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People of Swat dislike Malala Yousafzai.

She is in more danger there. I sincerely feel sorry for the girl as sooner or later she will be abandoned and you never to even more by her promoters.

As long as Taliban presence and influence is there in Pakistan, Pakistan will remain the most dangerous place for her. Unfortunately Talibans will gain strength in Pakistan after 2014.
In simple words she would be killed in Pakistan, she should stay where she is and propagate humanitarianism and women's right.

and who r u to judge Pakistan?

If she is sincere and brave this is what a noble and intelligent person will do. Her thoughts cant reach in the ears of humans living in 1000 miles away.
As long as Taliban presence and influence is there in Pakistan, Pakistan will remain the most dangerous place for her. Unfortunately Talibans will gain strength in Pakistan after 2014.
Pakistan not a dangerous place Pakistan peaceful country but other country damage the peace. and not like peace in Pakistan.
Most of the country is already on her side. She's looking for additional support. Trying to get influential people involved that can help.

Unfortunately our country has people like you. Maybe that's why she's not around as much. If she were home I doubt you'd go greet her and give donations to her cause. People like you just like to sit back and complain about the people that're actually doing something with their lives.

Why r u saying ''unfortunately our country has people like you'' and blah blah arnt u a Brazilian?

And this forum doesnt represent 200 million living in Pak.
This thread is itself a reality of where she was living and yr saying that whe most of Country is with her! + u have no idea how much people have expressed hate towards her even in Social media which is mostly used by young people.

If she were in Pak and getting donations or not is not the point, the actual point is our System ie Capitalism which is problem When Mukhtara Maai was gang raped in 2001 how much west had supported her and her cause but did she was able to stop rapes? or atleast decrease them?

The only answers is a BIG NO.

Living in this corrupt system where the rich get all the benefits and the Capitalism's Laws protects them in a systematic way(and we have in Pak capitalism's classic form ie feudalism ) u cant promote education and stop exploitation of Human including rapes!

With this system on board u and yr 1000s of Malalas cant do anything unless we change the system itself.
Malala starts education in swat and stands again Taliban.
Are the stop Suicide bomb in Pakistan after the Malala stands again Taliban.
And what Malala work again Pakistan for education.
Before Malala stands again Taliban no education in Swat for girl? :pakistan: Zindabad
Did you see the Taliban threaten to kill her , if she ever returns to the country ? Did you ?

Taliban have threaten Mushy too and not just them but all those bugtis and shugtis but if he is OK being a more bigger and more important target then just a Kid then She can be more then secure.

But thing here is that The person who is a ''Chor'' and corrupt he has ran away from the country as the history shows(Altaf Hussain is an example) if she is what she claims ie a person who needs to fight for women's rights then she should be all by herself! Her voice is not loud enough to be heard as far away as Pakistan is from UK.

She is just being used by West and she will also end up like Mukhtara Maai's anti rape campaigns.
This is what happens in areas with low literacy. People start being suspicious. I recently watched an interview of Malala. I do think she also needs include how things are changing. Also how in certain areas of Pakistan things are different. In Karachi, Islamabad, Lahore, and other major Pakistani cities female education is a normal thing. She is also a child so people need to take it easy.

However she is doing something positive and bringing light to the problems and gathering funds for girls school.

People in Pakistan also forget easily. One moment they'll be hating someone or some political party but the next year they're in love.

i would not bank on the opening stupid piece of write up for obvious reasons because quoting just one "shopkeeper" and calling it that her home town dislikes her is sheer stupidity on part of Reuters.

I agree with your comment about eductaion however, just for everybody's information

SWAT is an area where female and co-education had been the prime cause when there was almost NO literacy in other parts of KPK, even before joining Pakistan, SWAT state had private co-education system.
These fundos on PDF are something arent they. We cant be wrong, well perhaps if they open their eyes we are one the most despised people on this planet. And for good reason, its people like these conspiracy theorists.

Fcking asholes.
Taliban have threaten Mushy too and not just them but all those bugtis and shugtis but if he is OK being a more bigger and more important target then just a Kid then She can be more then secure.

But thing here is that The person who is a ''Chor'' and corrupt he has ran away from the country as the history shows(Altaf Hussain is an example) if she is what she claims ie a person who needs to fight for women's rights then she should be all by herself! Her voice is not loud enough to be heard as far away as Pakistan is from UK.

She is just being used by West and she will also end up like Mukhtara Maai's anti rape campaigns.

