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Palestinians back stabbed turkey over peace spring operation

Look, I understand you try to get emotions out of me, you want to hurt me... But I assure you, I don't feel anything from your statement...
I know what I am... Who I am... Where I'm going and Where I will end up...

And I don't even have an once of Anger or anything toward you even with your behavior... That should tell you... That you are wasting your time.

As for Islam... No worry... When times come and your Q yield no answers... You know where to go... what to read...
Inshallah, One day, before the End of this life... you may end up seeing.

Brother we are waiting for you.

I will eigther emotions out of you nor hurt you. You are not the whole Arab world. And I for myself, just want to explain my point of view.
I will eigther emotions out of you nor hurt you. You are not the whole Arab world. And I for myself, just want to explain my point of view.
You are blatantly anti-Arab m8 so there is no point in pretending you are not.

Listen, whether you like it or not your kids and grandkids(assuming your not gay) will be exposed to a Germany dominated by Arabs who will destroy your demographical standards by impregnating your women. Accept it buddy, because pretty soon you will be gone and the world you knew before 2011 will be much different.

@Attila the Hun
You know schools in Turkey are very anti-Arab right? You call Arabs "n*ggers" all the time because you look whiter and think we have to be apart the deceased "Shittyman empire". They expect Arab league to support them in Turkey when they routinely criticize coalition in Yemen.

Quote from a Turk himself
" Part of the problem is that Arab hatred, racism and propaganda are literally baked in to Turkish society. From a young age, we are taught that Arabs are “backwards,” “anti-women,” “anti-democracy,” “anti-liberal,” “anti-modern…” you name it. As a matter of fact, I have seen especially many “Kemalist” Turks claiming that Erdogan is trying to “Arabize” Turkey, whatever that means? Because apparently “everything wrong” with our country comes from the Arab World(!) Turks literally blame all their problems on Arabs, and refuse to take responsibility for our country’s short-comings. Apparently all the Honor Killings that happen in Turkey are a “direct result of Arab cultural influence.” Of course, that’s utter bullsh*t.

Also, for some reason Turks have this idea that Arabs “betrayed us” during World War 1 because some Arab countries revolted against the Ottoman Empire. So I guess when Turks fight for freedom against European colonialism, we are completely “justified.” But when Arabs fight against Ottoman colonialism, they are all the sudden “backstabbers.” It’s ridiculous and hypocritical."
I only see Arabs get vocal about Turks though...because there's pure hatred for Turks is the only explanation i can come up with my friend.
Most of Arabs didn’t care about turkey before erdogan and the Turkish tv shows. For most Arabs turkey is an alien just like spain or Italy Arabs for example don’t know much about Spain except for their Islamic past and football games
You know schools in Turkey are very anti-Arab right?

No, I did not know.

You call Arabs "n*ggers"

Lmao. Alright pal, whatever you say.I guess you lived in Turkey and been through it?

all the time because you look whiter and think we have to be apart the deceased "Shittyman empire"

No Turks want anything to do with Arabs, but same for Iranians, French or Kenyan.

" Part of the problem is that Arab hatred, racism and propaganda are literally baked in to Turkish society. From a young age, we are taught that Arabs are “backwards,” “anti-women,” “anti-democracy,” “anti-liberal,” “anti-modern…”

"Turk quote" , you sure about that? sounds like some rubbish by a ethnic Arab

many “Kemalist” Turks claiming that Erdogan is trying to “Arabize” Turkey, whatever that means?

Kemalists claim a lot of things.

“everything wrong” with our country comes from the Arab World(!)

Turks know very little about Arab world, except what we see in news.

Turks literally blame all their problems on Arabs


Apparently all the Honor Killings that happen in Turkey are a “direct result of Arab cultural influence.” Of course, that’s utter bullsh*t.

Nice lie, and I want proof. Most Turks know for a fact honour killings done by Kurds ONLY.
Also, for some reason Turks have this idea that Arabs “betrayed us” during World War 1 because some Arab countries revolted against the Ottoman Empire.

This only for Erdogan trolls, that like to say Arabs always been there for Turks blah blah.

Most of Arabs didn’t care about turkey before erdogan and the Turkish tv shows.

Good to know.
You are blatantly anti-Arab m8 so there is no point in pretending you are not.

Listen, whether you like it or not your kids and grandkids(assuming your not gay) will be exposed to a Germany dominated by Arabs who will destroy your demographical standards by impregnating your women. Accept it buddy, because pretty soon you will be gone and the world you knew before 2011 will be much different.

@Attila the Hun
You know schools in Turkey are very anti-Arab right? You call Arabs "n*ggers" all the time because you look whiter and think we have to be apart the deceased "Shittyman empire". They expect Arab league to support them in Turkey when they routinely criticize coalition in Yemen.

Quote from a Turk himself
" Part of the problem is that Arab hatred, racism and propaganda are literally baked in to Turkish society. From a young age, we are taught that Arabs are “backwards,” “anti-women,” “anti-democracy,” “anti-liberal,” “anti-modern…” you name it. As a matter of fact, I have seen especially many “Kemalist” Turks claiming that Erdogan is trying to “Arabize” Turkey, whatever that means? Because apparently “everything wrong” with our country comes from the Arab World(!) Turks literally blame all their problems on Arabs, and refuse to take responsibility for our country’s short-comings. Apparently all the Honor Killings that happen in Turkey are a “direct result of Arab cultural influence.” Of course, that’s utter bullsh*t.

