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‘Pandit Godse’ a patriot

Gandhi was more = India than Godse was.

As is mine for your support of Godse. Would it therefore make it valid for me to visit you with a gun?

It's fashionable to criticise Gandhi & Nehru these days for some or the other(sometimes imagined, sometimes real) failings. They gave us this India, the one where you sit comfortably & type your criticisms of them. It is because of them & their sacrifices that we can revel in the luxury of mocking their efforts. Godse would have given you what part of this India? There were no room for minorities as equal citizens, no secular constitution, no reforms in Hindu laws.......nothing! Why would you want that? They were men as you correctly said, not gods & while they certainly had their failings India is what it is today because of them.

you are also saying this ignorantly without knowing GODSE
hi never said GANDHI is wrong, he just didnt some things about him which were harming nation.
about secularism and equality _-odse had no problem with it,he was just against of giving extra favours to anyone just because they are minority here menaing equality for all.
about hindu reform- you will be surprised but he was strong supporter of reforms and always wanted to eradicate caste system . even though he was HINDU BRAHMIN he himself used to organise sahbhojan where he used to dine with people from all castes specially with lower caste as a fight for caste reforms.:cheesy:
The intriguing false flag reminds me of ''communist''.

Godse was a patriot, a murderer and an extremist. He made no claims that he was doing gods work or that some evil zionists were actually responsible for his violent acts or churn idiotic conspiracy theories. he spared us the drama and accepted responsibility for his actions. He had more honesty than all the closet terrorism supporters here, who no doubt will share their pearls of wisdom on this inviting thread.

Patriotism is a much abused term. No doubt there would be some people who admire Nathu Ram Godse; murderer of Ghandhiji (only second man in the 5000 year history of India to earn the title of ‘Maha Atma’)

Any one one who commits murder needs to be brave else he could'nt dare; but it does not justify praise for honesty or their bravery. Do you think we should praise bravery of the suicide bombers? These people are blowing themselves up because in their mind there is no other way of taking revenge of the drone attacks but to kill those who support the US?

Or the Bombay attackers or attackers of the Indian parliament? After all these people genuinely believed that India has usurped Kashmir and volunteered for action where they would surely be killed. Doesn’t it prove their bravery and an honest belief in their cause? Why do you call these people terrorists?

On the same lines, the Sikh who murdered Indra Gandhi should be treated as a hero because Indra Gandhi sent troops into the holy Hirmander Sahib? Read biography of any docait/robber or gangster, each one has a story to tell. Remember Phoolen Devi?

IMO anyone who kills a personality who has preached non violence all his life; is ignominious and should be condemned without reservation. Any praise/respect or even condoning such a heinous act will indirectly create a justification in the minds of future Assassins.

Only ‘State’ has a right to take the life of a citizen, there is absolutely no justification for anyone else to do so for what ever reason.
Patriotism is a much abused term. No doubt there would be some people who admire Nathu Ram Godse; murderer of Ghandhiji (only second man in the 5000 year history of India to earn the title of ‘Maha Atma’)

Any one one who commits murder needs to be brave else he could'nt dare; but it does not justify praise for honesty or their bravery. Do you think we should praise bravery of the suicide bombers? These people are blowing themselves up because in their mind there is no other way of taking revenge of the drone attacks but to kill those who support the US?

Or the Bombay attackers or attackers of the Indian parliament? After all these people genuinely believed that India has usurped Kashmir and volunteered for action where they would surely be killed. Doesn’t it prove their bravery and an honest belief in their cause? Why do you call these people terrorists?

On the same lines, the Sikh who murdered Indra Gandhi should be treated as a hero because Indra Gandhi sent troops into the holy Hirmander Sahib? Read biography of any docait/robber or gangster, each one has a story to tell. Remember Phoolen Devi?

IMO anyone who kills a personality who has preached non violence all his life; is ignominious and should be condemned without reservation. Any praise/respect or even condoning such a heinous act will indirectly create a justification in the minds of future Assassins.

