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Paris ban on Muslim street prayers comes into effect

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There must be traffic jam issues...Islam teaches us not to take over other people's rights...If prayers disrupt traffic,Muslims are taking over other people's civic rights which is discouraged in Islam....Many muslim scholors have condemned such behavior and encouraged Muslims to find alternative..In this case Paris city council or whatever they are called have offered alternative.
well I was in France couple of weeks before and I discovered only French government is crazy but its people are not.... I had a very negative opinion about French people but I think I was wrong...

They are very nice and humble people. Loved interacting with many of them. I thought Burqa ban is strictly applied but I saw so many women wearing those big Naqaabs covering all their body. Even myself got irritated after looking so many women with tons of clothes covering their body. But frankly speaking that is ok to me as it has nothing to do with me.

I asked so many local residents about the Burqa ban and its implications and learnt that nobody really forces them to stop wearing burqa. Police man are not as strict as they are in the UK. People even bully them on certain occasions but they are bound by the law and cannot take action upon it. I was very surprised to hear the large number of kidnappings in France. At least one girl is kidnapped every second week and people in Paris were very frightened about this. Some people even believed banning burqa and other silly decisions taken by the government are a way of hiding their failure to control these kidnapping cases and they are really confused about the appropriate step in this regard.

Thats not my comments.. I am just saying what I was told by the French nationals (both French-Pakistanis and French only).
Why?? Is there some Quranic injunction that Muslims must pray in the streets?? And are they noit being offered another place to pray??

muse you should change your nick to anti muslim arab bigot, thats more suits you
Good on the French. Since the mass prayers (and we are really talking MASS here watch videos on youtube) were a display of power, intimidation and massive public nuisance blocking entire streets etc. There are alternatives you know.. This is overdue.

As a German Muslim interviewed about this practice (which is mainly done by the radical Salafists in Germany who call for Sharia in Europe etc.) said: They look and talk like they are from middle ages and the strengthen stereotypes about the backwardness of Muslims...

hello, do you know what your german ancesters were in the middle ages, they were living in caves and were barbarians, germany civilised in 1500 or some thing, before you were living in jungles and caves you got that???
And now it's yours as well:cheers:

oye hue, muse has got guts now, muse tu abb do qadam barh barh k bolta hai, kia baat hai, you got braver now :D i always thought muse had academic sort of language but now lollzz sedha gireban pakarta hai :D
Guys, there is no need to be emotional, you should happy over freedom of religion in your country but try to understand that other countries don't bound to implicate laws you practiced in your homeland. Just like manners of living vary door to next door. We should respect laws where you are living and any religious or cultural issue has to be solved in boundaries of common social rights.
Super K - I know exactly what I am writing -please be assured of that and please avoid collecting rent, from the likes of me anyways, because I just don't play that - Why is it that you seek to collect rent on Islam, Muzloums, Muslims and the like? Who died and said you could? And about these awful Indians, what about them so upsets you that you seek refuge in rent collecting? DO they not have a valid point of view or are they any less Muslim then you or I ??

France bad? OK, France is bad, Why are so many muzloums there? Because it's bad???? Why are these people not in Arabia?? Because it's so welcoming????

So what's the difference between Muslims and Muzloums?? Muzloums as the word suggests, are those innocents who have a victim complex, they live to take offense for all and any, real or imagined insults - can they be helped to not live to take offense? I don't think so - Anyway, I hear you, be assured I know how to write and know what I am writing and take responsibility for what I write.


Muslim but not quite muslim Pakistani but not quite Pakistan intelectual wannabee but not quite intelectual enough.

Symbolic abuse of minorities to appease the racist disease.To pandor or not to pandor - its your choice

Have a nice evening mate

Muslim but not quite muslim Pakistani but not quite Pakistan intelectual wannabee but not quite intelectual enough.

Symbolic abuse of minorities to appease the racist disease.To pandor or not to pandor - its your choice

Have a nice evening mate

Got it - glad you put some thought into that
And now it's yours as well:cheers:

muse's fight club :enjoy:

Why?? Is there some Quranic injunction that Muslims must pray in the streets?? And are they noit being offered another place to pray??
To your first excuse:
Don't you think people would need to do something they're already enthusiastic about? You want that visa and you queue the early hours of the day outside in the street before the doors open. You need that Salaat and you queue outside in the street because the inside is full.
To your second excuse:
They're not. They're being stopped from even renting such places, let alone building them. They're standing their Salawaat in gyms and derelict parking lots in France. But of course to you that's only fair!
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