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People from India, China out-educating Americans in maths and technology: Barack Obama

Tamil Nadu consists of both Rural people and Rich people. Out of 100 people/ 100 schools in Chennai only around 10 would be categorized as providing top notch education. So total % of people getting bets education in Tamil Nadu would be 10% and not more.

But obviously if more people have access to schools the literacy rate would be high in Tamil Nadu. High literacy rate doesn't mean everyone of the 88% are getting access to high quality education.

In Shanghai 95% of the people/ schools belong to the elite level.

Now it would be a joke to take a sample from Shanghai and compare it with a sample from TN. Though the ridiculously low level intelligent beings that makes up ccp and its paid brigade cannot understand this.

As if selecting Shanghai alone was not enough for China, the few rural areas which were made to represent, the ccp screened them as if PISA is some Olympic competition. To top it all they then stopped the PISA from declaring the results of even the screened candidates. How shameless and manipulative.

The Chinese education sucks. I would prefer to study in some rural school in India, then to become a coping master by studying in some top-notch low standard highly expensive Chinese university.

Shanghai's minimum wage is $230 which is around INR 15000. And keep in mind we are saying here that 100% of Shanghai people earn more then 15000 per month. Add to it the fact that all couples are single child families, so that means if both parents are working that makes it a minimum of 30000 per kid. Now do not forget we are talking about the MIMIMUM wage here, and not even the average.

80-90% of Tamil Nadu population would be earning much less then 15000 per month. but still most of the kids go to school due to large number of govt. schools so that TN literacy rate is high at 88%. But high literacy rate does not mean all of them are getting or spending on very high quality education. Anyone who can even write his name is considered literate.

But the idiotic Chinese on this forum want to compare TN with Shanghai., when none exists at all.

I know now that even a puppy is more intelligent then the Chinese.
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who give a damn about Chinese stats, Chinese are cheaters and liars, they build pirated copies. Chinese even fight the authorities for not allowing their children to cheat.
As the recent riots showed the true culture of Chinese.

Chinese have pathetic logic levels and low morals.

The avergae IQ derived from the results of two of India´s TOP regions that participated PISA 2009 Plus tests is about 74! See Anatoly´s analysis posted above.

Anatoly´s might not be very accurate but not too far from the truth. So India´s 81 IQ may still prove to be an optimistic upper end estimation by Lynn.
In a thread full of you Chinese falsely bragging - you complain of me showing the facts . ROFL!

It's actually you and a bunch of other Indians who are bragging. I ask you, have you ever seen a European bragging they have made it in the US. As a matter of fact, we Europeans indeed made the US what it is and you guys went to the fertile land that European settlers worked on so you guys can come and prosper. But before the European settlers went to the US, Europe was already highly developed and rich and it's still highly developed and rich today. India on the other hand ... :lol:

In comparison to the Indians, the Chinese have all the reasons to bragg. Just look at their GDP, their infrastructure, their social indicators. They don't need the US to make a point, where Europeans have worked the land to let you guys grow on it, the Chinese can make it at home. Instead of being proud of this shameful fact, India should worry about the brain drain of India. Here in Germany, we try to maintain as many highly educated as possible. Any German who made it in the US is a lost to us in Germany and there is nothing to be proud of.
Tamil Nadu consists of both Rural people and Rich people. Out of 100 people/ 100 schools in Chennai only around 10 would be categorized as providing top notch education. So total % of people getting bets education in Tamil Nadu would be 10% and not more.

But obviously if more people have access to schools the literacy rate would be high in Tamil Nadu. High literacy rate doesn't mean everyone of the 88% are getting access to high quality education.

In Shanghai 95% of the people/ schools belong to the elite level.

Now it would be a joke to take a sample from Shanghai and compare it with a sample from TN. Though the ridiculously low level intelligent beings that makes up ccp and its paid brigade cannot understand this.

As if selecting Shanghai alone was not enough for China, the few rural areas which were made to represent, the ccp screened them as if PISA is some Olympic competition. To top it all they then stopped the PISA from declaring the results of even the screened candidates. How shameless and manipulative.

