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Pasha assured of greater Pak role in Afghan talks

Mr Omar1984,
Please don't make a fool of yourself in this forum. you have been trying to destroy the indian consulates for the quite some time now, I don't think pakis can ever do that. while on the other hand americans have surly destroyed your country. so again get real with your posts.

well isnt it alleged that taleban were responsible for the attack on indian consulate; and now there are talks of negotiations between NATOs and the talebs

what would your comment on that be? I'm curious
America lies.

The minute their spies are again granted access to Pakistan they'll entrench themselves better this time that the ISI is no longer able to bust CIA rings. The fact is America has no role in Afghanistan. After Mullah Baradar's arrest it seemed America had learned its lesson and will keep Pakistan included, but everything it did after Baradar was anti-Pakistan and tried to keep Pakistan out as much as possible.

America will have no reason to include Pakistan once we give in to all its demands. We will have no leverage. This is usual western BS to throw a bone with false promises that no one will remember in a month.

We can't be sure of anything, but we can be sure that America lies.
well can any one show on the light the main issue as Afghanistan claim on Pakistan land

where is disputed area and what is the main issue

can any one share info on that
Pakistan can control not only Afghanistan's destiny but the entire region's destiny. As of now, Pakistan has an upper hand in what goes on in Afghanistan, but Pakistan should not give into pressure from global powers. Pakistan must do what it can to make sure theres a friendly PRO-PAKISTAN Afghanistan next door for atleast 100 years, and to get that eventually ANA, Karzai's government, and indian consulates all have to be destroyed. Pakistan can destroy all these enemies in neighbouring Afghanistan indirectly ;)

The reason nobody trusts Pakistan's ''role'' is because of people like you. The last time you wanted a 'friendly' government in Afghanistan through Taliban, Irani consulate staff were indeed murdered, Indian planes were highjacked to Kandahar and 9-11 was planned and shielded in Afghanistan. What has followed, has spectacularly backfired.

While Pakistan gets affected by Afghanistan, and to that extent has a stake, not much in your history gives the comfort that you can do something responsible and positive with your power.
The two issues highlighted by the media – restoration of US military aid to Pakistan and the release of a Pakistani helper of the CIA – were not discussed, the sources said.

So if the aid is restored then it would be an attempt to malign ISI that Pasha visited US for begging.

Another important decision taken at the meetings was to avoid using the media for “putting pressure on Pakistan before sensitive talks”, said a source while pointing out that a series of official leaks to the US media preceded Gen Pasha’s visit to Washington.

So it is now official that US use media to put pressures on others. FREE MEDIA??? huh?
I know how proud American members here were that US Government could operate in Pakistan without Our Military Help and guess what All our Military had to do is arrest few Americans and their whole network is busted and it hurt them so badly that they had to suspend aid.Pretty much shows how desperate they were.
I know how proud American members here were that US Government could operate in Pakistan without Our Military Help and guess what All our Military had to do is arrest few Americans and their whole network is busted and it hurt them so badly that they had to suspend aid.Pretty much shows how desperate they were.

Hurt? Lol, it's like putting out mouse-traps after all the grain is gone.
So if the aid is restored then it would be an attempt to malign ISI that Pasha visited US for begging.

They had not discussed that so releasing it to Zardari govt is not headache of army

So it is now official that US use media to put pressures on others. FREE MEDIA??? huh?

its a known fact.
well isnt it alleged that taleban were responsible for the attack on indian consulate; and now there are talks of negotiations between NATOs and the talebs

what would your comment on that be? I'm curious

The same comment as yours Sir.

You gave diplomatic consideration to Taliban government in Afghanistan (Before 9/11), and then you started fighting against them because USA ordered you to do so. Do you have any valuable comment on that sir?
I agree with a lot of the earlier posts pakistan is entitled to and must be involved in stabalising Afghanistan. However I take what the americans say with a large pinch of salt. They are liars and I would not trust them. Actions speak louder than words. All their actions so far have suggested that they wish to minimise Pakistan in any process.
I believe this means that the $800 million will now be released in some other shape or form following this meeting then
I believe this means that the $800 million will now be released in some other shape or form following this meeting then

From this thread:

The two issues highlighted by the media – restoration of US military aid to Pakistan and the release of a Pakistani helper of the CIA – were not discussed, the sources said.

Another important decision taken at the meetings was to avoid using the media for “putting pressure on Pakistan before sensitive talks”, said a source while pointing out that a series of official leaks to the US media preceded Gen Pasha’s visit to Washington.

Pasha assured of greater Pak role in Afghan talks | Newspaper | DAWN.COM
Pakistan can control not only Afghanistan's destiny but the entire region's destiny. As of now, Pakistan has an upper hand in what goes on in Afghanistan, but Pakistan should not give into pressure from global powers. Pakistan must do what it can to make sure theres a friendly PRO-PAKISTAN Afghanistan next door for atleast 100 years, and to get that eventually ANA, Karzai's government, and indian consulates all have to be destroyed. Pakistan can destroy all these enemies in neighbouring Afghanistan indirectly ;)

This post and the other one by Pakshah #6 show the mentality of average Pakistanis towards Afghanistan , they have always wanted it to be satellite state to Pakistan . I can understand that Pakistan wants a neutral govt. in Afghanistan but the demand for a Pro- Pak govt . otherwise face Taliban rule shows their true , imperialistic intentions.
Pakistan has long asked for the inclusion of Pashtuns in a significant way in post Taliban setup. Remember those joint press conferences in late 2001 with Musharraf and Colin Powell where Mush was publicly asking for 'Moderate Talibans' to be part of Afghanistan along with 'massive development' funds. Powell, if I recall correctly, agreed to that. Heck, publicly even Bush did not want the Northern Alliance to advance beyond the Shomaili Plains and take over Kabul.

So the Americans have long known what Pakistan's end game has been about: Getting a govt. in Afghanistan which is at least neutral to all. The least acceptable choice was having a pro-India govt. which would strategically 'encircle' Pakistan. Pakistani military planners have correctly concluded that a hostile and powerful govt. in Afghanistan means a long term strategic nightmare where Pakistan would not only have to be on guard for a two-faced conventional front but also even more terrorism than we see now.

All the policies Pakistan has followed in the region are targeted toward countering India. Afghanistan is no exception. This is so obvious to the Pakistanis--and perhaps to Indians as well--but, sadly, most Westerners either have willful blinders or are outright ignorant. Neutralize the Indian threat and you will see these fanatics will be crushed to a pulp like they were in Swat and some other regions of FATA.

Why are Americans open to Pakistan's concerns now, after almost 10 years? May be, just may be, India really is not that much interested in the continued proxy wars? May be various regional powers have decided to 'live and let live' after almost three decades? Or may be, as @Asim Aquil says, Americans are being devious here?

Anyway, Pasha did not go there unless he really needed to discuss serious matters. Perhaps a last ditch attempt to salvage a long, yet rocky relationship. Looks like he has succeeded, even if for a temporary period.

PS. Could be we please stop calling the Pakistani establishment as 'puppets' now? I am sick of Pakistanis loosely calling everyone 'puppets'. These acts of defiance are not the actions of 'puppets'. May be of weak leaders.
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