Listen , boy . Do keep in mind that you are talking about a common little girl living in a backward area like Swat and not a high profile VIP personnel / leader . Are you comparing the Z++ security of the leaders and other high profile people with that of a teenage girl ? Just because she could leave the country and others cant since they dont have the opportunity , doesn't make it the case that they also wont leave if given the chance . Yes , she's more than secure in Pakistan even though Taliban have threatened her again if she ever returns to the country , vowing to take a second shot at her life right ? :azn: Her voice is being heard in the world and in her own country , just fine , the soft image of the tolerant and moderate Pakistanis is being promoted , funds are pouring in for Women education from the world and its getting the support needed for the task . What else do you call a " voice loud enough " ? What the heck are we doing in our capacity ? Posting and commenting on threads with most of us cricizing her , calling her evil only because of the thinking " All things West are evil and should be forbidden " crazy logic , making her controversial and casting doubts ? If you still aren't hearing the voice that its creating , take the headphones off and listen again .

Yeah , old one . Everyone is always used by the West yet it is the West that you all rely on for technology to equipment to aid to education and what-not and want to go live in there . Hypocritical standards of people are crystal clear . Maybe , its about time the nation learns to praise , appreciate and adopt the " good things " from the West , just like the West does from around the world .
Listen , boy . Do keep in mind that you are talking about a common little girl living in a backward area like Swat and not a high profile VIP personnel / leader . Are you comparing the Z++ security of the leaders and other high profile people with that of a teenage girl ? Just because she could leave the country and others cant since they dont have the opportunity , doesn't make it the case that they also wont leave if given the chance . Yes , she's more than secure in Pakistan even though Taliban have threatened her again if she ever returns to the country , vowing to take a second shot at her life right ? :azn: Her voice is being heard in the world and in her own country , just fine , the soft image of the tolerant and moderate Pakistanis is being promoted , funds are pouring in for Women education from the world and its getting the support needed for the task . What else do you call a " voice loud enough " ? What the heck are we doing in our capacity ? Posting and commenting on threads with most of us cricizing her , calling her evil only because of the thinking " All things West are evil and should be forbidden " crazy logic , making her controversial and casting doubts ? If you still aren't hearing the voice that its creating , take the headphones off and listen again .

Yeah , old one . Everyone is always used by the West yet it is the West that you all rely on for technology to equipment to aid to education and what-not and want to go live in there . Hypocritical standards of people are crystal clear . Maybe , its about time the nation learns to praise , appreciate and adopt the " good things " from the West , just like the West does from around the world .

I agree with most of yr points.......But my friend if u want a change then u must be there to supervise it yourself.

Ap b yahen hain or main b yahe hun dekh lena kuch nai ho ga.

Tell me one family in any Village who is impressed by her and is sending their daughters or sons to school because of her?
She is not the first one to do such campaigns if u remember Shehzad Roy also did not a long ago but again failed badly.

Mukhtara Maai's anti rape campaign is another example.

Now her status is more then of VVIP as she is a world renounced figure and a nominee of Nobel Prize!
Issy ab common na samjho. And also what image r we giving to the world that we cant protect a Kid like her from Taliban that she had to flee from Pakistan to a Foreign Country then tomorrow how will we protect our Nukes from them?
This is west they can make any reason or can use this type Malala like situation's flow or flow of this or such situations for their own goals and objectives.

We need to think broadly with the environment Globally as well in our mind as such type of decision of her not coming and our gov doing nothing in calling her back is gonna give more dirty image of Pakistan then any positive from herself.
it is mind boggling how educated people can't see through the facade erected by terrorists and how easily we believe them to be the peacemakers. Malala as an 11 year old said on American TV and I quote, " a Pakistani Army soldier has written poems in my friends diary....reads out one of them and says, my friend is 11 years old like me (hinting how perverted Pakistani Army Soldier is) ....then closes the diary, looks at the camera and says, " I am not proud of Pakistan Army" ...... then her father alongside her shows a room with prayer mats....then points out towards a cigarette butt on the floor says, " whoever lived here were very dirty people (hinting that whoever prays are dirty people) .......... then Malala shows a square hole in a wall with blood stains around it..says, " this is Pakistan" ..... then shows through the hole, a garbage filled sewerage nullah and says, "welcome to Pakistan" ...... her documentary ended at that .... people call us conspiracy theorists. My question is what is the conspiracy here? she has plainly rubbished Pakistan on American TV, insulted each one of us, insulted our religion by showing prayer mats and saying very dirty people lived here ..... I wonder what would it take for us to know who's agenda she is following.......clearly nothing in interest of Pakistan. Promoting education in Pakistan? my foot
I agree with most of yr points.......But my friend if u want a change then u must be there to supervise it yourself.