The Chinese education sucks. I would prefer to study in some rural school in India, then to become a coping master by studying in some top-notch low standard highly expensive Chinese university.

Shanghai's minimum wage is $230 which is around INR 15000. And keep in mind we are saying here that 100% of Shanghai people earn more then 15000 per month. Add to it the fact that all couples are single child families, so that means if both parents are working that makes it a minimum of 30000 per kid. Now do not forget we are talking about the MIMIMUM wage here, and not even the average.

80-90% of Tamil Nadu population would be earning much less then 15000 per month. but still most of the kids go to school due to large number of govt. schools so that TN literacy rate is high at 88%. But high literacy rate does not mean all of them are getting or spending on very high quality education. Anyone who can even write his name is considered literate.

But the idiotic Chinese on this forum want to compare TN with Shanghai., when none exists at all.

I know now that even a puppy is more intelligent then the Chinese.

Why do Indian like to lie? Is it a culture thing?
"Tamil Nadu is one of the most literate states in India. The state's literacy rate is 80.33% in 2011, which is above the national average. A survey conducted by the Industry body Assocham ranks Tamil Nadu top among Indian states with about 100% Gross Enrollment Ratio (GER) in primary and upper primary education"
Yet Tamil Nadu came in Last. Even Rural China ranked in close to the average of OECD. Andreas Schleicher, one of the OECD officials responsible for PISA, “Even in some of the very poor areas [China] you get performance close to the OECD average.”

Dumb indian, nobody is comparing China with India, there is simply no comparison. Forget Shanghai, one of your best states for education came in LAST in PISA. Not even in the middle tier, LOL>

There is no screening. All test are taken randomly. http://www.oecd.org/pisa/faqoecdpisa.htm
Who takes the PISA tests?
Schools in each country are randomly selected by the international contractor for participation in PISA. At these schools, the test is given to students who are between age 15 years 3 months and age 16 years 2 months at the time of the test, rather than to students in a specific year of school. This average age of 15 was chosen because at this age young people in most OECD countries are nearing the end of compulsory education. The selection of schools and students is kept as inclusive as possible, so that the sample of students comes from a broad range of backgrounds and abilities.

Don't be jealous of Chinese.
To all Indian members:

Do we really need to prove anything to these chinese? These copycats have a design, first they make some stats by whatever means, and then they start quoting these stats to prove to the world that they have higher IQ, better heights, and what not, even bigger peni$$es!!

Don't waste your time with this paid brigade, either ignore them, or put across your point in 1-2 posts and move on, let them continue with their whining and crying. This chinese brigade is seriously pulling down the standard of pdf.
Why do Indian like to lie? Is it a culture thing?
"Tamil Nadu is one of the most literate states in India. The state's literacy rate is 80.33% in 2011, which is above the national average. A survey conducted by the Industry body Assocham ranks Tamil Nadu top among Indian states with about 100% Gross Enrollment Ratio (GER) in primary and upper primary education"
Yet Tamil Nadu came in Last. Even Rural China ranked in close to the average of OECD. Andreas Schleicher, one of the OECD officials responsible for PISA, “Even in some of the very poor areas [China] you get performance close to the OECD average.”

Dumb indian, nobody is comparing China with India, there is simply no comparison. Forget Shanghai, one of your best states for education came in LAST in PISA. Not even in the middle tier, LOL>

There is no screening. All test are taken randomly. http://www.oecd.org/pisa/faqoecdpisa.htm
Who takes the PISA tests?
Schools in each country are randomly selected by the international contractor for participation in PISA. At these schools, the test is given to students who are between age 15 years 3 months and age 16 years 2 months at the time of the test, rather than to students in a specific year of school. This average age of 15 was chosen because at this age young people in most OECD countries are nearing the end of compulsory education. The selection of schools and students is kept as inclusive as possible, so that the sample of students comes from a broad range of backgrounds and abilities.

