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Peace not possible until resolution of Kashmir issue

you call this peaceful but we call it piece of crap

From january 1989 to december 2011(not from 1948)

Total killings 93,712

Custodial killings 6,989

Arrests 1,19,738

Children Orphaned 1,07,434

Houses/shops Destroyed 1,05,936

Women widowed 22,762

Rapes 10,019
stop sending your terorists and this will stop. its not that the peaceful brave and valiant indian army goes door to dorr to rape and pillage. thats the job of Pak Army as demonstrated in BD in 1971.

33000 werekilled by terrorists but there is a large difference between 33000 and 93000 so who is the biggest terrorist?
the rest died natural deaths and about 100 or 200 killed by indian army by mistake for which kashmiris are well compensated and are happy.
The best option remains a partially demilitarized Kashmir.. with Kashmiris getting special ID cards issued by a joint indo-pak authority.. that way.. they can come and go between the two places..and neither side can cry foul on the ID cards..and life for the rest can go on.

Fine in theory but how does it work any different from a passport? They will still be checks to see that only Kashmiris are crossing over & that will technically be border control. Also a second layer of checks will have to done on the borders with Kashmir within the Union of India to make sure that whoever came from the Pakistani side goes no further. Essentially that would subject all Kashmiris whether from the Indian part or not to a border control within India. Will simply become a security nightmare. Of course, all this would be possible only if the gun is completely silenced which doesn't seem likely any time soon.
The best option remains a partially demilitarized Kashmir.. with Kashmiris getting special ID cards issued by a joint indo-pak authority.. that way.. they can come and go between the two places..and neither side can cry foul on the ID cards..and life for the rest can go on.

What Guarantee that Pakistan wil not invade Kashmir???? Like Kargil?
Pakistanis have three options:

1. Defeat Indian Army in a full fledged nuclear war and then claim Kashmir.

2. Convert LoC into International Border.

3. Maintain status quo.

Pick one.
Pakistan will forget Kashmir just like Germans forgot Alsec-Lorraine because obsession had been fatal for both countries.

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