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Palestinians - The Invented People

It is God's will that Israel will be created and prosper if they stay in the correct path, as stated in the Koran. That is why you see the little Israel today as one of the most powerful state in the world economically and militarily - starting from a barren patch of desert in 1948.

You're a bit behind history buddy; they're no longer the 'Chosen People'. If you were Muslim you would know.
Also I doubt you even know what chosen means; they were chosen to guide people to the right path. It didn't mean that the rest of us had to lick clean their a$$-holes.
That's an assertion.

No it's not. Prove it.

You're unnecessarily deviating the topic. Do you not agree that there is no such thing as "palestine" and it is actually an artificial invention to suit vested interests?

No I don't agree. Palestinians are people of the area who having been there for generations. Not like most Israeli Jews whose forefathers have never stepped foot in the holy land. Again where is the Messiah?
There is no such thing as "Palestine" in Islam to be honest. "Palestine" originates from Christian bible word "Plesheth" and is the name given to people from the eastern Mediterranean to Jordan valley.

If Palestinians are an invented people, then so are Israelis. In fact Israelis are more invented since at least the Palestinians are the descendents of all those people who have lived in these lands (whatever they called themselves, Canaanites, Philistines, Amorites etc.). A large chunk of Israelis are however just Germans and Russians who decided a certain land belongs to them because of their religious beliefs.
The Koran itself says that the Holy Land of Israel belongs to Jewish people. God's promise has been fulfilled for a 2nd time when the State of Israel was established in 14th May 1948.

If I had a penny for every ignorant person like you, I would be wealthy man. Of course there is no mention of Palestine in Quran because Palestine is not an ARABIC word. The Arabic word for Palestine is " FALESTINE ". And you should read Bible more carefully. Bible talks of " PHILISTINES " which are the People of FALESTINE. Stop spreading lies and deception.

Leave it to a ZIONIST LIKE yourself to call a night a day and then try to prove it is really a day.
That statement just demonstrated how uncivilized you are. You are clearly not suited to mature discussion/debate.

Cheers, but most people here know I'm still more civilised than you. At least I'm not a 2 faced snak supporting Israel in one thread and then calling them Evil Zionists conspiring against Holy Iran in another.
there is something called theological state and nation state.

modern nation state concept came from famous french revolution.

that doesn't mean that state were not existing before it.
Cheers, but most people here know I'm still more civilised than you. At least I'm not a 2 faced snake supporting Palestine in one thread and then calling them Evil Zionists conspiring against Holy Iran in another.

No matter how much I try to reconcile or have a mature debate with you, you will always expose your true face by resorting to your trademark of dirty and uncivilized language with personal attacks. You are indeed suited to some taliban hideout and nothing more at that. Now go and join your taliban buddies they won't mind when you tell them to "lick clean their a$$holes".
The problem is that people think they're religion is right and therefore interpret the status of a piece of land (in this case the "Holy Land") as they're own according to what their scripture says. Of course there is nothing "Holy" about a small piece of land in the middle of a desert.

That land belongs to the people who were present there before 1948, the people today known as Palestinians. Not Eastern European Jews (or any other Jews).

It's a sad state of affairs when any Jew in the world can migrate to Israel and get free citizenship while millions of Palestinians are refugees in neighbouring countries.
No matter how much I try to reconcile or have a mature debate with you, you will always expose your true face by resorting to your trademark of dirty and uncivilized language with personal attacks. You are indeed suited to some taliban hideout and nothing more at that. Now go and join your taliban buddies they won't mind when you tell them to "lick clean their a$$holes".

2-facedness isn't exactly very civilised either. As for you, we don't even know if your Muslim, and if you are, whether you're Sunni, Shia or "Quranist". I've seen you quote both the Sunni and Shia Hadith to boost your claims, as well as calling "Hadith" as barbaric creations :coffee:
You don't stand on the sweet side of things either, buddy.
If Palestinians are an invented people, then so are Israelis. In fact Israelis are more invented since at least the Palestinians are the descendents of all those people who have lived in these lands (whatever they called themselves, Canaanites, Philistines, Amorites etc.).

The Israeli people did not have their own state for more than 2000 years. Since the Kingdom of Judea succumbed to the Babylonian invasion. They gained some relief during Cyrus but that was a short lived one because it was the Roman army which destroyed them and dispersed them around the world. Many of them settled to faraway lands like Russia, Germany and even US.

A large chunk of Israelis are however just Germans and Russians who decided a certain land belongs to them because of their religious beliefs.

That is simply not true. The Holy Land of Israel is a historical piece of land which can be traced back to Kingdom of Solomon of Jewish people which was just a tiny piece of barren desert in 1948. The historical people has settled in a historical piece of land. How logical it would be if muslims are requested to shift their holy land (Mecca) to some desert in Africa?

Now I know the argument would divert to human rights issues but a little research would prove that Israel has been very tolerant and peaceful towards (so-called) palestine.
Palestine is not even an Arabic word..Arabs who take soo much pride in rejecting forgien imperialism are fighting for a Roman identity for last 64 years..revived by nobody else than British imperialism! How funny!
The Israeli people did not have their own state for more than 2000 years. Since the Kingdom of Judea succumbed to the Babylonian invasion. They gained some relief during Cyrus but that was a short lived one because it was the Roman army which destroyed them and dispersed them around the world. Many of them settled to faraway lands like Russia, Germany and even US.

That is simply not true. The Holy Land of Israel is a historical piece of land which can be traced back to Kingdom of Solomon of Jewish people which was just a tiny piece of barren desert in 1948. The historical people has settled in a historical piece of land. How logical it would be if muslims are requested to shift their holy land (Mecca) to some desert in Africa?

Now I know the argument would divert to human rights issues but a little research would prove that Israel has been very tolerant and peaceful towards palestine.

C'mon S-19, this is ridiculous. Whatever happened a few thousand odd years ago is done and dusted. The Israelis 'did not disperse' all over the world. Rather it was Semitic Jews who probably migrated to other parts in the Middle East, North Africa and due to proselytisation, gained more followers around the world. Thats why theres Arab, White, Black, Berber, Spanish Jews etc and please don't try to suggest that they're all magically related which is what Zionism is based on.

There isn't even any evidence suggesting the existence of Solomon's Temple or David's Kingdom, let alone any evidence on the existence of these two figures. There is no evidence of the existence of Lot's town which is supposedly located somewhere in the "Holy" land. Zionism is based on myths.

The rightful owners of the "Holy" land are the people who lived there before 1948, today know as Palestinians. Not European, North American, South American, African or Asian Jews. Zionism is blatant racism.
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