Don't be jealous of Chinese.

are you blind intellectually and seems realistically also. lol lol

If you can sign you are considered literate. So even if you study up-to 5th standard you are literate. 80% literacy just means 80% can sign their names. It does not mean they have the high quality of education which 99% of Shanghai kids have.

really the dumb people which represent China here are only spoiling the Chinese names. Anyone who reads Fattyaids post on this forum and sees his dumb logical abilities would think Chinese are stupid. lol lol

And for the UNPUBLISHED :eek: score of CCP SCREENED :eek: Rural Kids the less said the better.... :( Chinese can feel proud of even the highly manipulated data... :cool: Shows the Chinese culture of cheating... that no matter how but just show a good number by manipulating data and start jumping all over the place..... similar to what the provinces in China do.... publish high GDP growth numbers for self satisfaction by falsifying and manipulating data....

Why did the CCP screen kids for Rural areas? and once screened how is that data representative of Rural China kids? :mad: Too much stupidity in Chinese mind?
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are you blind intellectually and seems realistically also. lol lol

If you can sign you are considered literate. So even if you study up-to 5th standard you are literate. 80% literacy just means 80% can sign their names. It does not mean they have the high quality of education which 99% of Shanghai kids have.

really the dumb people which represent China here are only spoiling the Chinese names. Anyone who reads Fattyaids post on this forum and sees his dumb logical abilities would think Chinese are stupid. lol lol

And for the UNPUBLISHED :eek: score of CCP SCREENED :eek: Rural Kids the less said the better.... :( Chinese can feel proud of even the highly manipulated data... :cool: Shows the Chinese culture of cheating... that no matter how but just show a good number by manipulating data and start jumping all over the place..... similar to what the provinces in China do.... publish high GDP growth numbers for self satisfaction by falsifying and manipulating data....

Why did the CCP screen kids for Rural areas? and once screened how is that data representative of Rural China kids? :mad: Too much stupidity in Chinese mind?

Tamil Nadu has 100% enrollment for primary and it is considered one of the BEST states in India for education. Yet it came in LAST in PISA. Don't even compare with Shanghai, you can't even beat the rest of the developing world, LOL. If India education is so strong, why did it pull out from PISA testing the following year? You can send even better students if you are confident they will do better, but you chicken from PISA, LOL. LOL>

See this is what I meant by India education coupled with you low IQ. Did you even pass reading and comprehension? The data are compiled by PISA not Chinese govt, LOL.
Read the PISA website.

Here I cut and past for retarded indian, like you.
There is no screening. All test are taken randomly.

Who takes the PISA tests?
Schools in each country are randomly selected by the international contractor for participation in PISA. At these schools, the test is given to students who are between age 15 years 3 months and age 16 years 2 months at the time of the test, rather than to students in a specific year of school. This average age of 15 was chosen because at this age young people in most OECD countries are nearing the end of compulsory education. The selection of schools and students is kept as inclusive as possible, so that the sample of students comes from a broad range of backgrounds and abilities.
Tamil Nadu has 100% enrollment for primary and it is considered one of the BEST states in India for education. Yet it came in LAST in PISA. Don't even compare with Shanghai, you can't even beat the rest of the developing world, LOL. If India education is so strong, why did it pull out from PISA testing the following year? You can send even better students if you are confident they will do better, but you chicken from PISA, LOL. LOL>

See this is what I meant by India education coupled with you low IQ. Did you even pass reading and comprehension? The data are compiled by PISA not Chinese govt, LOL.
Read the PISA website.

Here I cut and past for retarded indian, like you.
There is no screening. All test are taken randomly.

Who takes the PISA tests?
Schools in each country are randomly selected by the international contractor for participation in PISA. At these schools, the test is given to students who are between age 15 years 3 months and age 16 years 2 months at the time of the test, rather than to students in a specific year of school. This average age of 15 was chosen because at this age young people in most OECD countries are nearing the end of compulsory education. The selection of schools and students is kept as inclusive as possible, so that the sample of students comes from a broad range of backgrounds and abilities.


I agree with Einstein o_O:eek:

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