Errr... Sir Allama Iqbal's Daddy was a Shaikh, and his name was Nur Muhammad. However yes, his Grandfather was a Hindu presumeably a Kashmiri Hindu with the name of Sahaj Ram Sapru. He was also a Kashmiri official who stole money from the state. Therefore Azim Khan the Afghan Governor gave him the choice of either the death penalty or stay alive and convert to Islam.
Obviously he was not converted by the "sword" and one more thing; using the cliche expression "convertion by the sword" truely shows your ignorance about the expansion of Islam. And Heck you thought his father was a Hindu, Do you anything about his personal life, or are you reading biased Indian-based books?
Buddy go get yourself a History textbook or better yet an Autobiography of Allama Muhammad Iqbal, and then come back to me.
UMMM...Why would Indian Muslims be leaving to the GULF STATES for a better life, than staying in India. There are those who even picked up UAE Passports. Evidently it shows they are happier in the Gulf states than they are in their on home land!!!
Post Script: Malang, I'm simply appalled of how you didn't understand "dreams." They wanted to pursue their monetary dreams in the Gulf States so they could get a better life and since the Gulf states are muslim; they would get better treatment. It should been very obvious to you!
Check this out:
Allama Iqbal - Biography - Text
Perhaps that will give you a better understanding