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Palestinian Hamas says it has resumed ties with Iran


Apr 13, 2013
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Palestinian Territory, Occupied
United States
AFP: Palestinian Hamas says it has 'resumed' ties with Iran

Gaza City (Palestinian Territories) — The Palestinian Hamas movement has "resumed" relations with Iran after a temporary falling out over the Syrian conflict, a senior member of the Islamist movement said Monday.

"Relations between Hamas and Iran have resumed," Mahmud al-Zahar told reporters at a news conference in Gaza, the Palestinian enclave ruled by Hamas since 2007.

Ties had been "affected by the Syria situation, and Hamas has withdrawn from Syria so that it can't be identified with this or that side," he said.

"We've confirmed we are not interfering in the Syrian case, or in any other Arab country."

Shiite Iran had long supported the Sunni Hamas against their shared enemy Israel.

But exiled Hamas chief Khaled Meshaal left his base in Damascus after the Syrian civil war broke out in 2011, criticising President Bashar al-Assad, a key ally of Iran, and moving to the Sunni Gulf state of Qatar.

Subsequent reports that Hamas was supporting the Sunni-led rebels in Syria against Iran-backed Shiite supporters of Assad, such as the Lebanese movement Hezbollah, led to a decrease in crucial Iranian funding of Hamas, according to media reports.

But Zahar denied there had been a complete severing of ties.

"Our relations with Iran were not cut, and we don't wish to cut ties with any Arab countries either, even those that are fighting against us," he said in reference to Egypt, which has taken a hard line against the Islamist group since the military overthrow of president Mohamed Morsi in July.

Hamas is the Palestinian affiliate of Morsi's Muslim Brotherhood, which has been the target of a massive crackdown in Egypt in recent months that has seen hundreds of Morsi supporters killed and more than 2,000 arrested.

Zahar said there was still cooperation with Egypt on getting supplies, including fuel, into the Gaza Strip, but "there is no political contact, because the current (Egyptian) regime is against it."

They can go to the Zionist friends Qatar we helped them but in return backstabbed us while Qatar did nothing to help them along with the barking dog al qardawi the hypocrite




no place for israeli terrorist state in our lands, go back to your home lands terrorists !!
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Nevertheless keep up this unbreakable alliance against our common enemy Israel! :tup:

Good job Iran with your nuclear program, especially after what happened with Iraqi nuclear scientists now you know the precautions and it prevents Israeli terrorists from killing more Iranian scientists.

I honestly can't wait for the day we see a breakthrough and Iran announces it has dozens of nuclear tipped missiles.

And for those who say Iran uses the Palestinian cause that is utter gibberish. Iran supports Palestine out of its heart and had it been in place of Arabic nations today they would have worked to liberate it and kept it for Palestinians without demanding anything.

Thank you Iran for unconditional support countering the US-Israeli hegemony. :tup:
Economic aid is not aid, as the JEWS can destroy as they want
They're just trying to show the world they do something

It's military & politic aid that is needed as Iran does

Qatar are just zionists disguised
pity, they fall in Zionist's trap so easily. after turning around in the Arab dictator regimes, they finally realized that except Iran and Syria no one else supports the resistance, I hope they learned their lesson.
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pity, they fall in Zionist's trap so easily. after turning around in the Arab dictator regimes, they finally realized that except Iran and Syria no one else supports the resistance, I hope they learned their lesson.
Actually i think it's very easy for JEWS to corrupt the palestinians

They can easily enslave the westerner world, so the palestinians isn't so hard for them to manipulate them

We must focus on the traitors and chased them, but not condamn all the palestinians who live under embargo
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