Only ‘State’ has a right to take the life of a citizen, there is absolutely no justification for anyone else to do so for what ever reason.

totally agreed
GODSE was a assasin and was wrong for taking a human life. he himself agreed to it and hence asked for execution without asking for any mercy.
but that doesn't make him hindu fanatic as claimed by many in any way. he was a political assasin at the most. or maybe INDIA extremist if you want to call it
Gandhi was more = India than Godse was.

But none was equal to India.

As is mine for your support of Godse. Would it therefore make it valid for me to visit you with a gun?

Strawman ! Godse opposed Gandhiji for his unabashed pro-Muslim stand during the fag end of his life which was completely wrong. I am sure if Gandhihi had become totally pro-Hindu , History would not have been so kind on him.

Again why do you people dont understand that if there is a Muslim Nationlism in the form of Muslim League it is completely normal for Hindu nationlism also to exist ?? While calling Hindu Nationlists as Terrorists, what adjectives are used for the Muslim league ??

It's fashionable to criticise Gandhi & Nehru these days for some or the other(sometimes imagined, sometimes real) failings. They gave us this India, the one where you sit comfortably & type your criticisms of them. It is because of them & their sacrifices that we can revel in the luxury of mocking their efforts

Just because they made sacrifices doesnt make them immune to criticism. If thats the case RSS must be doubly immunized from the criticism you ppl shower on it. For example Nehru did many things, but it was his failed vision that resulted in Kashmir and the 1962 humiliation which will never ever go away. You mean to say he should not be criticised for that ??

Godse would have given you what part of this India? There were no room for minorities as equal citizens, no secular constitution, no reforms in Hindu laws.......nothing! Why would you want that?

Why did the Muslims want a separate nation ?? And why should not the hindus of that time also harbor similar aspirations??

BTW Godse wanted many reforms in hinduism, he was staunchly against casteism, one of the biggest stigmas on Hinduism. And pray tell me what reform have come in Hinduism in so called 'secular' India.

Also is the 'secular' constisitution not abused in today's India to the extent that it is not fit to call India a secular nation ??

They were men as you correctly said, not gods & while they certainly had their failings India is what it is today because of them.

I would rather say India is what it is today, more because of Sardar Patel than Nehru.
I tell you one thing, that will be the most shameful day in my life when I will give a skewed look on the writings of a murderer who committed a murder just because he has a different picture of the situation.

What picture you have of Bhagat Singh ?

So you are justifying that based on ones perception if dissatisfaction he or she should start killing people. In a civilized world we can not stop that to happen, but after that blunder happen we condemn such act and brand those as act of terrorists or mad fanatics apart from prosecuting them.

Its not some imaginary perception man !. It was backed by cold hard facts.

Ok...so all the Congress people are intellectually blind and you people with blood in hand are intellectually sane. If that is the contour of discussing a issue then I am disqualified for the discussion. But as this is a public forum any act of promoting terrorists will get equal reply.

I would not go the extent of labelling them as intellectually blind. They just could not go against the overwhelming whims of Gandhiji even though they might have realised that it was not good.

Again Godse was not a terrorist. He was a Hindu Nationlist, the hindu counterpart of Muslim League.

I don't think Muslim or Hindu can be Muslim-nationalist and Hindu-nationalist. They has to be Indian-nationalist. If they are segregated based on religion then that will be offending to the
term, Nationalists.

They can be. Muslim league was asking for a separate nation for Muslims and their counterparts in Hinduism for a nation for Hindus. Perfectly normal.

Don't disrespect the great soul by coloring his nationalism.

No disrespect, but he was a Hindu nationlist. The same reason he could not become the Prime Minister.

It was his problem. If he was mad then what can we do? A man will see a dream and next morning start killing people. By the way it is wrong that Mahatma divided India. It was the circumstance that divided India. Hind sight, I think that was the right decision to take looking at the present day Bangladesh and Pakistan.

Godse did not dream and then went to kill. He had mentioned specific instances about Gandhiji's step-fatherly treatment of Hindus and the bias for Muslims. Given the emotional sensitivities prevailing that time there is nothing to be surprised at Godse's action.

