Wonder why the penis was the target? Ears, fingers, nose,testicles, etc were not targeted. Could it be a sex-starved female rat?
Hahaha...that's a good one..."sex starved female rat!!!"...
The people those who are responsible for running that hospital must be punished and sadly this is condition of many government run hospitals in India...Also I would like to ask question to Pakistani, Bangladeshi, China and other developing countries with huge population, please before commenting on the state of Indian government hospitals go and see how your government hospitals and I believe most will be very poorly managed - also don't judge the Indian health care sector with one incident because of the as usual irresponsible government employees...
Indian health care sector is world-class and attracting patients from all around the globe -that is because of the private run hospitals and entrepreneurship, I believe thousand of patients from
Pakistan and Bangladesh come to Indian hospitals for treatment every year and if you have any slightest of gratitude don't genralise the entire Indian health care industry and abuse for this one incident...
Below is one such example for the efficiency and world class standard health care treatment in India...
Dr.Devi Shetty and his hospital have been attracting attention from around the world, and he is called the Henry Ford of Heart Surgery!!!
BBC News - 'Production line' heart surgery
The hospital possess cardiac surgery on the production line, is an extraordinary hospital in India.
The Narayana Hrudayalaya in Bangalore is the largest heart surgery hospital in the world. It has 1,000 beds, and last year it carried out a staggering 6,000 operations, half of them on children.
"The very poorest are never turned away either."
One Third of the patients comes from other Asian countries, such us Pakistan, Bangladesh, Nepal, Srilanka and other Asian Countries and the poor never get turned away...
As per Dr.Shety:-
"When one building and all the specialists in that building do only one procedure - that is taking care of the heart - obviously the results get better" - "And the costs go down significantly"
"In the US a heart surgery costs perhaps 20 or 30 times what it costs here. We are able to do a complex heart surgery for $1,800 (£1,140), and we want to bring it down to $800."
He has been called the 'Henry Ford' of heart surgery. It is mass production, which appears to be a resounding success.
A simple business plan, but potentially quite revolutionary.