Also, for some reason Turks have this idea that Arabs “betrayed us” during World War 1 because some Arab countries revolted against the Ottoman Empire. So I guess when Turks fight for freedom against European colonialism, we are completely “justified.” But when Arabs fight against Ottoman colonialism, they are all the sudden “backstabbers.” It’s ridiculous and hypocritical."
We (Turkish Socialty) dislike arabs, True. But this is nothing to do with skin color. We do love Pakistan for example, and they are not that much white neither. Probably darker than you, But we both love them and respect them because they deserve it... And we dislike greeks too, and they are white.
So, don't hide behind ''color'' We dislike you because history teach you one thing, ''Arabs are weaklings who wants to have a stronger master'' and they are a potential enemy because of this. This master was Ottomans for a while, after that brits and Lawrence came. And now you are a slave of US... Therefore, Arabs doesnt deserve respect. Now you should ask yourself in last 200 years what have your nation done to gain respect.
We (Turkish Socialty) dislike arabs, True. But this is nothing to do with skin color. We do love Pakistan for example, and they are not that much white neither. Probably darker than you, But we both love them and respect them because they deserve it... And we dislike greeks too, and they are white.
So, don't hide behind ''color'' We dislike you because history teach you one thing, ''Arabs are weaklings who wants to have a stronger master'' and they are a potential enemy because of this. This master was Ottomans for a while, after that brits and Lawrence came. And now you are a slave of US... Therefore, Arabs doesnt deserve respect. Now you should ask yourself in last 200 years what have your nation done to gain respect.

So you forgot everything before Ottoman? is that right? and base your "Hate/dislike" on what you think is true?
interesting... You know that every group has 2 sides...
But I will not get into your game and make a case on You or your forefathers... since I think it's wrong...
So you forgot everything before Ottoman? is that right? and base your "Hate/dislike" on what you think is true?
interesting... You know that every group has 2 sides...
But I will not get into your game and make a case on You or your forefathers... since I think it's wrong...
Before Ottoman? Like I said, when were strong, arabs were loyal. But the day we lose our power they were one of the first ones to backstab us. So I believe we should treat arabs just like they deserve, do they want to have a master? So be it. We can have them back when we gain our power back. But there will be no equality from Turkish Nation's perpective. And It is not our fault.
Note: Qatar and Libya is an exception.
Before Ottoman? Like I said, when were strong, arabs were loyal. But the day we lose our power they were one of the first ones to backstab us. So I believe we should treat arabs just like they deserve, do they want to have a master? So be it. We can have them back when we gain our power back. But there will be no equality from Turkish Nation's perpective. And It is not our fault.

You know that Arab countries weren't really under Ottoman Rule later on? They had many opportunities in all those centuries to get out...
But since most of them accepted the Khalifat as legitimate, they preferred to stay as it is. It's not the Arabs that caused you problems in all those years... other minorities that Turkey today is familiar with, that bring you the most headaches... that Arabs themselves helped you, when they just could refused... as they did in many occasions on other subjects...

Now, you can argue that in the later days of the Ottoman empire, Arabs backstabbed you... you can... But those with basic History knows the state of affair of the Ottoman Empire in it's later days... Bad Governance...Corruption... Inequality btw groups/ethnicities... Killing of those who ask for better things... More and More taxes... Elite that get even more richer and so on... Doesn't that sound familiar with what happening today?

Nothing is black and White... The Ottoman was over... They were no saving if the sys stayed as it is... heck your own people Pushed away the "Khilafat"... Remember When Western Forces came in North Africa, and Help was asked but was refused/limited by the Ottomans... Even though they were under Ottoman... and Before ANY Arabs begun to think about independence... Even though those same people gave their Gold,Wheat while being touched by famine when you guys were fighting the Russians...

The Arabs, found an opportunity, in those later days to get out of it, in Hope to get something better, you can't blame them... Now they made a decision and whatever it turns out good or bad, it's their problem now.

Now you can brush all Arabs as the same... But you have to remember that the Arab region was in this last century in almost constant war... and yet to this day, even superpowers couldn't wipe them out... and still resilient... Now, for me... it's far from being weaklings... They may have made terrible choices... that's another subject... but to call Arabs Weakling is quite dishonest...
You know that Arab countries weren't really under Ottoman Rule later on? They had many opportunities in all those centuries to get out...
But since most of them accepted the Khalifat as legitimate, they preferred to stay as it is. It's not the Arabs that caused you problems in all those years... other minorities that Turkey today is familiar with, that bring you the most headaches... that Arabs themselves helped you, when they just could refused... as they did in many occasions on other subjects...

Now, you can argue that in the later days of the Ottoman empire, Arabs backstabbed you... you can... But those with basic History knows the state of affair of the Ottoman Empire in it's later days... Bad Governance...Corruption... Inequality btw groups/ethnicities... Killing of those who ask for better things... More and More taxes... Elite that get even more richer and so on... Doesn't that sound familiar with what happening today?