And the benefit of Hindsight available to you and me was not available to him back then.

Godse is a puppet of fear. He did the act not for INDIA, but for Hindu India. As a Hindu I reject that India. Your assumptions are as factually assumptions as the Godse's opinion. I should not comment ones dream. Dream is a dream till it is realized in the eyes of the day light.

Whats wrong I am asking ?? If certain section of Muslims wanted a separate nation for them, then what is so wrong in a section of Hindus also wanting one ?? And you may reject it, but I do not.

And btw aint we all puppets of fear if caring for future is taken as fear ??

The difference is one worked his way into the fold of history and the other get crashed into it. Yeh, you are right finally both are part of the history.

I judge not whether he walked into it or crashed into it. I judge for what reason he walked/crashed into it.
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What picture you have of Bhagat Singh ?
You have a chronic diseases of comparing apples with oranges. I tell you, if I were in those days, I would have preferred to be something close to him.

I don't have the control of mind that Gandhi and his followers possessed to carry on their kind of struggle to bring the country to freedom.

Its not some imaginary perception man !. It was backed by cold hard facts.
Oh...you are a good seductress....:cheers:

I would not go the extent of labelling them as intellectually blind. They just could not go against the overwhelming whims of Gandhiji even though they might have realised that it was not good.

Again Godse was not a terrorist. He was a Hindu Nationlist, the hindu counterpart of Muslim League.
It is pathetic to ascribe ones love and respect as "overwhelming whims." This is the trademark wording RSS pracharaks use in their gathering to defeat the aura of Gandhi while brainwashing people.

They can be. Muslim league was asking for a separate nation for Muslims and their counterparts in Hinduism for a nation for Hindus. Perfectly normal.
The problem is they got their rag tagged nation. But, you still are leaking your wound. The India we got was for all. My forefathers choose it for me. I don't want to give it away to people like you.

No disrespect, but he was a Hindu nationlist. The same reason he could not become the Prime Minister.
For me a religious tag to a nationalist is a curse. India is beacon to the world and hope will remain so. Till my last breadth I will see that the country remain so.

Godse did not dream and then went to kill. He had mentioned specific instances about Gandhiji's step-fatherly treatment of Hindus and the bias for Muslims. Given the emotional sensitivities prevailing that time there is nothing to be surprised at Godse's action.

And the benefit of Hindsight available to you and me was not available to him back then.
All his explanations are rubbish and don't deserve a look. Mind it, your explanation for a killer will hunt you when you take on another killer. Narrow emotions has no place in nation building.

Whats wrong I am asking ?? If certain section of Muslims wanted a separate nation for them, then what is so wrong in a section of Hindus also wanting one ?? And you may reject it, but I do not.

And btw aint we all puppets of fear if caring for future is taken as fear ??
No, you can not get a country of my religion. I don't believe that religion shapes a country. Religion is my personal property and let it shape humanity. Its scope should stop there. Or else if you insists, wait for the D Day.

I judge not whether he walked into it or crashed into it. I judge for what reason he walked/crashed into it.
Don't wear the hide of reason for cold blooded killer. I tell you, in this world every people always has a reason to kill.
You have a chronic diseases of comparing apples with oranges. I tell you, if I were in those days, I would have preferred to be something close to him.

And you have the chronic disease of living in your own cucoon and refusing to some out of pre-determined state of mind.

I don't have the control of mind that Gandhi and his followers possessed to carry on their kind of struggle to bring the country to freedom.

No one talks about the freedom stuggle and even Godse wasnt. It was Gandhi's actions immediately before and after partition that is under scanner. Dont twist facts to suit your needs.

And yes many great leaders like Netaji did not agree with Gandhiji;s methods even for the freedom struggle.

Oh...you are a good seductress....:cheers:

Your opinion about me would be the last thing I care about. Oh wait ! I dont even care about it. :cheers:

It is pathetic to ascribe ones love and respect as "overwhelming whims." This is the trademark wording RSS pracharaks use in their gathering to defeat the aura of Gandhi while brainwashing people.

