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Peace not possible until resolution of Kashmir issue


Feb 24, 2012
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Peace not possible until resolution of Kashmir issue | The Nation

KARACHI - Hizbul Mujahideen Kashmir supreme commander Syed Salahuddin said on Sunday that peace in the region would not be possible until the Kashmir dispute was not resolved in accordance with the UN resolutions.Addressing a press conference at the Jamaat-e-Islami’s Karachi office, Idara-e-Noor-e-Haq, the HMK head said the people of Kashmir had great expectations from the government and the people of Pakistan.

He called for the inclusion of the Kashmir issue in the Pakistan-India talks. The top commander ruled out the Indian claims that the Kashimiris were not interested in the talks, saying, “We are not against the negotiations, but we want our (Kashmiri’s) role in the negotiation as a third force.Criticising the present PPP-led government, he alleged that it had violated the country’s 64-year-long policy on Kashmir by awarding the Most-Favoured Nation status to India.The commander said that until India did not resolve the longstanding issue in accordance with the Kashmiris’ aspirations, the MFN status to India would remain a concern for them.

He added it was totally unintelligible and inconceivable decision on the part of the government to give MFN status to state that had been violating the international norms of justice.” This decision would have dire consequences on the Kashmiris’ peaceful struggle to achieve their legitimate right. He asserted that the government’s decision was against the ideology and sayings of the founder of Pakistan, Quaid-e-Azam Mohammad Ali Jinnah.He claimed that India-trained terrorists were involved in the insurgency in Balochistan province, saying that India had constructed 16 dams :rofl: in Kashmir to block the water share of Pakistan to destroy its agriculture.

The Hizb commander vehemently criticised the world powers policy on Kashmir, and said that world powers and western countries were not serious over the Kashmir issue. He alleged that the West and world powers had adopted dual standards on Kashmir to appease the Indian government.He ruled out the impression that the Kashmir freedom movement was affected after the incident of 9/11.

Salahuddin vowed that the struggle against the Indian occupation would continue until the last drop of his blood. He urged the Pakistan government to highlight the Kashmir issue and the Indian state terror in the occupied valley of Kashmir. He called for national unity, and asked for diplomatic campaign on international level to undertake the Indian aggression against Kashmiri people. Hizbul Mujahadeen deputy commander Javeed Qasoori, JI Karachi Chief Mohammad Hussain Mehanti, Naseem Siddiqui, and Hafiz Naeem-ur-Rehman were also present on the occasion.
Our Kashmir valley is peaceful wic Kashmir you talking abt ? P.O.K?. India are not facing any problems at Kashmir then why we should negotiate with Pakistan?. P.O.K is issue now if you handover it to India then peace prevails in Pakistan.
how stupid indians are btw worst nation on earth that believes in creating insurgencies in other countries and killing people of that its proud of.
No Doubt about it. India and Indians shamelessly defy it, does not make the realities change on ground. Peace in South Asia is only linked to the Peaceful and the Just Resolution of Jammu and Kashmir dispute.
how stupid indians are btw worst nation on earth that believes in creating insurgencies in other countries and killing people of that its proud of.

Are you out mind? here so many Pakistani's still thinking Mumbai attack as their great achievement and felt proud about that.

Whole world know well that who is the worst nation.
I am not real familiar with the whole back-story, but has leaving them as an independant buffer-state been considered?
I am not real familiar with the whole back-story, but has leaving them as an independant buffer-state been considered?

Pakistan is all for Kashmir's Resolution in accordence with the wishes of Kashmiri people, on the other hand shameless Indians are occupying the land and commiting brutalities on Kashmiris demanding their freedom. That's why are hated in whole of our region.
I am not real familiar with the whole back-story, but has leaving them as an independant buffer-state been considered?

It was an independent buffer state earlier and India & Pakistan arguing it to join their respective countries in 1947-48.

Then the Pak tribal fighters/army invaded that 'independent' country first (now they are supporting their wishes for independence..lol) and created mayhem...looting raping etc.

Then the ruler of the 'then independent' country joins India and asked military help. Our forces were there in time to take control of the the situation...
Pakistan is all for Kashmir's Resolution in accordence with the wishes of Kashmiri people, on the other hand shameless Indians are occupying the land and commiting brutalities on Kashmiris demanding their freedom. That's why are hated in whole of our region.

Bhai Fasih, for UN resolution, Kashmir needs to be one. So first you will have to vacate your part, which you are occupying and then talk about UN Resolution.

I would say, we all need to live in present and not in past. And in the present situation, Separate Kashmir is not possible. Neither it is possible in future.

So lets forget being emotional and lets live in peace and work for development of those Kashmiris (which India is doing on it part).
Bhai Fasih, for UN resolution, Kashmir needs to be one. So first you will have to vacate your part, which you are occupying and then talk about UN Resolution.

I would say, we all need to live in present and not in past. And in the present situation, Separate Kashmir is not possible. Neither it is possible in future.

So lets forget being emotional and lets live in peace and work for development of those Kashmiris (which India is doing on it part).

The best option remains a partially demilitarized Kashmir.. with Kashmiris getting special ID cards issued by a joint indo-pak authority.. that way.. they can come and go between the two places..and neither side can cry foul on the ID cards..and life for the rest can go on.

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