Ap b yahen hain or main b yahe hun dekh lena kuch nai ho ga.

Tell me one family in any Village who is impressed by her and is sending their daughters or sons to school because of her?
She is not the first one to do such campaigns if u remember Shehzad Roy also did not a long ago but again failed badly.

Mukhtara Maai's anti rape campaign is another example.

Now her status is more then of VVIP as she is a world renounced figure and a nominee of Nobel Prize!
Issy ab common na samjho. And also what image r we giving to the world that we cant protect a Kid like her from Taliban that she had to flee from Pakistan to a Foreign Country then tomorrow how will we protect our Nukes from them?
This is west they can make any reason or can use this type Malala like situation's flow or flow of this or such situations for their own goals and objectives.

We need to think broadly with the environment Globally as well in our mind as such type of decision of her not coming and our gov doing nothing in calling her back is gonna give more dirty image of Pakistan then any positive from herself.

Sometimes , the person sitting in the back seat is much more prominent/effective/powerful/influential than the one in the driving seat , is that true too , mate ?

Mate , none , not even God can/wouldn't want to change the state of a nation which doesn't want to change itself and remain in the same condition . A doctor cant treat a disease or disorder both of the mind and the body unless the patient acknowledges that he indeed is suffering from it . Maybe , something will happen or something wont but at least its a step in the right direction . If a family doesn't want to teach or provide education to its offspring/children , then it simply wont , even if the God appears in front of them . Who the hell is a little girl from Swat ? But at least the support , encouragement and the money will be there for women education . This is an achievement in itself . The thinking patterns of the society aren't changed so easily , my friend . The nation of Pakistan is the worst confused one which doesn't really know its right and wrong and cant differentiate between friends and enemies , I have ever seen . Consider this as constructive criticism . Now , unless of course you have gone to every single village across the country , you cant really say or claim that . Sorry , you cant . :D

Even if it is now , which I sincerely doubt in Pakistan that she will be provided that much security and constant supervision by the authorities , why exactly should she come to her native country where she will again live under constant fear of her life and threats and harassment from the Taliban and other extremist groups ? Would it be wise by any chance now ? Wasn't the opposition to the religious nut jobs and support for the army when majority of the Swat population was silent and bowing down to religious psychopaths enough to prove her courage ? She lived in Pakistan despite being threatened constantly by the terrorists until she was shot . Let her have some peace of mind and continue her work from there , you do not know the feeling of living in " anxiety and fear " . Are you aware of the people who have left Pakistan due to the same reason of law and order ? You cant call them " not courageous " , but wise . You have to draw a line between " bravery " and " foolishness " at times .

Get to the root . We couldn't protect her in the first place , that is a fact , period . What image did we give to the world when we couldn't protect the writ of the Govt and the rights of our people from extremists in Swat ? How did they take control of a part of our country and why couldn't we defend it ? What image did we give when we negotiated and literally left our own people to the mercy of Taliban ? What image did we already give when we couldn't protect her , despite all the threats leading to the event in which she was shot and nearly killed ? First answer me that . Leave the little girl , all alone , for a few moment . Think deeply . Was it West fault ? Does extremism and terrorism exists not in Pakistan ? Who's the one preaching intolerance and hatred ? Who is the suicide bomber blowing up in the country at various places ? The same Pakistani national or in cases " de facto " Pakistanis imported during Afghan Jihad from around the world . Please , learn to take responsibility of your own mistakes . Blaming the West for your every mishap and problem will not help in the slightest .

Yes , but be skeptical and not paranoid . Considering everyone as enemy and everything Western wrong is not logical or sensible or rational . What exactly has West used her so far for if I may know ? With all the politicians and generals in Islamabad under their control , do they really need a little girl ? Not really , listen to any of her speech and see what image of our country she promotes .


May I have a credible source for all that you have written ? I am sure that such documentary/footage/show is available for all to see , provided that it exists . Why not expose her then by posting it ? Lets put some weight to your claims or if I may interject a new " conspiracy theory " by getting us the link to the new " American channel video " . Apparently , she wrote a lot in her diary , blogs and documentaries which is only being made available to some that too only after she was shot and came in limelight . :lol:
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