent lawyer activism and was trying to get more rich by building an IPP but due to instability and risk of disruption in fuel supply he droped the idea.
The point here is to note that the finances ofr such projects which ammutate the got. of Pakistan comes from enimies of Pakistan.

3. it wasnt an empty promise. gov could have achieved it if they were given a chance. but no, y should we give them space after all we are all experts. especially ppl lik ansar abbasi and Dr Shahid
I think the basic reasons given above are enough to convince any one but you are free to discuss the matter with any student of electrical engineering.
consider how much savings 1% more efficient system can bring, while we talk about megawatts? and hydal, wind, solar generation is perhaps 80% more efficient, while we don't pay for the fuel, it is side advantages and environmental friendly.

Last but not the least i would like to add one comment that present govt. is not fair and transparent, otherwise i can prove than many thousand megawatts of small power generation sets ranging from 500VA to few huundred kilo wattas have been imported/smuggeled in Pakistan and are already in operation and are agumenting the national load. those are private generating sets recently bought by every house hold. So this govt. has done nothing but the people of Pakistan has helped Mr. Pervaiz Ashraf in his IPP dream but still he failed, so now as i said they are busy in hiding the statistics of imported generators.
All i can say that IPP is also not feasable because commercial it is not possible to sell electricity more than 8 rupees perunit. while people can produce it at home at cheaper rates. all govt. can do is indulge in smuggling of generators and make profit in lieu of custom duties. i think this is what is going on as we speak.
lolz.. at ur such long explaination

provinces should or should not oppose does not matter. wat matters is that they did oppose. by i do not mean i oppose it rather i would be happy if it gets built.

second. if u dont remember, only talk in town was gov wastin public money in goin for IPPs. look back into newspapers and talk shows by kamran khan. easy or not easy, expensive or not expansive, fact is that gov was not given enough space to execute these projects but was only maligned making her shelve all these projects. even for RPPs, it had to go to ADB for independent varification to convice media that what they are doin is not non sense.

under such conditions do u really expect gov to meet the deadline? if yes then surely i will vote for u durin elections.
3. it wasnt an empty promise. gov could have achieved it if they were given a chance. but no, y should we give them space after all we are all experts. especially ppl lik ansar abbasi and Dr Shahid

I agree 100% regarding the rotten eggs of our media.

My only beef is that I don't see the will behind these promises. PPPP had the support and they could have worked harder to achieve this promise.

PM Gillani or another higher official once stated that no load shedding by year end is Mr. Ashraf's personal opinion and he shouldn't make such statements, however, Mr. Ashraf continued to do so.

This gent need to be punished so that PM could have unity of command going forward.
Sorry guys i do not agree to this kind of working when our hon. minister suddenly declared to go all out for IPP in opposition to the established facts and a in the presence of an existing power policy.
First he should revise the exisiting power policy, so that future govt. have a direction to work and is able to sustain the wise ideas of clever minister.
in the power policy of Pakistan there exist short term plan, medium term plan and long term plan...al what hon. minister has to do is follow up the projects and point out the hinderences.
FYI.... Kalabagh dam was part of medium term paln.... when this power policy was made Pakistans industrial growth was envisioned to be highest in the region but today old industry is at stand still releasing the burden but still we face sudden short fall.... i say it is artificial just to justify the IPP.
Wapda is a big organisation ful of professionals, all what they need is targets and funds. I'm sure unprofessional advise of minister have had been questioned many times by wapda officials during his campaign.
I don't watch TV, since media uprooted a stable progressive govt. so i don't know much about the what TV hosts are upto, now.

Give me the money Pakistan would spend on IPP for the period of 20 years and i'll get you alternate system of power generation for the period of 30 years and after that i'll take all the profit.
Now this is win win situation, why not our minister cut such deal???? just because he is in haste to pocket his minor commision perhaps he do not trust in existence of Pakistan for so long.

For your reference:
Pakistan power Policy of 2002
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