You can call 'whims' only as 'whims'. Just because RSS uses the word doesnt mean it is automatically false. Also once again you let your pre-conceived notions come in the way of your judgement making.

The problem is they got their rag tagged nation. But, you still are leaking your wound. The India we got was for all. My forefathers choose it for me. I don't want to give it away to people like you.

You dont get my argument...or do you ??!!

When did I say India should be made a Hindu State ASAP. All along I was saying that during the fateful perios of partition, given the presence of Muslim nationlism, there was a equal and a perfectly normal phenomenon of Hindu nationlism.

What makes it so hard fo ryou to understand that simple fact ?

For me a religious tag to a nationalist is a curse. India is beacon to the world and hope will remain so. Till my last breadth I will see that the country remain so.

Emotional Atyachar and nothing else.

All his explanations are rubbish and don't deserve a look. Mind it, your explanation for a killer will hunt you when you take on another killer. Narrow emotions has no place in nation building.

You are so pre-conceived and biased that if if Truth were to look into your face you would just over your eyes and run away. No cure sadly for it .

No, you can not get a country of my religion. I don't believe that religion shapes a country. Religion is my personal property and let it shape humanity. Its scope should stop there. Or else if you insists, wait for the D Day.

Oh my ! I give up. You dont have an inkling of the basis of my arguments and all you continue to spout is some emotional BS and nothing else. *face palm*

Don't wear the hide of reason for cold blooded killer. I tell you, in this world every people always has a reason to kill.

I reiterate - I judge not whether he walked into it or crashed into it. I judge for what reason he walked/crashed into it.
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Godse murdered a great man. I have read his "Why I killed Gandhi", in summary its nothing but a rant of man filled with hate.

The lines and tone of the rant is no different given by the extremists and terrorists today.
Remain a organization. Don't try to over shoot your boundaries as an organization like you. Policies are made in parliament, don't try to formulate policies on the street.

Keep your prarthana with your organization.

im not from RSS.
but i hav brain to diffrentiate between right or wrong,,,
what ur talking is a language of person gettin its feed from media and propaganda far from reality........
lalaji policies made in parliament shud be face of our streets...ok..
AC ke room main baith ke na to policy aur na opinion banane chahiye...
come to ground reality...

waise happy new year
Patriotism is a much abused term. No doubt there would be some people who admire Nathu Ram Godse; murderer of Ghandhiji (only second man in the 5000 year history of India to earn the title of ‘Maha Atma’)

Any one one who commits murder needs to be brave else he could'nt dare; but it does not justify praise for honesty or their bravery. Do you think we should praise bravery of the suicide bombers? These people are blowing themselves up because in their mind there is no other way of taking revenge of the drone attacks but to kill those who support the US?

Or the Bombay attackers or attackers of the Indian parliament? After all these people genuinely believed that India has usurped Kashmir and volunteered for action where they would surely be killed. Doesn’t it prove their bravery and an honest belief in their cause? Why do you call these people terrorists?

On the same lines, the Sikh who murdered Indra Gandhi should be treated as a hero because Indra Gandhi sent troops into the holy Hirmander Sahib? Read biography of any docait/robber or gangster, each one has a story to tell. Remember Phoolen Devi?

IMO anyone who kills a personality who has preached non violence all his life; is ignominious and should be condemned without reservation. Any praise/respect or even condoning such a heinous act will indirectly create a justification in the minds of future Assassins.

Only ‘State’ has a right to take the life of a citizen, there is absolutely no justification for anyone else to do so for what ever reason.

I agree with what you say completely. But since you brought up the mumbai attacks case, honestly tell me how many on this very forum wholeheartedly support the terrorists JUD or LET but will not take any responsibility for their actions??? Then was not Godse a better man than these cowardly posters?

And when a Pakistani lectures me on Godse, can they first change the names of roads in Pakistan named after the murderer Ilam Din first please? Otherwise the overdose of hypocricy is unbearable, no?
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