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People from India, China out-educating Americans in maths and technology: Barack Obama

The title suits you. Even if Tamil has good literacy, the rural people need government help to get free education and government give them free meals to attract them towards school. You are making foolish analysis by comparing rich elites of Shanghai where people spend a lots towards quality education with poor villagers of Tamil Nadu. LOL

The fact is Tamil Nadu is one of the best states in India, it is not rural. Yet it came last in PISA against the world. PISA does not compare Tamil Nadu with just Shanghai, do you not understand?????? The world is not is Tamil Nadu and Shanghai. Now please go for your PISA test. LOL, LOL>

If India think it can do better, send better students, why pull out of PISA completely???? LOL, LOL, LOL>
You can't make your argument based on relevant point? Or do simply you have comprehension problem?
PISA does not measure top students, it captures the mean of the middle average. How about doing your homework on PISA, how it was conducted, before making your argument?

That is what I am saying, I select 5 brilliant students make them write the toughest exam on earth successfully, and conveniently infer that to the whole population. Do you see a problem here? This is why the whole test is skewed, flawed and unrepresentative

Second, as I said before, any test that ignores the differences in candidate background and compare students based on a test results is inherently flawed. People in the right mind would not compare a rural Indian student to a student from New York. Comparison has to be between apples and apples and cannot be between oranges and apples.

Third, there is also the question of preparation and advertisement. I am from a relatively educated family and I studied in good schools, and I honestly never heard of such test. Advertisement and preparation will go a long way in getting good results in any test.
The fact is Tamil Nadu is one of the best states in India, it is not rural. Yet it came last in PISA against the world. PISA does not compare Tamil Nadu with just Shanghai, do you not understand?????? The world is not is Tamil Nadu and Shanghai. Now please go for your PISA test. LOL, LOL>

If India think it can do better, send better students, why pull out of PISA completely???? LOL, LOL, LOL>
your censorland only allowed score of Shanghai to be released. Come with proper logic why villagers of Tamil Nadu should be compared with elites of Shanghai.
your censorland only allowed score of Shanghai to be released. Come with proper logic why villagers of Tamil Nadu should be compared with elites of Shanghai.

Study is done by PISA, not Chinese government, LOL, LOL. The point is one of your best states came in LAST in the world. The world!!!! understand???? Now you sign up for PISA test.
That is what I am saying, I select 5 brilliant students make them write the toughest exam on earth successfully, and conveniently infer that to the whole population. Do you see a problem here? This is why the whole test is skewed, flawed and unrepresentative

Second, as I said before, any test that ignores the differences in candidate background and compare students based on a test results is inherently flawed. People in the right mind would not compare a rural Indian student to a student from New York. Comparison has to be between apples and apples and cannot be between oranges and apples.

Third, there is also the question of preparation and advertisement. I am from a relatively educated family and I studied in good schools, and I honestly never heard of such test. Advertisement and preparation will go a long way in getting good results in any test.

Have you not taken statistics? Do you not know what is inference? Do you know how polling works?????? If you do, you will not say what you just said. PISA is recognized worldwide as the benchmark. No benchmark study takes in the whole nation or each and every students. You graduated from a top MBA school or a MBA school? Spare me your poor intellect.
Study is done by PISA, not Chinese government, LOL, LOL. The point is one of your best states came in LAST in the world. The world!!!! understand???? Now you sign up for PISA test.

Chinese government was involved in the selection of cities and villages and they only allowed scores of Shaghai to be published.
Have you not taken statistics? Do you not know what is inference? Do you know how polling works?????? If you do, you will not say what you just said. PISA is recognized worldwide as the benchmark. No benchmark study takes in the whole nation or each and every students. You graduated from a top MBA school or a MBA school? Spare me your poor intellect.

I know how statistics work, and I know how statistics can be used to lie conveniently.
PISA has no meaning in India and certainly not a bench mark for Indians education system. I am sure 99.99% of Indian PDF member never heard such a test before joining PDF
I know how statistics work, and I know how statistics can be used to lie conveniently.
PISA has no meaning in India and certainly not a bench mark for Indians education system. I am sure 99.99% of Indian PDF member never heard such a test before joining PDF

No you don't. If you do, you wouldn't have said what u said.

Is India not connected to the world???? PISA has no meaning in India because you came in LAST. If India came in top, it has a lot of meaning. Just look at how your parliament and media celebrated The Life of Pi for winning Oscar as their own, even though it won for best director, not for best actor which are indians. Oscar has no meaning in India, right. Average indian watch Bollywood. This is your indian hypocrisy.
No you don't. If you do, you wouldn't have said what u said.