Nothing is black and White... The Ottoman was over... They were no saving if the sys stayed as it is... heck your own people Pushed away the "Khilafat"... Remember When Western Forces came in North Africa, and Help was asked but was refused/limited by the Ottomans... Even though they were under Ottoman... and Before ANY Arabs begun to think about independence... Even though those same people gave their Gold,Wheat while being touched by famine when you guys were fighting the Russians...

The Arabs, found an opportunity, in those later days to get out of it, in Hope to get something better, you can't blame them... Now they made a decision and whatever it turns out good or bad, it's their problem now.

Now you can brush all Arabs as the same... But you have to remember that the Arab region was in this last century in almost constant war... and yet to this day, even superpowers couldn't wipe them out... and still resilient... Now, for me... it's far from being weaklings... They may have made terrible choices... that's another subject... but to call Arabs Weakling is quite dishonest...
Until last decade of Ottomans they didnt had any ''opportunity'' What would happen to them if they tried to cross us when we had power you think? Here; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abdullah_bin_Saud
They attacked when we were weak, and I really don't blame them, I dont expect anything better than that, but they lose their equality from our perspective. Thats all.
We got rid of the Klafet, right but we didn't team up with brits to kill Turkish soldiers for this purpose.
Ottomans made most of the investment to ''holy land'' while in the same time no tax collected from today's arabia because they were ''Sayid'' they were much more richer than any regular anatolian Turk. But that wasnt enough, they wanted more.
Who do you think wanted to destroy arabs, until today you think? Brits? They were good puppets. USA, Soviets? Arabs always became the puppet of the stronger one. The only power who wants to destroy arabs now maybe israel. And as far as I know they humilated the arabs in all of wars and now they are killing palestinians as their wish while other arabs watch it, I dont personly care anyway... Now saudi and others... They have all this money and power and what? They are nothing more than weaklings.
Until last decade of Ottomans they didnt had any ''opportunity'' What would happen to them if they tried to cross us when we had power you think? Here; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abdullah_bin_Saud
They attacked when we were weak, and I really don't blame them, I dont expect anything better than that, but they lose their equality from our perspective. Thats all.
We got rid of the Klafet, right but we didn't team up with brits to kill Turkish soldiers for this purpose.
Ottomans made most of the investment to ''holy land'' while in the same time no tax collected from today's arabia because they were ''Sayid'' they were much more richer than any regular anatolian Turk. But that wasnt enough, they wanted more.
Who do you think wanted to destroy arabs, until today you think? Brits? They were good puppets. USA, Soviets? Arabs always became the puppet of the stronger one. The only power who wants to destroy arabs now maybe israel. And as far as I know they humilated the arabs in all of wars and now they are killing palestinians as their wish while other arabs watch it, I dont personly care anyway... Now saudi and others... They have all this money and power and what? They are nothing more than weaklings.

You know that "Saudi" doesn't represent Arabs... Their case is a separate one... You should read about the "Majority" of Arabs under Ottoman Rule... the ones in Lebanon/Syria/Iraq/Egypt/North Africa etc... Half of the Ottoman Empire fell to "Colonization" from the Western forces... That half didn't team up with the Brits or French... they actually asked for help but got refused/limited... And the other Half, literally used the opportunity when they was no Ottoman left around...
Now to say they were no infighting, that isn't true... some groups fought under an Independence banner... but it was mostly few attacks but that's it...

Now what is happening to Arabs countries, it's another subject... that has nothing to do with Ottoman ruling, but their own choice... mostly by Choosing the Nationalistic Way...
leave the past and come to present,

From east Asia to Africa Everyone hates Arab dictatorships, is it fault of Turks or Arabs?
tl:dr, @cabatli_53 can you do something about this thread, I think some propaganda has been blown out of propertions and causing a troll war.
ah there is some ignored content and I thought what are they all talking about :D

really I thought it was bismark bashing time :D
We (turks) always expected that one day christians(serbs part of albanians and armenians and greeks i forgot this pathetic nation-we used to **** a lot of greek pussies) will attacks us together with europeans but the real backstabbing was done by our so called muslim brothers(arabs) the pain and anger was even bigger because they did it with europeans(christians) i am sorry but THERE’S NO JUSTIFICATION IN QURAN FOR THIS EPIC BETRAYAL ALLAH PUNISHED JEWS 2000 years ago for already known reasons now arabs are having the same fate since 1915 now arabs are dogs and slaves of west milions of them are killed raped or live miserable life
Ummah is a spirtiual concept but politics wise it will never work I say this as a Muslim Turk that lives in Australia. Even in Australia the Muslims are all divided the Arabs dont like Turks and the Turks dont like them especially regarding Muslim affairs in the country both go their own way. Arabs even block the Turkish community from even talking or cooperating with the government because the Turks should not be the leaders of the Muslim community.

It is a shark eat shark world. Stop trying to save the world and start caring about your own. The Turks helped the Palestinians what did the Palestinians do?? Throw it back at our faces.
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