Is India not connected to the world???? PISA has no meaning in India because you came in LAST. If India came in top, it has a lot of meaning. Just look at how your parliament and media celebrated The Life of Pi for winning Oscar as their own, even though it won for best director, not for best actor which are indians. Oscar has no meaning in India, right. Average indian watch Bollywood. This is your indian hypocrisy.

Things don't work that way in India. India is a large country with 28 states with each state having its own language, ethnicity and culture. Most people have no idea what is going in their neighbouring state, forget what is happening internationally. I am sure 99.99% Indians don't have any idea on what PISA is. Or you can conduct a poll here and see how many Indians know it.
Things don't work that way in India. India is a large country with 28 states with each state having its own language, ethnicity and culture. Most people have no idea what is going in their neighbouring state, forget what is happening internationally. I am sure 99.99% Indians don't have any idea on what PISA is. Or you can conduct a poll here and see how many Indians know it.

It does not matter how things work in India. The fact is every country is free to send student from any cities to participate in PISA. And PISA is not olympics competition, there is no pressure of failing or doing badly. There is no medals or prizes. Student just complete the questionnaire.
The academic criteria has been spelled out to your Govt. Your govt chose Tamil Nadu, one of the strongest in education. And it came in last.
Do you realize you're making yourself looking stupid against something that is as factual and as straightforward as ABC?
It does not matter how things work in India. The fact is every country is free to send student from any cities to participate in PISA. And PISA is not olympics competition, there is no pressure of failing or doing badly. There is no medals or prizes. Student just complete the questionnaire.
The academic criteria has been spelled out to your Govt. Your govt chose Tamil Nadu, one of the strongest in education. And it came in last.
Do you realize you're making yourself looking stupid against something that is as factual and as straightforward as ABC?

As you said, if every country is free to send, then I am sure Government of India would not have sent. :)

Sorry to disappoint you, but I never heard about PISA...You can ask other Indians on this forum. May be they know about the test.
well i have heared about NCERT,CBSE,AISSCE,UPSC,CAT but never PISA???

looks like a new thing to me any way anything a "sky rocketting IQ Holder Chinese" says here is a undispeuted rule & retorting and annoying them on this forum is a Blsphemy...Im a evil,cunning&Timid Yaindoo banyaa im so terrified now BBBBBBRRRrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr ..mummy Bachooooooo:eek:
As you said, if every country is free to send, then I am sure Government of India would not have sent. :)

Sorry to disappoint you, but I never heard about PISA...You can ask other Indians on this forum. May be they know about the test.

Your govt did sent. And India came in last. :(

Nothing to be sorry about, save your disappointment for your country men.
It does not matter how things work in India. The fact is every country is free to send student from any cities to participate in PISA. And PISA is not olympics competition, there is no pressure of failing or doing badly. There is no medals or prizes. Student just complete the questionnaire.
The academic criteria has been spelled out to your Govt. Your govt chose Tamil Nadu, one of the strongest in education. And it came in last.
Do you realize you're making yourself looking stupid against something that is as factual and as straightforward as ABC?

.@Jade @Srinivas @Sashan @GURU DUTT How elites of Shanghai spend on education. Now these guys are are comparing elites of Shanghai with the villagers of Tamil Nadu.
Chinese government only allowed rural families with access to tuition and high fees in school to take part in PISA test for favorable participation.

According to deputy principal and director of the International Division at Peking University High School, Jiang Xuegin:

Shanghai parents will annually spend on average of 6,000 yuan on English and math tutors and 9,600 yuan on weekend activities, such as tennis and piano. During the high school years, annual tutoring costs shoot up to 30,000 yuan and the cost of activities doubles to 19,200 yuan.

The typical Chinese worker cannot afford such vast sums. Consider this: at the high school level, the total expenses for tutoring and weekend activities in Shanghai exceed what the average Chinese worker makes in a year (about 42,000 yuan or $6,861).

According to the Rural Education Action Program (REAP) at Stanford University, high school attendance rates are as low as 40 percent in poor, rural areas of China. The dropout rate runs as high as 25 percent in middle schools. The schools are often run down and poorly staffed. Classrooms packed with 130 students have been reported. Children must often work to help provide for their families, and secondary school fees (high schools charge tuition) are too high for many parents. It is clear that the student sample sitting for PISA is not representative of rural Chinese youth as a whole, but hails only from families strongly committed to formal education and able to afford the tuitions and fees of high school.

And, once again, do not forget that the provinces with PISA test scores were not selected randomly; they were those approved for participation by the Chinese government.
All of these elements undermine the representativeness of the PISA scores.

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